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Releases: wenzhixin/bootstrap-table


08 Nov 05:29
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  • New: Added onlyCurrentPage param for checkBy/uncheckBy methods.
  • New: Used bootstrap icons as default icons for bootstrap v5.
  • New: Added regexSearch option which allows to filter the table using regex.
  • New: Added support for allow importing stylesheets.
  • New: Added toggle-pagination event.
  • New: Added virtual-scroll event.
  • Update: Fixed vue component cannot work.
  • Update: Fixed infinite loop error with wrong server-side pagination metadata.
  • Update: Improved the behavior of ajax abort.
  • Update: Fixed click bug when paginationLoop is false.
  • Update: Fixed the highlighting bug when using radio/checkboxes.
  • Update: Fixed width bug caused by loading css.
  • Update: Removed the input-group-append class for bootstrap v5.
  • Update: Fixed duplicate definition id bug.
  • Update: Fixed the comparison of search inputs.
  • Update: Fixed broken page-list selector.
  • Update: Fixed overwrite custom locale function bug.
  • Update: Fixed bug with server side pagination and the page size all.
  • Update: Fixed all checkbox not auto check after pagination changed.
  • Update: Updated the es-MX locate.


  • New(cookie): Added Multiple Sort order stored in cookie extension.
  • New(cookie): Added Card view state stored in cookie extension.
  • New(copy): Added ignoreCopy column option to prevent copying the column data.
  • New(copy): Added rawCopy column option to copy the raw value instead of the formatted value.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed switchable column bug with the cookie extension.
  • Update(export): Fixed the export dropdown cannot be closed bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Updated filterMultipleSelectOptions to filterControlMultipleSelectOptions option.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed bug with cookie deletion of none filter cookies.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed bug when using the load method.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed overwriting the column classes bug on group collapsed rows.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed hide/show column error with no sortPriority defined.
  • Update(page-jump-to): Fixed jump-to display bug in bootstrap v3.
  • Update(print): Fixed print formatter bug.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Fixed reorder-rows not work property.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Fixed the drag selector to prevent a checkbox bug on mobile.
  • Update(resizable): Fixed the reinitialization after the table changed.
  • Update(sticky-header): Fixed sticky-header not work property with group header.
  • Update(treegrid): Fixed bug of treegrid from html.


28 Mar 16:41
Choose a tag to compare


  • Update: Fixed negative number bug when searching with comparison.
  • Update: Fixed non-conform HTML-Standard problems.
  • Update: Fixed td width bug using card view.
  • Update: Fixed exact match problem when searching term with accent.
  • Update: Update pt-PT and fa-IR locales.


  • New(page-jump-to): Added showJumpToByPages option.
  • Update(auth-refresh): Fixed auto refresh not clear interval bug.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed multiple-sort cannot support iconSize bug.
  • Update(sticky-header): Fixed stickyHeaderOffsetY option cannot work.
  • Update(sticky-header): Updated the stickyHeader offset options to number.


23 Jan 15:02
Choose a tag to compare


  • Update: Fixed bootstrap5 cannot work bug.
  • Update: Fixed checkbox display bug when using formatter.
  • Update: Fixed search highlight bug.
  • Update: Updated ru-RU and de-DE locales.


  • New(filter-control): Added support for flat JSON.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed not deleted cookie bug when the sort was reset.
  • Update(export): Not export the detail view icon column.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed not working when using filterControlContainer.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed multiple-sort cannot work bug.
  • Update(resizable): Fixed resizable cannot work in modal.


06 Dec 02:55
Choose a tag to compare


  • New(locale): Added short locales based on ISO Language.
  • Update: Updated sk-SK, fr-FR, de-DE, and es-* locales.
  • Update: Fixed toggleCheck, getSelections and remove bug.
  • Update: Fixed buttons option bug using in data attribute.
  • Update: Fixed custom icons option bug.
  • Update: Fixed cellStyle column option not work in card view.
  • Update: Fixed getSelection bug when using search.
  • Update: Fixed pageList option with all display bug using smartDisplay.
  • Update: Fixed search highlight cannot work bug when data field is number.
  • Update: Fixed updateColumnTitle is undo bug after pagination.
  • Update: Fixed multipleSelectRow option bug.
  • Update: Fixed icon-size option bug with pagination.


  • New(page-jump-to): Added min, max and enter support for jump input.
  • Update(export): Fixed export cannot work with materialize and foundation themes.
  • Update(filter-control): Updated filterDatepickerOptions to support datepicker option.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed select bug when using & in the value.
  • Update(fixed-columns): Fixed toggleView display bug.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed not collapse detail view expanded row bug.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed display error using formatter column option.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed groupByFormatter option bug using in data attribute.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed cannot work bug using in server sidePagination.
  • Update(page-jump-to): Fixed page jump input and button bug with icon-size option.
  • Update(print): Fixed print with rowspan or colspan.
  • Update(reorder-columns): Fixed reorder column when a column is removed or added.


