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File metadata and controls

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This notes are from jadi's introdutory course for Git.

Table Of Content

What is Git

Git is a Control version software. It's very usefull for control the changes in different version, team work : you can know who made this change and when.

git init : add git space to folder. git help Command : give manual of Command

Git WorkSpaces

Space Function Command
Untracked Git does nothing with this file and doesn't track this
Stage The space before Commit and after Untracked Add from Untrack to Stage : git add FileName
Commit File which existed in Stage can commit (add to Project) Commit to Project : git commit -m "Message"

It is great to have more commits with less changes and good message. It helps contribute better.

If you don't use -m after git commit, terminal opens a space to write message. So it is a necessary step for compelting the commit command. (in that window use ctr to handle quite and other func)

Report Commands

git status : Shows situation of files in folder (whether untracked, or had been modified or ready to commit)

git log : Show all the changes (including commits, changes and so on) with user, its message, and coomit time. Every commit has a unique hash.

git show Hash : Show details of each commit with hash of Hash.

File Modification

git diff filename : We can see the changes on file before add to stage space.

git reset filename : To exit file from stage mode.

git checkout -- filename : Discared change to file where added to stage space and revert changes.

git mv : Change file name (need commit after this command)

git rm filename : Remove file from git and system.


Why use branches

Suppose we have main project and we want to add some features to it. It is risky (and maybe not clean) to work on the main file. Git has a solution for us, Branches. Git branches


git branch : Shows us Branches (And what branch we are currently working)

git branch BranchName : Makes BranchName

git checkout BranchName : Switches to BranchName

git merge BranchName : Merges BranchName with active branch

git branch -d BranchName : Deletes BranchName

Git in the cloud

With git we can work with repositories on the net or network but how?

git clone RepoAdress : it copy the repo to your local drive from now I will be Master and the first version of coppied source will be Origin

git push origin master : After making changes to code where cloned, we can (if have authority) commit our changes to that repo. This command pushes from origin to master

git pull origin master : This command commits from origin to master (kind of update local repo regardin to main repo)


Maybe we wanna add some remote repo to git space. we can do it with: git remote add origin RepoAdress : This add RepoAdrees as origin. Then we can push to origin with : git push origin master


What is Fork? When you fork someone project you make copy of project on your account. You can edit it and make request to merge edits to main project.


Sometimes we change a piece of code and want to push to origin but someone else edits that piece and pushed. This is Conflict and git can't push our code to repo becuse there is conflict between my change and the change have been made. Explain more: suppose someone delete a line in a code and push it to origin. i don't pull it from origin and in my local hard this code haven't been deleted. I make change on the line and wanna push it, clearly it is Conflict. So at first I must pull and then open the code and solve the conflict.


When we release new version we are on master branch (not any other) and have a lot of commits. But later how can we back on previous verison? With Tags

git tags : Show all tags

git tag -a TagName -m "Message" : -a : annoate , this adds TagName to currant project. Tags dont commit so in the push they don't push normally. We can push them with : git push origin TagName or push all tags with : git push origin --tags Also, we can tag on specific commits with git tag -a TagName CommitHash

git tag -l "Tagname" : Search in the tags

git show TagName : Show detail of TagName (Messages,Commites and so on)

To come back to previous version (tag) : git checkout TagName but for changes it is better or maybe neccecory to creat branch and made changes on it with : git checkout -b BranchName

Sign Commites And Tags

Why to sign?

Because it is a secure way to show that the commit Undoubtedly belongs to you.

How Does it Work?

You have your own secret key (which sign with it) and public key which others know this and when see tags and commite with that key, understand you made this change.

For generate secure sign we use gpg.

gpg --list-keys Show lists of gpg keys on pc gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG Show detail of keys

gpg --gen-key generate new key

In git : git config --global user.signinkey KEY This change sign key in git to one We already create with gpg. But What is KEY? in the image below the phrase in 'sec' line after '/' is KEY. and the below one is public key.

git tag -s TagName -m "Message" Sign the Tag. To show tag with sign use git show TagName To verify tag with sign use git tag -v TagName

git commit -S -m "Message" Sign commit

Debug With Git

Blame Who Made Bug!

If we know piece of code is bug and want to know who made this bug : git blame FileName : Show who write each line of code git blame FileName -L 10(,12) : Show history of line 10 (lines between 10 and 12 )

Git Debug Proccess

Bisect : Binary Search Commit

git bisect start : Start directory of search

git bisect bad : Mark current dir as Bad . We can add HashOfCommit after bad

git bisect good : Mark currant dir as Good, We can add HashOfCommit after good

and it starts binary search to find buggy code.

پ.ن: این متن یک خلاصه از دوره مقدماتی جادی هست که برای تمرین خودم به زبان انگلیسی‫ نوشتم و قطعا خالی از اشکالات گرامری و لغتی نیست. اگه مشکلی بود خوشحال میشم اطلاع بدین. :)