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164 lines (57 loc) · 2.69 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (57 loc) · 2.69 KB


A command line application developed in C++ programming language.

The main purpose of this project is to act as a qualification test of

mastering of C++.


Manage addresses by adding, searching and removing address entries.

Must be implemented features

  • address entry data structure

    • name of the person

    • mobile number of the person

    • home address of the person

  • start interactive command line application

    sh> ./ab

    ab> _

  • use add command to add new address entry

    ab> add

    name: xiaoming

    mobile: 18888888888

    address: xiaoming jia

    address entry added

    ab> _

  • use search command to get one or more address entries

    ab> search

    by (name|mobile|address): name

    name: xiaoming

    one can search by name, mobile or address, if more than one entires are matched, they should be all displayed.

  • use remove command to remove one or more address entries

    ab> delete

    by (name|mobile|address): name

    name: xiao.*

    two address entries deleted

    ab> _

    one can remove by name, mobile or address, if more than one entries are matched, they should be all removed.

  • get help

    ab> !help

    then help message should be displayed, and when encoutering invalid command, help message

    should also be displayed.

  • quit from the application

    ab> !quit

    sh> _

Nonfunctional requirement

  • your programme should be object-orinted

  • your code should be well-formatted

    • NEVER use tab for indentation
  • comments for public interface/class/method is a must

  • please use linked list to store data in memory, when exit the application, you should persist the data to file system.

  • when application start if you can reload the persistent file is a plus.

  • please use simple key/value as persistent file format

  • a big plus if you can implement an address book server within the application(telnet or raw socket protocol). when you start interactive command line application, first it starts a socket server, then takes interactive commands as the input for your socket client.

  • gcc or g++ should be should be used to compile and generate runable application. If you working on windows, you can use Cygwin.

  • please provide your steps to build this application

    • Make file is a plus.
  • DO NOT store any IDE specific files into git repository

  • if there is any fault in this readme, please also fix it or submit an issue


  • Fork me and use pull request to submit changes to develop branch. Anything unclear about the feature, fire issue.

  • You should submit your source code