19 Sep 16:17
Choose a tag to compare


  • New(option): Added buttons to add custom buttons to the button bar.
  • New(option): Added footerField to support server side pagination.
  • New(option): Added new parameter value to footerFormatter.
  • New(option): Added searchHighlight and searchHighlightFormatter.
  • New(option): Added searchSelector to custom the search input.
  • New(event): Added BootstrapTable object as last parameter to all event.
  • New(css): Added CSS transitions for loading style.
  • New: Added support for style attribute of tr or td.
  • New: Added ability to use colspan in the footer.
  • Update: Updated search input type from text to search.
  • Update: Fixed normalize not string bug when using searchAccentNeutralise.
  • Update: Fixed complex group header bug.
  • Update: Fixed resize and scroll event bug with multiple tables.
  • Update: Fixed getScrollPosition bug when using group-by extension.
  • Update: Fixed updateRow with customSearch and sortReset bug.
  • Update: Fixed colspan and mergeCell bug when using detailFormatter.
  • Update: Fixed init bug when using onPostBody.
  • Update: Fixed sort bug when the field is set to 0.
  • Update: Fixed showFooter display bug after resize table width.
  • Update: Fixed not update selected rows bug when using checkAll/uncheckAll.
  • Update: Fixed checked property bug using formatter when the field has a value.
  • Update: Fixed default data shared bug with multiple tables.
  • Remove(method): Removed getAllSelections method.


  • New(addrbar): Added support for client side pagination.
  • New(cookie): Added cookieSameSite option to prevent breaking changes.
  • New(group-by): Added groupByToggle and groupByShowToggleIcon options.
  • New(group-by): Added groupByCollapsedGroups option to allow collapse groups.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie size is too big bug when saving columns.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed checkbox column disappears bug.
  • Update(export): Fixed cannot export all data bug with pagination.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed scrollTo not working properly bug.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed cannot work bug.
  • Update(sticky-header): Fixed vertical scroll cannot work bug.


11 Jul 02:08
Choose a tag to compare


  • New: Added bootstrap-table theme without any framework.
  • New: Added support for Bootstrap v5.
  • New: Added $index field for remove method.
  • New: Added on-all event for vue component.
  • New: Added bg-BG locale.
  • New: Added loadingFontSize option.
  • New: Added loadingTemplate option.
  • New: Added detailView support for cardView.
  • New: Added the searchable columns to the query params for server side.
  • New: Added collapseRowByUniqueId and expandRowByUniqueId methods.
  • New: Added detailViewAlign option for the detail view icon.
  • New: Added tr class support for thead.
  • New: Added formatted parameter for getData method to get formatted data.
  • New: Added paginationParts option instead of onlyInfoPagination.
  • New: Added sortReset option to reset sort on third click.
  • New: Added support for auto merge the table body cells.
  • Update: Fixed updateByUniqueId method cannot update multiple rows bug.
  • Update: Fixed insertRow not write to source data array bug.
  • Update: Fixed events bug with detailViewIcon option.
  • Update: Fixed server side pagination sort bug.
  • Update: Fixed the page-change event before init server.
  • Update: Fixed no records found colspan error.
  • Update: Fixed the page-change event before init server.
  • Update: Fixed font-size of the loading text.
  • Update: Fixed table border bug when table is hidden.
  • Update: Fixed showRow method show all hidden rows bug.
  • Update: Fixed columnsSearch non-unique id warning.
  • Remove: Removed the onlyInfoPagination option.
  • Remove: Removed accent neutralise extension and moved it to core.


  • New(cookie): Added support for toggle all columns options.
  • New(custom-view): Added custom-view extension.
  • New(editable): Added alwaysUseFormatter option.
  • New(export): Added forceHide column option.
  • New(filter-control): Added filterOrderBy column option support order by server.
  • New(filter-control): Added radio support for filterControlContainer.
  • New(filter-control): Added support for array filter.
  • New(filter-control): Added filterControlVisible option and toggleFilterControl method.
  • New(filter-control): Added showFilterControlSwitch option.
  • New(fixed-columns): Added support for sticky-header.
  • New(pipeline): Added pipeline extension.
  • New(print): Added support for print footer and merge cells.
  • Update(accent-neutralise): Fixed comparison with arrays.
  • Update(cookie): Updated cookie columns to always visible when switchable is false.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie value from existing options bug.
  • Update(copy-rows): Fixed copy rows bug with fixed-column.
  • Update(editable): Fixed not handle quotation marks bug.
  • Update(editable): Updated noeditFormatter to noEditFormatter.
  • Update(export): Fixed export error with maintainMetaData and clientSidePagination.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed not work with height option.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed not work in multiple tables.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed ignore default search text bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed not work with html formatter.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed reset filterBy method bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed issue with a custom filter control container.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed filter control disappear after column switched.
  • Update(fixed-columns): Fixed loading message not hide bug.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed params error of checkAll/uncheckAll.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed not working with multiple level field bug.
  • Update(reorder-columns): Fixed cannot work bug.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Fixed this context of onPostBody error.
  • Update(treegrid): Fixed treegrid destroy bug.


