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463 lines (370 loc) · 16.9 KB

File metadata and controls

463 lines (370 loc) · 16.9 KB




  • Upgraded react to ^15.0.0
  • Upgraded react-dom to ^15.0.0
  • Upgraded react-addons-test-utils to ^15.0.0
  • Upgraded eslint-plugin-flow-vars to ^0.3.0


  • Updated npm run deploy to be environment agnostic (no longer forces production)
  • Added npm run deploy:prod (forces production, acts as old npm run deploy)
  • Added npm run deploy:dev (forces development)


  • Removed strip_root option in Flow to support Nuclide
  • Updated webpack development configuration to use correct public_path



  • Upgraded flow-interfaces to ^0.6.0


  • Moved dependencies needed for production builds from devDependencies to regular dependencies


  • Production configuration now generates assets with absolute rather than relative paths


  • Removed eslint-loader for performance reasons



  • Upgraded eslint to ^2.4.0
  • Upgraded babel-eslint to ^6.0.0-beta.6
  • Upgraded better-npm-run to 0.0.8
  • Upgraded phantomjs-polyfill to 0.0.2
  • Upgraded karma-mocha-reporter to ^2.0.0
  • Upgraded webpack to ^1.12.14
  • Upgraded redux-thunk to ^2.0.0


  • Added index.js files for blueprints for convenient imports


  • Removed some cssnano options that caused potential conflicts with css modules
  • Updated flow to understand global webpack definitions



  • Upgraded react-router-redux from ^4.0.0-beta to ^4.0.0



  • Integrated with redux-cli
  • Added support for Flowtype
  • Added npm run flow:check script
  • Added chai-enzyme
  • Added babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements in production
  • Added babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types in production
  • Added eslint-plugin-flowvars
  • Added better-npm-run
  • Added loader for .otf files
  • Added nodemon for local server development
  • Added placeholder favicon, humans.txt, and robots.txt
  • Replaced express with koa@^2.0.0-alpha
  • Added koa-proxy with config support
  • Added koa-conntect-history-api-fallback
  • Upgraded eslint to ^2.0.0
  • Upgraded babel-eslint to ^5.0.0
  • Upgraded eslint-plugin-react to ^4.0.0
  • Upgraded yargs to ^4.0.0
  • Upgraded html-webpack-plugin from ^1.6.1 to ^2.7.1
  • Upgraded react-router to ^2.0.0
  • Replaced redux-simple-router with react-router-redux
  • Replaced phantomjs with phantomjs-prebuilt
  • Replaced Karma spec reporter with mocha reporter


  • Webpack optimization plugins are now correctly used only in production
  • Added ability to simultaneously use CSS modules and regular CSS
  • Added karma-webpack-with-fast-source-maps for selective and faster test rebuilds
  • Simplified environment-based webpack configuration
  • Fixed CSS being minified twice with both cssnano and css-loader
  • Updated cssnano to not use unsafe options by default
  • Redux devtools now looks for the browser extension if available
  • Added webpack entry point for tests to replace file globs in Karma
  • Made Webpack compiler script generic so it can accept any webpack configuration file
  • Added sample tests for counter redux module
  • Replaced react-hmre with redbox-react and react-transform-hmr
  • Disabled verbose uglify warnings during compilation
  • Updated route definition file to have access to the redux store
  • Updated server start message so link is clickable
  • ExtractTextPlugin is now correctly used whenever HMR is disabled
  • npm run deploy now cleans out ~/dist directory
  • Miscellaneous folder structure improvements
  • Removed unnecessary bin file for Karma
  • Removed unnecessary NotFoundView
  • Re-enabled support for .jsx files
  • Specified compatible Node and NPM engines


  • Fixed some development-only code not being stripped from production bundles
  • Added rimraf for ~/dist clearing to support Windows users
  • Fixed miscellaneous path issues for Windows users
  • Fixed source maps for Sass files
  • Updated server start debug message to display correct host


  • Removed redux-actions
  • Removed dotenv
  • Removed add-module-exports babel plugin



  • Upgraded from Babel 5 to Babel 6 🎉
  • Added script to copy static assets from ~src/assets to ~/dist during compilation
  • Added CSS Modules (can be toggled on/off in config file)
  • Enabled source maps for CSS
  • Added postcss-loader
  • Added debug module to replace console.log
  • Added json-loader
  • Added url-loader for (png|jpg) files
  • Added redux-actions with demo
  • Upgraded redux-devtools from ^3.0.0-beta to ^3.0.0
  • Upgraded redux-simple-router from ^0.0.10 to ^1.0.0
  • Upgraded isparta from ^2.0.0 to ^3.0.0
  • Replaced karma-sinon-chai with karma-chai-sinon for peerDependencies fix
  • Added sample asynchronous action
  • Added example composes style to demo CSS modules in HomeView
  • Added lint:fix npm script
  • Added CONTRIBUTING document
  • Added placeholder favicon


