diff --git a/_data/projects.yml b/_data/projects.yml index 83e8c88..88135a8 100644 --- a/_data/projects.yml +++ b/_data/projects.yml @@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ platforms: [js, jvm, native] - title: "doobie" description: "A pure functional JDBC layer for Scala. It is not an ORM, nor is it a relational algebra; it just provides a principled way to construct programs (and higher-level libraries) that use JDBC." - github: "https://github.com/tpolecat/doobie" - affiliate: true + github: "https://github.com/typelevel/doobie" platforms: [jvm] - title: "edomata" description: "Event-driven automata for Scala, Scala.js and scala native. This library provides purely functional state machines that can be used to create event sourced and/or CQRS style applications. It also includes production ready backends."