- New: @stephen-164 added -f to
credstash get
for wildcard gets - New: @mrwacky42 added
credstash keys
- New: @evanstachowiak added
credstash putall
- Updated: @gene1wood, @nkhoshini, and @wyattwalter updated the docs
- Bugfix: @pm990320 fixed a bug by adding pagination for large credential stores
- Bugfix: @artburkart fixed a bug where writing csv files did not have proper line separators
- Removed: Python 3.2 removed from build matrix
- Set upper bound of
to 2.1
- Only fetch the session resource and client once
- README updates for c# and node imlpementations
- python 3.2 removed frmo build matrix
- fixed hmac checking
- removed build constraint on