  • Refactored application to follow ducks-like architecture
  • Improved how configuration determines when to apply HMR-specific Babel transforms
  • Replaced explicit aliases with resolve.root
  • Renamed karma configuration file to more widely-known karma.conf
  • Made CoreLayout a pure (stateless) component
  • Renamed debug namespace from kit:* to app:*
  • Standardized coding conventions
  • Added ability to easily specify environment-specific configuration overrides
  • Extended available configuration options
  • Improved miscellaneous documentation
  • Refactored webpack middleware in express server into separate files


  • Fixed DevTools imports so they are longer included in production builds
  • Added CSS best practices to root tag, node, and core.scss file
  • Disabled manifest extraction due to broken production builds
  • Updated Webpack dev server uses explicit publicPath during live development
  • Fixed Karma running tests twice after file change during watch mode


  • Removed eslint-config-airbnb
  • Deprecated support for Node ^4.0.0



  • Replaces webpack-dev-server with Express and webpack middleware
  • Replaces redux-router with redux-simple-router
  • Use postcss-loader for autoprefixing rather than autoprefixer-loader
  • Configuration will now warn you of missing dependencies for vendor bundle
  • Upgrade react-router from 1.0.0-rc1 -> ^1.0.0
  • Upgrade css-loader from 0.21.0 -> 0.23.0
  • Upgrade eslint-config-airbnb from 0.1.0 to ^1.0.0
  • Upgrade karma-spec-reporter from 0.0.21 to 0.0.22
  • Upgrade extract-text-webpack-plugin from ^0.8.0 to ^0.9.0


  • Compiled index.html is now minified
  • Content hashes are now injected directly into the filename rather than appended as query strings
  • Better reporting of webpack build status
  • Use object-style configuration for sass-loader rather than inline query string
  • Rename test:lint task to lint:tests
  • Various documentation improvements


  • Content hash is now longer duplicated in CSS bundle
  • Karma plugins are autoloaded now, rather than explicitly defined
  • Removes extraneous wrapping div in Root container
  • Fixes awkwardly named arguments to createReducer utility
  • Add missing alias to ~/src/store



  • Karma coverage now generates proper coverage reports
  • Added chai-as-promised
  • Added npm run lint script to lint all ~/src code
  • Added npm run test:lint script to lint all *.spec.js files in ~/tests
  • Updated npm run deploy to explicitly run linter on source code
  • Added dotenv (thanks dougvk)


  • Renamed application entry point from index.js -> app.js (clarifies intent and helps with coverage reports)
  • Refactored sample counter constants and actions to their appropriate locations (thanks kyleect)
  • Devtools in npm run dev:nw now take up the full window (thanks jhgg)
  • Webpack no longer runs an eslint pre-loader (cleans up console messages while developing)
  • Moved tests into their own directory (alleviates lint/organization issues)
  • Renamed stores to store to be more intuitive
  • Webpack-dev-server now uses a configurable host (thanks waynelkh)
  • Sass-loader is now configured independently of its loader definition
  • Upgraded redux-devtools from ^2.0.0 -> ^3.0.0
  • Upgraded react-transform-catch-errors from ^0.1.0 -> ^1.0.0


  • Fix .editorconfig missing a setting that caused it to not be picked up in all IDE's
  • Cleans up miscellaneous lint errors.



  • Adds redux-router (thanks to dougvk)
  • Adds redux-thunk middleware
  • Adds loaders for font files (thanks to nodkz)
  • Adds url loader
  • Upgrades React dependencies to stable ^0.14.0
  • Upgrades react-redux to ^4.0.0


  • Cleans up unused configuration settings
  • configureStore no longer relies on a global variable to determine whether or not to enable devtool middleware
  • Removes unused invariant and ImmutableJS vendor dependencies
  • Removes unused webpack-clean plugin
  • Tweaks .js loader configuration to make it easier to add json-loader
  • Updates counter example to demonstrate mapDispatchToProps
  • Force components directory inclusion
  • Documentation improvements



  • Remove unused/broken "minify" property provided to HtmlWebpackPlugin configuration.



  • Dev server now loads the correct Webpack configuration with HMR enabled.
  • Redbox-React error catcher is now loaded correctly in development.



  • HMR is now longer enabled for simple compilations. You can now compile development builds that won't constantly ping a non-existent dev server.
  • react-transform-hmr now only runs when HMR is enabled.


