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214 lines (141 loc) · 8.25 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (141 loc) · 8.25 KB

Arcade Cabinets

Please read CONTRIBUTING before submitting your game.

Developer information

See lua/arcade_cabinet_games/test/testgame.lua for an example minimal game implementation.

For development your script must return a function that returns the game table to prevent errors when running via luadev. Once ready for release, your script must return the game table directly.

You can assign the function to a global variable (e.g. TESTGAME) and call cabinet:SetGame(TESTGAME) on the client to test your game.

Required methods/properties

Your game table must contain the Name property.

Your game must implement the following methods:

  • Update()
  • Draw()
  • OnStartPlaying(ply)
  • OnStopPlaying(ply)

Optional methods/properties

Your game table can implement following properties:

  • Author - Your name.
  • Description - Tell the player how to play your game here.
  • Bodygroup - This will control the physical appearance of the cabinet. Available bodygroups are:

Your game can implement the following methods:

  • Init()
  • Destroy()
  • DrawMarquee()
  • OnCoinsInserted(ply, old, new)
  • OnCoinsLost(ply, old, new)
  • OnLocalPlayerNearby()
  • OnLocalPlayerAway()

Available globals



The cabinet has its own internal coin count. You can query this count in your game with COINS:GetCoins() to determine if the player should be allowed to continue playing or for showing the coins remaining.

When the player attempts to insert a coin, the clientside hook ArcadeCabinetCanPlayerAfford is called with the cost defined by the networked data table variable Cost. If this hook returns false an error message is shown to the player. If it returns anything else, the serverside hook ArcadeCabinetInsertCoin is then called with the player and cost. If this hook returns false the coin will not be inserted.

Your game's OnCoinsInserted method will then be called with the player who inserted coins, the old coin amount and the new amount.

The cost can be changed on the server per cabinet with ent:SetCost(amount) and is shown to the player before they enter the cabinet.

You can take a given number of coins from the cabinet using COINS:TakeCoins(amount).

When a coin is "used" the method OnCoinsLost will be called with the same arguments as OnCoinsInserted.

Be aware that because TakeCoins sends a netmessage to the server to update the networked variable it takes time for the coin amount to actually change and for OnCoinsLost to be called, so do not call TakeCoins and then immediately check to see if the player can play - do this check in OnCoinsLost.

The Cabinet

The cabinet has a marquee that can be drawn to using the DrawMarquee method. This method is automatically called when your game is loaded if it exists.

If your marquee requires external images to be loaded before drawing, set the LateUpdateMarquee property to true on your game table and then call CABINET:UpdateMarquee() on the cabinet after your assets have loaded which will cause DrawMarquee to be called once more.

The cabinet can also have custom artwork (templates available here) that can be specified with the CabinetArtURL property on your game table.

The marquee can only be drawn once per game load as it is designed to be static for performance reasons.

Helper libraries

Each instance of the same game will receive the same copy of libraries, so that things such as assets which should be the same between all instances of a game are not reloaded unneccessarily.

SetGame also takes an optional second boolean parameter to forcefully reload all libraries for development purposes.



Has stopped working following an update to GMod, don't use!

Used to check if a font has already been created. Do not use surface.CreateFont without first checking if the font has already been created as it is expensive!


IMAGE:LoadFromMaterial(name, key)

Creates a copy of the given material and registers it with your game. Use this to avoid unnecessary duplicate material loading and to allow materials to use alpha if they do not allow it already.

IMAGE:LoadFromURL(url, key, callback = nil, noCache = false, materialParams = nil)

Used for loading images dynamically from the web as usable Materials.

If defined, callback will be called on successful load with the below table.

noCache can be used during development to bypass the built in caching mechanism.

materialParams can be passed to the underlying Material function - see the GMod wiki.

Access your image with IMAGE.Images[key], which will look like

    err = "Some error", -- if status == STATUS_ERROR
    mat = Material -- if not yet loaded then error material is used


The sound library is mostly a wrapper to GMod's sound functions in order to handle positioning/playing of sounds and cleaning up when games are unloaded.

SOUND:LoadFromURL(url, key, callback = nil)

If defined, callback, is called on successful load with the created IGModAudioChannel. This can be used for example to enable looping.

To access your sound use SOUND.Sounds[key], which will look like

    err = "BASS_SOMEERROR", -- if status == STATUS_ERROR
    sound = IGModAudioChannel -- if status == STATUS_LOADED

Where possible, try to load your sounds in OnStartPlaying and not in Init (unless you need sounds for the attract mode). You should always be checking that the sound you are trying to play IsValid before playing it. Subsequent calls to LoadFromURL will not do anything if the requested sound has already been loaded.

If your game makes sounds in its attract mode, ensure you check the boolean result of SOUND:ShouldPlaySound to know if you should actually play the sound (in case the player has disabled sounds playing outside of their current cabinet).

SOUND:EmitSound and SOUND:StopSound are also available and have the same signatures as the entity methods. SOUND:Play(name, level, pitch, volume) is available as an alternative to sound.Play.


FILE:LoadFromURL(url, key, callback = nil, noCache = false)

Used for loading arbitrary files from the web. If defined, callback will be called on successful load with the below table.

noCache can be used during development to bypass the built in caching mechanism.

Access your file with FILE.Files[key], which will look like

    err = "Some error", -- if status == STATUS_ERROR
    path = "somepath" -- if status == STATUS_LOADED

The path is returned so that you can use GMod's usual file methods on it.


A simple collision library using a mixture of methods including SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) for polygons.

Available types:


Supported collision checks:

  • Box - Box (no rotation, for rotation use Poly - Poly)
  • Circle - Circle
  • Circle - Poly
  • Poly - Poly

COLLISION:IsColliding(objA, objB)

Only convex polygons are supported.

Objects passed to IsColliding must look like:

    pos = Vector(),
    ang = Angle(),
    collision = {
        type = COLLISION.TYPE_BOX, -- see types above
        width = 5, -- if TYPE_BOX
        height = 5, -- if TYPE_BOX
        radius = 5, -- if TYPE_CIRCLE
        vertices = { -- if TYPE_POLY


  • Robro - for the model
  • Sera - for help with environment wrapping stuff
  • Python1320 - for help various things
  • Twistalicky - various ideas/suggestions
  • Xayr - For letting me steal use his HTTP cache stuff
  • All the people who have made/are making games for the cabinet
  • Anyone else I forgot