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File metadata and controls

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Using Docker for testing

  • Install Docker, docker-compose and possibly docker-machine (depends on your OS).

You have two choices for running damspas with Docker:

  • To run a fully self-container docker environment including the rails application:
    • docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml up
  • To run just the dependencies in Docker (PG, Solr, Damsrepo):
    • docker-compose -f docker/ci/docker-compose.yml up

Setup rails databases:

  • Self contained:
    • docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml exec -e RAILS_ENV=test web bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load
  • Dependencies only:
    • RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load

Run damspas test suite:

  • Self contained:
    • docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml exec web bundle exec rake spec
  • Dependencies only:
    • bundle exec rake spec

Development Workflow

If you make changes to the damspas codebase that you want to test, you will need to rebuild the web container which hosts the damspas application. This can be done as follows:

  • Kill/stop the running docker-compose session
  • Rebuild web container: docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml build
  • Start docker-compose session again: docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml up
  • This should only rebuild what is necessary. And won't run bundle install unless you change the Gemfile

Debugging w/ byebug

If you need to use byebug (or similar), ensure you are using the docker/dev/docker-compose.yml file as it contains support for attaching and running a tty in the running container.

If the current web app container is damspas_web_1 then when a byebug breakpoint is hit, open a terminal/tab and run:

docker attach damspas_web_1

This will give you a prompt for interacting with byebug

Errors w/ the web container

If you get an error like:

web_1 | A server is already running. Check /usr/src/app/tmp/pids/

You probably didn't cleanly shut down the web container, leaving tmp files in the container and your local repo that prevent a clean start again. In this case, you should remove any files in tmp/pids on your local machine/host.

Now recreate the container so it removes the internal temp files:

docker-compose -f docker/dev/docker-compose.yml up --force-recreate


To remove all containers and associated anonymous volumes: docker-compose rm -v

To completely remove all unused containers, volumes, networks, etc: docker system prune -f --all --volumes

Persisting data for local development

By default the data stored in the postgres database will be removed when the postgres/database container is deleted.

To persist the data between deleted containers, you will need to enable the volume information in the docker-compose.yml file that is currently commented out in the definiton of the database service as well as the volume definition at the bottom of the file.

  image: ucsdlib/docker-postgres-damsrepo
    # volumes:
    #   - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

# volumes:
#   db-data: