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jQuery Nestedy - A nested fields creator -

jQuery Nestedy is a plugin to create dynamically nested fields.


@version        0.1.2
@since          2013-08-14
@author         Washington Botelho

Required Files

  • jquery.nestedy.js


add          : undefined                                  // Callback trigged when the add button is clicked.
addButton    : '.nestedy-add'                             // The add button element.
checkable    : ['checkbox', 'radio']                      // The checkable fields. This fields will be checked with checked="checked".
clone        : true                                       // If clone will copy the binds.
content      : '.nestedy'                                 // Place where the items will be copied.
excludes     : ['id$="id"', 'ame$="id"', 'name$="id\\]"'] // Selectors used to exclude field of a item before clone it.
focus        : ':last'                                    // The item you want focus, you can choose `:first`, `:last` or `undefined`.
idx          : /(_)\d(_)/                                 // Regex used to find the dynamic parte of the id of the field that will be changed.
model        : '.nestedy-item'                            // The element inside the `content` that will be used as a model to be cloned.
namex        : /(\[)\d(\])/                               // Regex used to find the dynamic parte of the name of the field that will be changed.
remove       : undefined                                  // Callback trigged before an item be removed.
removeButton : '.nestedy-remove'                          // The class name of the remove button.
selectable   : ['select-one', 'select-multiple']          // The selectable fields. This fields will be selected with selected="selected"
template     : undefined                                  // The element inside the `body` that will be used as a model to be cloned.
typeful      : [                                          // The typeful fields.

Usage without template

  <div class="nestedy">
    <div class="nestedy-item">
      <input id="some_0_value" name="some[0][value]">
      <i class="nestedy-remove"></i>

  <i class="nestedy-add"></i>

Usage with template

<div id="template" class="nestedy-item">
  <input id="some_0_value" name="some[0][value]">
  <i class="nestedy-remove"></i>

  <div class="nestedy"></div>
  <i class="nestedy-add"></i>
  idx      : /{index}/,
  namex    : /{index}/,
  template : '#template'


$('form').nestedy('add', 2); // Adds a number of items. Ommiting the number, 1 is de default.

$('form').nestedy('remove', 3); // Removes a item. `first`, `last` or the number. Ommiting it, last is de default.


The MIT License


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