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Available Code Smells

Felipe Gustavo De Souza Gomes edited this page Oct 6, 2017 · 3 revisions

Here you will find informations about the code smalls that are currently supported. All the code smells implementations can be found in the project rm-core at the package org.repositoryminer.codesmell. Check the Available Metrics page to more information about the code metrics.

God Class

Description: Refers to classes that tend to centralize system intelligence. A God Class does a lot of work by delegating to other classes simpler tasks and using too much data from other classes. The main characteristics of a God Class are: access many data from other classes are large and complex, and have low cohesion among its methods.

Expression: ATFD > 5 && WMC >= 47 && TCC < 0.33.

Applys to: Class.