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This document explains the usage and functionality of transaction package.

The package implements undo logging and redo logging. So, we currently support undo and redo transactions. Any other kind of transaction can be implemented given it satisfies the TX interface. The package has been implemented to be used in conjunction with the persistent memory (pmem) changes being made to Go runtime in a separate project.

The transaction package is initialized through function Init(logHeadPtr unsafe.Pointer, logType string) . If the first argument is not nil, application already has some data stored in the transaction logs in one of its previous runs. In this case, recovery is performed to restore consistent state of stored application data. The 2nd argument specifies whether the user wants a "undo" log or "redo" log. Example usage: transaction.Init(nil, "undo") This function is internally called by Init() function of pmem package and need not be called by applications explicitly.

The transaction variables can be initialized using package functions transaction.NewUndoTx() or transaction.NewRedoTx()

The TX interface requires the following methods to be implemented:

  1. Begin() error This marks the beginning of a new transaction. Nested transactions are supported and can be started by calling Begin() before the outer transaction completes.

  2. End() bool This marks the end of the ongoing transaction and is equivalent to committing a transaction. On the end of a transaction, all the changes known to the log are persisted to pmem. Note that updates to inner transactions are not persisted if there is a crash before the outer transaction is complete. For undo transaction, calling End() makes sure all updates to variables logged using Log() are persisted to pmem. If a sliceheader was logged, any changes to the sliceheader and any changes to the elements of slice are persisted to pmem as well. All the data stored in the undo log is discarded after everything has been persisted by setting the tail of log to zero. If there was a crash when End() was being executed, a subsequent application restart would call abort() which reverts all the updates made.

For redo transactions, calling End() causes all updates in the redo log to be persisted to pmem. Once this is done, the transaction is marked committed. All the updates in the redo log are now transferred to the program variables. If there is a crash, a subsequent application restart checks the value of committed variable. If marked true, all the updates in the redo log are transferred to the program variables. Since we support value-based logging, this operation is idempotent and works across multiple crashes. If committed is false, all updates in redo log are dropped by calling abort()

  1. Log(...interface{}) error For undo transactions, the expected syntax is Log(ptr) or Log(slice). If Log() is called with more than one argument for undo transactions, we return an error immediately. Undo log captures the state of the variable before the update and allows the update in-place. So, to successfully log a data structure in undo log, we need the address and the size of the data structure. The size of the data structure is obtained from Go’s type system inside this function. So, only one argument needs to be passed. Typical usage for undo tx looks like:
tx.Log(&node) = newNode
node.val = newVal
myStruct.i = 2
mySlice[2] = 100

For redo transactions, the expected syntax is Log(ptr, new value) or Log (old slice, new slice). If Log() is called with more/less than two arguments for redo transactions, or if there is a mismtach in the type of the old and new value, an error is returned immediately. Redo log creates a new copy of the variable on the first update and flushes changes to program data structures only on transaction commit. So, to log a data structure in redo log, the new value needs to be provided too. Typical usage for redo tx looks like:

tx.Log(&, newNode)
tx.Log(&node.val, newVal)
tx.Log(&myStruct.i, 2)
newSlice[2] = 100
tx.Log(mySlice, newSlice)
  1. ReadLog(interface{}) interface{} Updates in a redo transaction are not made in-place. As such, any Log() call in a redo transaction creates a new copy of the variable. If the application wants to read the latest update made within the transaction, reading the variable gives old data. ReadLog() method does this. It expects the pointer to the variable whose latest value is needed. If the pointer was never logged before and not stored in the redo log before, the latest value at the memory location is returned.

All the updates to variables in an undo logging mechanism are made in-place. So, the latest updates can be read by directly reading the variable. So, this method is not supported for undo transactions. Currently, we return an empty interface if this method is called with undo transactions.

  1. RLock(*sync.RWMutex)/ WLock(*sync.RWMutex) / Lock(*sync.RWMutex) Updates within a transaction should not be visible outside until the transaction is committed. This is the Isolation property of transactions. In our case, users have two options: a) Acquire all the locks before the transaction begins, and release all the locks after the transaction is over. Thus a typical usage pattern would be:
m1 := new(sync.RWMutex)
m2 := new(sync.RWMutex)
// Application code
// may include a function call
// This should not include acquiring locks and then updating data structures
// through transaction since the update would be visible before tx is committed.
// If there is a crash here, tx would revert this update but it 
// has already been seen, causing inconsistency.

This approach is similar to strict 2-Phase Locking of database transactions.

b) Acquire locks through RLock()/WLock()/Lock() provided by transactions. Calling WLock or Lock acquires the write lock on the RWMutex, wherease RLock acquires the read lock. All these calls also store the address of the mutex. All the locks acquired within a transaction are released when the transaction completes successfully or if it is aborted. Using this provides the application the flexibility to acquire locks just before data strcutures are accessed. A typical usage pattern would be:

m1 := new(sync.RWMutex)
m2 := new(sync.RWMutex)
// Application code

This approach is similar to 2-Phase Locking of database transactions.

  1. abort() error This method is not accessible to users of the package, but as the name suggests it would abort an ongoing transaction, reverting all the updates if the transaction has not been committed. If the transaction is already marked committed (This path is taken only for redo transactions), all updates are retried. To trigger abort(), users can instead use the package function transaction.Release(tx)

  2. Exec(...interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, error) This method allows users to call functions that would be executed within a transaction, and can be particularly useful for closures. Typical use would be:

func add(tx transaction.TX, a *int, b *int) {
	a = a + b
// code
// code
retVal, err = tx.Exec(add, a, b)


// code
_, err = tx.Exec(func(tx transaction.TX) {
	a = a + b // a & b are variables outside this closure

More usage of transactions can be seen in the tests/ directory.