All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Built-in ignores now match function names more accurately. They will no longer ignore stacks because of file names that look similar to function names. (#112)
- Add an
option to ignore stack traces that have the provided function anywhere in the stack. (#113) - Ignore
alongside other already-ignored test functions (testing.RunTests
, etc). (#105)
- Miscellaneous CI-related fixes. (#103, #108, #114)
- Drop golang/x/lint dependency.
- Add Cleanup option that can be used for registering cleanup callbacks. (#78)
- Mark VerifyNone as a test helper. (#75)
Thanks to @tallclair for their contribution to this release.
- Fixed logic for ignoring trace related goroutines on Go versions 1.16 and above.
- Documentation fix on how to test.
- Update dependency on stretchr/testify to v1.7.0. (#59)
- Update dependency on to address CVE-2020-14040. (#62)
- #49: Add option to ignore current goroutines, which checks for any additional leaks and allows for incremental adoption of goleak in larger projects.
Thanks to @denis-tingajkin for their contributions to this release.
- Migrate to Go modules.
- Ignore trace related goroutines that cause false positives with -trace.
- Initial release.