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Docs for PowerShell Arguments Completers

Some info about using argument completers. For other info, the in the root of the project tells a bit of background/overview about PowerShell argument completers, and has links to further reading about how argument completers make better our daily experience in a PowerShell session.


Getting Started

To register the argument completers provided by this project, you need just a couple of things:

  • the script file in which the argument completer definitions and registration statements reside (save or install it from the PowerShell Gallery)
  • a PowerShell session with the given module(s) (ActiveDirectory, AWS.Tools.*, VMware.PowerCLI) available to it (in the $env:PSModulePath path, at least -- for the VMware completers, the modules don't necessarily have to be imported, yet, but for the AWS completers, only cmdlets for imported modules will be considered for arugment completers, for the sake of speed (since there are 12,000+ cmdlets in all of the AWS modules)). Note: the AWS completers will also work for the monolithic AWS modules (AWSPowerShell and AWSPowerShell.NetCore), but the way forward is to use the per-service AWS modules (provided by AWS as the AWS.Tools.* individual modules).

The Argument completer scripts available as a part of this project:

  • Register-VNActiveDirectoryArgumentCompleter
  • Register-VNAWSArgumentCompleter
  • Register-VNVMwarePowerCLIArgumentCompleter

So, for getting/invoking any of these argument-completer scripts from the PowerShell Gallery (use the corresponding script name from above), it goes like:

## Install and invoke (if you already trust the contents)
## Install a completer script (again, specify the desired name of completer script)
Find-Script Register-VNActiveDirectoryArgumentCompleter | Install-Script
Find-Script Register-VNAWSArgumentCompleter | Install-Script
Find-Script Register-VNVMwarePowerCLIArgumentCompleter | Install-Script
## or, collect 'em all! (install them all)
Find-Script Register-VN*ArgumentCompleter | Install-Script

## once installed (which should then be in the Path), run the script to register argument completers

## or, Save, inspect, install, invoke
## find the script, and save it somewhere
Find-Script Register-VNVMwarePowerCLIArgumentCompleter | Save-Script -Path C:\temp\ScriptsToInspect\

## take a minute to open up the script and make sure that all is well.
#    While vNuggs is trustworthy, trust no one, right? Safety first!

## then, just run the saved script -- this registers the argument completers in the current PowerShell session
#    of course, if you Installed the script, you should just be able to call the script by name, without an explicit path

And, ¡voila! Now when you use the VMware.PowerCLI cmdlets (after connecting to a vCenter server or ESXi host), you can use <Tab> to tab-complete names of inventory objects for parameters.

ActiveDirectory Argument Completer quick info

The argument completers for the ActiveDirectory module are currently centered around object types of Computer, Group, OrganizationalUnit, and User. At least one handy thing for getting these objects is a completer for the -Properties parameter, since none of us remember the names of all ~401 User properties, or all ~189 Group properties, etc.

Some of the ActiveDirectory module commands for which this argument completer adds completion support:

Name Parameter
Add-ADGroupMember Identity
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership MemberOf
Get-ADComputer {Properties, SearchBase}
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy SearchBase
Get-ADGroup {Identity, Properties, SearchBase}
Get-ADGroupMember Identity
Get-ADObject SearchBase
Get-ADOptionalFeature SearchBase
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit {Identity, Properties, SearchBase}
Get-ADServiceAccount SearchBase
Get-ADUser {Properties, SearchBase}
Move-ADObject TargetPath
New-ADComputer Path
New-ADGroup Path
New-ADObject Path
New-ADOrganizationalUnit Path
New-ADServiceAccount Path
New-ADUser Path
Remove-ADGroup Identity
Remove-ADGroupMember {Identity, Members}
Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit Identity
Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership MemberOf
Restore-ADObject TargetPath
Search-ADAccount SearchBase
Set-ADGroup Identity
Set-ADOrganizationalUnit Identity

Quick examples of some argument tab completions for cmdlets in the ActiveDirectory module:

## tab complete the names of the AD groups that start with 'serverOwner_' in the given AD domain, using specified creds
Get-ADGroup -Server myotherdom -Credential $myCred serverOwner_<tab>

## display an interactive list of matching AD OUs through which to navigate (arrow keys) to select the desired OU
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit groups<CTRL+Space>

AWS Argument Completer quick info

As of v1.2.0 of the AWS completers, the script registers about 310 additional cmdlet/param completion combinations. A quick list of the AWS.Tools.* cmdlet parameters whose values can be tab-completed after registering argument completers with the given script:

  • -ApiOperation
  • -AutoScalingGroupName
  • -BucketName
  • -FunctionName
  • -LaunchConfigurationName
  • -LogGroupName
  • -LogGroupNamePrefix
  • -RoleName
  • -Service
  • -StackName
  • ..and a few more (Name on some cmdlets, for example)

VMware PowerCLI Argument Completer quick info

See the next section for how to inspect what argument completers are added by this script to what parameters/cmdlets.

Info about Argument Completers in a PowerShell Session

Here is a sample transcript in which the user investigated some about the Argument Completers in their PowerShell session, both before and after registering completers with the given script.

We see that there were none registered for starters, and eventually there were oodles.

PS C:\> ## have already imported VMware.PowerCLI module, say, via $Profile
PS C:\> ## let's see what argument completers are already registered (none, yet)
PS C:\> ## note: Get-ArgumentCompleter.ps1 is available from Chris Dent's Gist at
PS C:\> Get-ArgumentCompleter.ps1
PS C:\>
PS C:\> ## register some PowerCLI argument completers
PS C:\> Register-VNVMwarePowerCLIArgumentCompleter.ps1
PS C:\>
PS C:\> ## see what Parameters' values we will now be able to tab-complete!
PS C:\> ## (get argument completers are now registered, grouped by the Parameter name)
PS C:\> Get-ArgumentCompleter.ps1 | Select-Object -Property CommandName, ParameterName | Group-Object ParameterName | Sort-Object -Property Name

Count Name                      Group
----- ----                      -----
    1 AddPrivilege              {@{CommandName=Set-VIRole; ParameterName=AddPrivilege}}
    1 AddVMHost                 {@{CommandName=Set-VsanFaultDomain; ParameterName=AddVMHost}}
    5 Category                  {@{CommandName=Get-Tag; ParameterName=Category}, @{CommandName=Get-TagAssignment; Para…
   52 Cluster                   {@{CommandName=Repair-VsanObject; ParameterName=Cluster}, @{CommandName=Add-VmcSddcHos8 Datacenter                {@{CommandName=Get-Datastore; ParameterName=Datacenter}, @{CommandName=Get-VDSwitch; P…
   29 Datastore                 {@{CommandName=New-DatastoreDrive; ParameterName=Datastore}, @{CommandName=Add-CIDatas2 DatastoreCluster          {@{CommandName=Remove-DatastoreCluster; ParameterName=DatastoreCluster}, @{CommandName…
    1 Group                     {@{CommandName=Get-VIPrivilege; ParameterName=Group}}
    2 GuestID                   {@{CommandName=New-VM; ParameterName=GuestID}, @{CommandName=Set-VM; ParameterName=Gue…
    5 HostProfile               {@{CommandName=Get-VMHostProfileImageCacheConfiguration; ParameterName=HostProfile}, @…
    1 ID                        {@{CommandName=Get-VIPrivilege; ParameterName=ID}}
   21 Name                      {@{CommandName=Get-VM; ParameterName=Name}, @{CommandName=Get-Template; ParameterName=7 OSCustomizationSpec       {@{CommandName=Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping; ParameterName=OSCustomizationSpec}, @{Co…
    1 PolicyType                {@{CommandName=Set-VmcClusterEdrsPolicy; ParameterName=PolicyType}}
    1 Privilege                 {@{CommandName=New-VIRole; ParameterName=Privilege}}
    9 Profile                   {@{CommandName=Apply-VMHostProfile; ParameterName=Profile}, @{CommandName=Export-VMHos1 RemovePrivilege           {@{CommandName=Set-VIRole; ParameterName=RemovePrivilege}}
    1 RemoveVMHost              {@{CommandName=Set-VsanFaultDomain; ParameterName=RemoveVMHost}}
    5 ResourcePool              {@{CommandName=Get-VMHost; ParameterName=ResourcePool}, @{CommandName=Move-ResourcePoo7 Role                      {@{CommandName=Get-PIUser; ParameterName=Role}, @{CommandName=Get-CIUser; ParameterNam…
  565 Server                    {@{CommandName=Apply-VMHostProfile; ParameterName=Server}, @{CommandName=Connect-PICom23 StoragePolicy             {@{CommandName=Export-SpbmStoragePolicy; ParameterName=StoragePolicy}, @{CommandName=G…
   18 Tag                       {@{CommandName=Get-Cluster; ParameterName=Tag}, @{CommandName=Get-Datacenter; Paramete…
   15 Template                  {@{CommandName=Get-CDDrive; ParameterName=Template}, @{CommandName=Get-DatastoreCluste11 VApp                      {@{CommandName=Export-VM; ParameterName=VApp}, @{CommandName=Export-VApp; ParameterNam…
   63 VM                        {@{CommandName=Export-VM; ParameterName=VM}, @{CommandName=Shutdown-VMGuest; Parameter…
   77 VMHost                    {@{CommandName=Add-VDSwitchVMHost; ParameterName=VMHost}, @{CommandName=Add-VMHostNtpS…

PS C:\>
PS C:\> ## see how many scenarios now have argument completers available, if we want to use them
PS C:\> Get-ArgumentCompleter.ps1 | Measure-Object

Count    : 931
Average  :
Sum      :
Maximum  :
Minimum  :
Property :

PS C:\>
PS C:\> ## yay!


There is a short .gif (displayed on top-level ReadMe for this repo, too) that depicts some use cases (pictures are worth lots of words). Some examples typed out in words, though:

In the following line, each "<tab>" is meant to show where pressing the <Tab> key will cycle through the possible completion values for the corresponding parameters:

## create a new VM
New-VM -VMHost myho<tab> -ResourcePool re<tab> -Datastore ssd33<tab> -GuestId windows<tab> -OSCustomizationSpec win<tab> -StoragePolicy VVol<tab> -Server vcent<tab> -Name mynewvm0 ...

## move some VM
Move-VM dd<tab> -Datastore nas<tab> -Destination (Get-VMHost esxi0<tab>)

## get some template
Get-Template win201<tab>