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File metadata and controls

90 lines (59 loc) · 3.43 KB

Contributing to fast-check

🐱 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🐱

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to fast-check and its packages. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Feel free to contribute, ask questions, report bugs and issue pull requests

How Can I Contribute?

Asking questions

Before asking questions, please double-check you can not find your answer in one of the examples provided or in the documentation of the project:

If nothing answered your question, please do not hesitate to create a new issue in GitHub.

Reporting bugs

You should report bugs using create a new issue in GitHub.

Issuing pull requests

Getting started

In order to start playing with the code locally you must run the following set of commands:

git clone && cd fast-check
npm install
npm run prebuild #generate missing implementations: tuple and properties
npm run build    #compile the code in ./src, build the ./lib content

Once done, everything is ready for you to start working on the code.

Code style

Code style standard is enforced by Prettier. Once done with your development you can check it follow the recommended code style by running npm run format:check or run autofixes with npm run format:fix.

You should also check for linting by running npm run lint:check.

Travis CI integration

All pull requests will trigger Travis CI builds. It ensures that the pull request follow the code style of the project and do not break existing tests.

Adding a new arbitrary

✔️ Create a feature request

Before adding any new arbitrary into fast-check please make sure to fill a Feature request to justify the need for such arbitrary.

✔️ Code the arbitrary

All the arbitraries defined by fast-check are available in src/check/arbitrary. Create a new file for the new one if it does not fit into the existing ones.

✔️ Test the arbitrary

Most of the newly added arbitraries will just be a combination of existing ones (mostly mapping from one entry to another). We expect a quite minimal amount of tests to be added as most of the logic depends on the built-in blocks.

  • Unit-test - in test/unit/check/arbitrary
import { myArb } from '../../../../src/check/arbitrary/MyArbitrary';
import * as genericHelper from './generic/GenericArbitraryHelper';

describe('MyArbitrary', () => {
  describe('myArb', () => {
    // genericHelper.isValidArbitrary is repsonsible to ensure that the arbitrary is valid
    // and fulfill the minimum requirements asked by fast-check
    genericHelper.isValidArbitrary((settings) => myArb(settings), {
      isValidValue: (g: MyArbGeneratedType, settings) => isValidMyArbOutput(g),
      seedGenerator: anArbitraryProducingSettingsExpectedByMyArb // optional field
  • No regression test - in test/e2e/NoRegression.spec.ts
  • Legacy support test - in test/legacy/main.js