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Semver4k is a lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform library that helps you handling versions. It follows the rules of the semantic versioning specification and provides several versioning modes: strict, NPM, CocoaPods...

This library is a fork of semver4j completly rewritten in kotlin.

Supported Kotlin Multiplatform targets:

  • jvm
  • ios
  • (Additional targets can be added as needed)


Add the dependency to your project:

Using maven


Using gradle



What is a version?

In Semver4k, a version looks like: 1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87.

  • 1 is the major part (required)
  • 2 is the minor part (required in strict mode)
  • 3 is the patch part (required in strict mode)
  • beta and 4 are the version suffixes (optional)
  • sha899d8g79f87 is the build information (optional)

The Semver object

You can create a version by using one of the 2 constructors:

val sem1 = Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87") // Defaults to STRICT mode
val sem2 = Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87", SemverType.NPM) // Specify the mode

If the version is invalid, a SemverException will be thrown.
You can access the different parts of the version using getMajor(), getMinor(), getPatch(), getSuffixTokens() or getBuild().

Type Mandatory Optional
STRICT major, minor, patch suffix, build
LOOSE major minor, patch, suffix, build
NPM major minor, patch, suffix, build
COCOAPODS major minor, patch, suffix, build

Is the version stable?

You can check if you're working with a stable version by using Semver#isStable().

A version is stable if its major number is strictly positive and it has no suffix.




Comparing the versions

  • isGreaterThan returns true if the version is strictly greater than the other one.
val sem = Semver("1.2.3")
sem.isGreaterThan("1.2.2") // true
sem.isGreaterThan("1.2.4") // false
sem.isGreaterThan("1.2.3") // false
  • isLowerThan returns true if the version is strictly lower than the other one.
val sem = Semver("1.2.3")
sem.isLowerThan("1.2.2") // false
sem.isLowerThan("1.2.4") // true
sem.isLowerThan("1.2.3") // false
  • isEqualTo returns true if the versions are exactly the same.
val sem = Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789")
sem.isEqualTo("1.2.3+sha123456789") // true
sem.isEqualTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI") // false
  • isEquivalentTo returns true if the versions are the same (does not take the build information into account).
val sem = Semver("1.2.3+sha123456789")
sem.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+sha123456789") // true
sem.isEquivalentTo("1.2.3+shaABCDEFGHI") // true

Versions diffs

If you want to know what is the main difference between 2 versions, use the diff method. It will return a VersionDiff enum value among: NONE, MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, SUFFIX, BUILD. It will always return the biggest difference.

val sem = Semver("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87")
sem.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha899d8g79f87") // NONE
sem.diff("2.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987") // MAJOR
sem.diff("1.3.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987") // MINOR
sem.diff("1.2.4-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987") // PATCH
sem.diff("1.2.3-alpha.5+sha32iddfu987") // SUFFIX
sem.diff("1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987") // BUILD


If you want to check if a version satisfies a requirement, use the satisfies method.

  • In STRICT and LOOSE modes, the requirement can only be another version.
  • In NPM mode, the requirement follows NPM versioning rules.
// STRICT mode
val semStrict = Semver("1.2.3", SemverType.STRICT)
semStrict.satisfies("1.2.3") // true
semStrict.satisfies("1.2.2") // false
semStrict.satisfies("1.2.4") // false
semStrict.satisfies(">1.2.2") // SemverException, incompatible requirement for a STRICT mode

// NPM mode (those are just examples, check NPM documentation to see all the cases)
val semNPM =  Semver("1.2.3", SemverType.NPM)
semNPM.satisfies(">1.2.2") // true
semNPM.satisfies("1.1.1 || 1.2.3 - 2.0.0") // true
semNPM.satisfies("1.1.*") // false
semNPM.satisfies("~1.2.1") // true
semNPM.satisfies("^1.1.1") // true

// COCOAPODS mode (those are just examples, check CocoaPods documentation to see all the cases)
val semPOD =  Semver("1.2.3", SemverType.COCOAPODS)
semPOD.satisfies("> 1.2.2") // true
semPOD.satisfies("~> 1.2.1") // true
semPOD.satisfies("<= 1.1.1") // false

// IVY mode (those are just examples, check Ivy/gradle documentation to see all the cases)
val semIVY = Semver("1.2.3", SemverType.IVY)
semIVY.satisfies("1.2.+") // true
semIVY.satisfies("(,1.8.9]") // true
semIVY.satisfies("[0.2,1.4]") // true

Modifying the version

The Semver object is immutable. However, it provides a set of methods that will help you create new versions:

  • withIncMajor() and withIncMajor(int increment) returns a Semver object with the major part incremented
  • withIncMinor() and withIncMinor(int increment) returns a Semver object with the minor part incremented
  • withIncPatch() and withIncPatch(int increment) returns a Semver object with the patch part incremented
  • withClearedSuffix() returns a Semver object with no suffix
  • withClearedBuild() returns a Semver object with no build information

You can also use built-in versioning methods such as:

  • nextMajor(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 2.0.0
  • nextMinor(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.3.0
  • nextPatch(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.2.4
  • nextIncrement(): 1.2.3-beta.4+sha32iddfu987 => 1.2.3-beta.5+sha32iddfu987


Any pull request or bug report is welcome!
If you have any suggestion about new features, you can open an issue.