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Webcam example

The webcam examples shows how the go4vl API can be used to create a webcam that streams incoming video frames, from an attached camera, to a web page. This program showcases the followings:

  • go4vl device control API
  • go4vl format description API
  • go4vl capture API
  • Using (third-party) package for face detection

Building the source code

Follow these instructions if you want to build the code for your device.

1. Fix face detection modules

The project uses an external package for face detection. For it to build properly, some Go modules must be specically pulled. This is done by running shell script file ./

2. Compile the code

See instructions for on-device compilation or off-device cross-compilation here. If you have the Zig tool chain installed, you can run ./ to cross-compile the source code.

Once you have compiled the code, return here to find out how to run the example.


Run the binary on a target machine (a Raspberry Pi for instance) that has a camera device attached:

2022/05/21 09:04:31 device [/dev/video0] opened
2022/05/21 09:04:31 device info: driver: uvcvideo; card: HDM Webcam USB: HDM Webcam USB; bus info: usb-3f980000.usb-1.5
2022/05/21 09:04:31 Current format: Motion-JPEG [1920x1080]; field=any; bytes per line=0; size image=0; colorspace=Default; YCbCr=Default; Quant=Default; XferFunc=Default
2022/05/21 09:04:31 device capture started, frames available
2022/05/21 09:04:31 starting server on port :9090
2022/05/21 09:04:31 use url path /webcam

By default, the program will attempt to use format Motion-JPEG (or related format). If your camera does not support that format, the example will not work properly.

View the webcam stream

Next, point your browser to your device's IP address and port (i.e. You should see a webpage with the streaming video (see below.)

CLI options

The webcam program offers several CLI arguments that you can use to configure the webcam:

./webcam --help
Usage of ./webcam:
  -d string
    	device name (path) (default "/dev/video0")
  -f string
    	pixel format (default "mjpeg")
  -h int
    	capture height (default 1080)
  -p string
    	webcam service port (default ":9090")
  -r int
    	frames per second (fps) (default 30)
  -w int
    	capture width (default 1920)

The source code

The following code walkthrough illustrates how simple it is to create programs that can stream video using the go4vl project.

Firstly, the main function opens the video device with a set of specified configurations (from CLI flags):

var frames <-chan []byte

func main() {
    port := ":9090"
    devName := "/dev/video0"
    frameRate := 30
    // create device
	device, err := device.Open(devName,
	    device.WithPixFormat(v4l2.PixFormat{PixelFormat: getFormatType(format), Width: uint32(width), Height: uint32(height)}),

Next, start the device and make the device stream available via package variable frames:

var frames <-chan []byte

func main() {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
	if err := device.Start(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("stream capture: %s", err)
	defer func() {

	frames = device.GetOutput()


The last major step is to start an HTTP server to serve the video buffers, as images, and the page for the webcam:

var frames <-chan []byte

func main() {

	// setup http service
	http.HandleFunc("/webcam", servePage)        // returns an html page
	http.HandleFunc("/stream", serveVideoStream) // returns video feed
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(port, nil); err != nil {

The video captured from the camera is served at endpoint /stream (see source above) which is serviced by HTTP handler function serveVideoStream. The function uses a content type of multipart/x-mixed-replace, with a separate boundary for each image buffer, that is rendered on the browser as a video stream.

func serveVideoStream(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Start HTTP Response
	const boundaryName = "Yt08gcU534c0p4Jqj0p0"

	// send multi-part header
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=%s", boundaryName))

	for frame := range frames {
		// start boundary
		io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("--%s\n", boundaryName))
		io.WriteString(w, "Content-Type: image/jpeg\n")
		io.WriteString(w, fmt.Sprintf("Content-Length: %d\n\n", len(frame)))

		if _, err := w.Write(frame); err != nil {
			log.Printf("failed to write mjpeg image: %s", err)
		// close boundary
		if _, err := io.WriteString(w, "\n"); err != nil {
			log.Printf("failed to write boundary: %s", err)

See the full source code here