  • Unit tests now only run in watch mode when explicitly requested. This makes it much more convenient to run tests on any environment without having to struggle with the singleRun flag in Karma.
  • There is now only a single webpack configuration (rather than one for the client and one for the server). As a result, configuration has once again been split into a base configuration which is then extended based on the current NODE_ENV.


  • Removed Koa server (sad days).



  • Replaces react-transform-webpack-hmr with its replacement react-transform-hmr. Thanks to daviferreira.
  • Replaces delicate-error-reporter with redbox-react. Thanks to bulby97.
  • Created a no-server branch here to make it easier for users who don't care about Koa.


  • Renames client directory to src to be more intuitive.
  • inline-source-map has been replaced by source-map as the default webpack devTool to reduce build sizes.
  • Refactors configuration file to focus on commonly-configured options rather than mixing them with internal configuration.
  • Swaps dev and dev:debug so debug tools are now enabled by default and can be disabled instead with dev:no-debug.
  • Repositions Redux devtools so they no longer block errors displayed by redbox-react.
  • Adds explicit directory references to some import statements to clarify which are from from npm and which are local.


  • Fixes naming in HomeView where mapStateToProps was incorrectly written as mapDispatchToProps.


  • Removes local test utilities (in ~/src/utils/test).



  • Adds react-transform-catch-errors along with delicate-error-reporter. Thanks bulby97 for this!


  • ExtractTextPlugin is once again production only. This fixes an issue where styles wouldn't be hot reloaded with Webpack.



  • Upgrades react-router to ^3.0.0. This is the only reason for the minor-level version bump.
  • Webpack now uses OccurrenceOrderPlugin to produce consistent bundle hashes.


  • Adds history to vendor dependencies to fix HMR caused by upgrade to react-router 1.0.0-rc


  • Server no longer modifies initial counter state by default.
  • Adds invariant error in route rendering method to enforce router state definition through props.



  • Upgrades all React dependencies to 0.14.0-rc1
  • Upgrades react-router to 1.0.0-rc
    • Updates client and server rendering accordingly
  • Adds Sinon-Chai for improved assertions and function spies
  • Adds option to disable eslint when in development


  • Improved example unit tests using react-addons-test-utils and Sinon Chai



  • Initial state can now be injected from the server (still WIP).
  • Adds react-addons-test-utils as a devDependency.




  • Koa server now uses gzip middleware.


  • Switches out react-hot-loader in favor of react-transform-webpack-hmr.
  • Eslint configuration now uses Airbnb's configuration (slightly softened).
  • Migrates all actual development dependencies to devDependencies in package.json.
  • Example store and view are now more intuitive (simple counter display).
  • CSS-loader dependency upgraded from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0.


  • Removes unnecessary object-assign dependency.



  • All build-, server-, and client-related code is now ES6.
  • Significantly refactors how client and server webpack configs are built.
  • reducers/index.js now exports combined root reducer.
  • Client application code now lives in ~/client instead of ~/src in order to conform to Redux standards.


  • Redux store now explicitly handles HMR.


  • Webpack compiler configurations are no longer merged on top of a base default configuration. This can become unwieldy and even though explicitly writing each configuration file out is more verbose, it ends up being more maintainable.


  • Quiet mode has been removed (npm run dev:quiet).


New Features

  • Support for redux-devtools in separate window with dev:debugnw


  • Upgrades react to 0.14.0-beta3
  • Upgrades react to 0.14.0-beta3
  • Upgrades redux to ^2.0.0
  • Upgrades redux-devtools to ^2.0.0
  • Upgrades react-redux to ^2.0.0


  • Configuration file name trimming on Windows machines



  • Fixes potential spacing issues when Webpack tries to load a config file.


  • Upgrades koa to 1.0.0
  • Upgrades react-redux to 1.0.0
  • Upgrades object-assign to 0.4.0



  • Restructures src directory so filenames are more identifiable.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes action-creators alias as it's unlikely to be used.







  • Bumps Redux version to first major release.
  • Bumps Redux-devtools version to first major release.


  • Fixes broken hot-reload in :debug mode.
    • Temporarily fixed by moving redux-devtools into the vendor bundle.



  • Weakens various eslint rules that were too opinionated.
    • notable: one-var and key-spacing.

Thanks to StevenLangbroek for the following:

  • Adds alias utils to reference ~/src/utils
  • Adds createConstants utility.
  • Adds createReducer utility.
  • Refactors todos reducer to use a function map rather than switch statements.


  • Nested routes are now loaded correctly in react-router when using BrowserHistory.
  • Bundle compilation now fails if an eslint error is encountered when running a production build.
  • Upgrades all outdated dependencies.
    • Karma, eslint, babel, sass-loader, and a handful more.