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Compile guide for Windows (CMake, MSVC)

eli edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 15 revisions

This guide is basically what I do to build the binary builds. I'll only document x64 Release build with VS2019 here. This should also work for x86 builds or older version of Visual Studio, just change things accordingly.

Some of these dependencies can be installed with vcpkg. See

Prepare dependencies



Download and install the official release from . We use the win64-x64.msi here.


Clone the official Windows binary repo: git clone


Download the official release from unicode-org/icu. We use the build here. Extract the zip to some proper place.

Go to lib64/, copy all icuXX.lib to icuXXd.lib.


Clone kiyolee fork: git clone

Go to libiconv-win-build\build-VS2019, open libiconv.sln in Visual Studio. Select Release x64 build in the toolbar. Then build the dll/libiconv project.

Copy libiconv-win-build\build-VS2019\x64\Release\libiconv.lib to libiconv-win-build\lib\iconv.lib.


Download the official release from harfbuzz/harfbuzz. We use the .tar.xz source tarball here. Do not download the win32 build unless you are building x86 build. Extract the tarball to some proper place.

Create a build directory (actually you can call it anything you like). Open CMake, set the source code directory to where you extracted the tarball, and the binary directory to the build directory you just created. Click "Configure" and select Visual Studio 16 2019 (x64) as the toolchain. Check the Grouped and Advanced checkbox under the binary directory.

After the first configuration, expand the HB group, check HB_HAVE_DIRECTWRITE, HB_HAVE_FREETYPE, HB_HAVE_GDI, HB_HAVE_ICU. Then click "Configure" again. It will show some error about missing library. We just need to manually specify them, and click "Configure" again until there is no more error.

  • FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2 should be C:/path/to/freetype-windows-binaries/include/freetype
  • FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build should be C:/path/to/freetype-windows-binaries/include
  • FREETYPE_LIBRARY_DEBUG can be left not found
  • FREETYPE_LIBRARY_RELEASE should be C:/path/to/freetype-windows-binaries/win64/freetype.lib
  • ICU_INCLUDE_DIR should be C:/path/to/icu4c-xx_y-Win64-MSVC2017/include
  • ICU_LIBRARY should be C:/path/to/icu4c-xx_y-Win64-MSVC2017/lib64/icuuc.lib

When there is no more error, click "Generate" and "Open Project". Select Release x64 build in the toolbar. Then build the harfbuzz project.


Download the official release from fribidi/fribidi. We use the .tar.xz source tarball here. Extract the tarball to some proper place.

To build fribidi, we need meson. Download and install Python. Check the Add to PATH during installation. After installed Python, run python -m pip install meson .

Run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 from start menu. Go to the source directory, and run meson setup build --buildtype=release --backend=vs2019 . This will create a directory called build with the VS project. Open the fribidi.sln project, select Release x64, build the lib/fribidi project.


Clone jesec fork: git clone

Open the libass.sln project, retarget the project if needed. Select Release x64. Right click libass project, click Properties. Go to C/C++, edit the Additional Include Directories, and add the following:


Go to Librarian, edit the Additional dependencies, and add the following:


Remove ass_fontconfig.c from the project. It is not needed on Windows. Then build the project.


Download the official release from wxWidgets/wxWidgets. We need headers.7z, vc14x_Dev.7z and vc14x_ReleaseDLL.7z. Extract both zips to some proper place.


Download the official release from madler/zlib and extract. Open zlib-x.y.z\contrib\vstudio\vc14\zlibvc.sln. Select Release x64 and build zlibvc.

Go to zlib-x.y.z\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibDllRelease, copy the zlibwapi.lib to same folder and rename to zlib.lib. Open zlib-x.y.z\zlib.h and add the following line to the beginning:



Download the official release from . Use the Windows archive, extract to some proper directory.

Run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 from start menu. Go to the source directory, and run:

set PATH=C:\path\to\zlib-x.y.z\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibDllRelease;C:\path\to\icu4c-xx_y-Win64-MSVC2017\bin64;C:\path\to\libiconv-win-build\build-VS2019\x64\Release;%PATH%
.\b2.exe boost.locale.iconv=on architecture=x86 address-model=64 link=shared -sICU_PATH="C:\path\to\icu4c-xx_y-Win64-MSVC2017" -sZLIB_INCLUDE="C:\path\to\zlib-x.y.z" -sZLIB_LIBPATH="C:\path\to\zlib-x.y.z\contrib\vstudio\vc14\x64\ZlibDllRelease" -sICONV_PATH=C:\path\to\libiconv-win-build -a -j8 install

Change the -j8 to your CPU core count. Make sure it found icu and zlib.

Open C:\Boost\include\boost-x_yy\boost\config\user.hpp, uncomment the following line:




Althogh FFMS2 is an optional dependency, it is strongly recommended that you enable it. It is the most common way Aegisub loads a media file.

Download the official release from FFMS/ffms2 and extract.


Download the official release from . Run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 and follow the official guide to create necessary files:

lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3-3.def
lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3f-3.def
lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3l-3.def


Download the official release from hunspell/hunspell. Open msvc\Hunspell.sln, select Release_dll x64 and build libhunspell.


Download the official release from . Create a build directory. Open CMake, set the source code directory and the binary directory. Click "Configure", "Generate" and "Open Project". Select Release x64 and build libuchardet.

Copy src/uchardet.h to include/uchardet/uchardet.h.


Download and install the official release from AviSynth/AviSynthPlus. During install, check the "Filter SDK" component.


Download the official release from . Extract to some proper directory.

To use XAudio2redist, set XAUDIO2_REDIST to ON in CMake.

Build Aegisub

First, clone this repository:

git clone  # No --recursive is needed
cd Aegisub
./build/ .  # This will generate build/git_version.h

Create a build-dir directory (you can call it anything you like). Open CMake, set the source code directory and the binary directory. Click "Configure". Manually specify path of missing library, until there is no more errors. In the WITH group, make sure all features you need is enabled.

Add /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS to enable Unicode support. Add /MP to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS to enable parallel build for MSVC.

Click "Configure", "Generate". Select Release x64 and build Aegisub. When you run Aegisub after build, you'll see errors of missing dlls. They can be found in the corresponding dependency directories. Copy them to the same folder of Aegisub.exe.

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