11 Feb 12:22
Choose a tag to compare


  • New: Added buttonsOrder option.
  • New: Added headerStyle option.
  • New: Added showColumnsSearch option.
  • New: Added serverSort option.
  • New: Added unfiltered parameter for getData method.
  • Update: Updated event name to lowercase hyphen format for vue component.
  • Update: Updated es-AR locale.
  • Update: Updated the default classes of semantic theme.
  • Update: Improved the resize problem with multiple tables.
  • Update: Fixed checkAll event bug with sortable checkbox field.
  • Update: Fixed checkbox and not-found td style errors.
  • Update: Fixed customSearch return empty array bug.
  • Update: Fixed column checkboxes not being disabled when using toggleAll.
  • Update: Fixed flat not polyfilled error in vue cli3.
  • Update: Fixed height and border not aligned bug.
  • Update: Fixed jqXHR undefined error using custom ajax.
  • Update: Fixed pageSize set to all bug with filter.
  • Update: Fixed refreshOptions bug with radio and checkbox.
  • Update: Fixed removeAll bug in the last page when sidePagination is server.
  • Update: Fixed search not always trigger in IE11 bug.
  • Update: Fixed search width escape bug.
  • Update: Fixed showColumns cannot work of foundation theme.
  • Update: Fixed showFullscreen bug when setting height.
  • Update: Fixed sort cannot work after searching.
  • Update: Fixed sortable style error when using table-sm.
  • Update: Fixed sortStable not work bug.
  • Update: Fixed triggerSearch not work bug.
  • Update: Supported build cross all platforms.
  • Remove: Removed resetWidth method and use resetView instead.


  • New(cookie): Added new options to get/set/delete the values by a custom function.
  • New(cookie): Added save re-order and resize support.
  • New(filter-control): Added filterControlContainer option.
  • New(filter-control): Added filterCustomSearch option.
  • New(filter-control): Added object and function support in filterData column option.
  • New(filter-control): Added support for using sticky-header extension.
  • New(filter-control): Added support comparisons search(<, >, <=, =<, >=, =>).
  • New(fixed-columns): Added all themes support.
  • New(fixed-columns): Added fixedRightNumber option.
  • New(fixed-columns): Added support for using filter-control extension.
  • New(group-by): Add Array support for groupByField option.
  • New(group-by): Added customSort option support.
  • New(multiple-sort): Added custom sorter support.
  • New(multiple-sort): Added multiSortStrictSort option.
  • New(multiple-sort): Added multiSort method.
  • New(print): Added printFormatter data-attribute support.
  • New(reorder-columns): Added orderColumns method.
  • New(reorder-rows): Added search and cardView supported.
  • New(sticky-header): Added support for all themes.
  • New(toolbar): Added support for all themes.
  • New(reorder-rows): Added search and cardView support.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie localeStorage not work bug with filter-control.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed minimumCountColumns not working bug.
  • Update(cookie): Improved cookiesEnabled to support ' in data-attribute.
  • Update(editable): Fixed formatter bug if the column was edited.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed hideUnusedSelectOptions not work bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed filter not work bug with undefined.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed missing parameter of resetSearch and filterDataType.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed search with filter-control search bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed the value of select display error using editable.
  • Update(fixed-columns): Fixed checkbox bug with fixed columns.
  • Update(fixed-columns): Updated default value to 0 of fixedNumber option.
  • Update(group-by): Improved number type support.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed new table using modal bug.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed scrollTo method using group-by.
  • Update(mobile): Fixed input keyboard bug.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed not destroy bug.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed sort not work with boolean bug.
  • Update(print): Improved to use undefinedText option.
  • Update(print): Fixed IE11 not work bug.
  • Update(reorder-columns): Fixed detail view column reorder bug.
  • Update(resizable): Fixed columns resizing not work bug.
  • Update(resizable): Fixed not work via JavaScript.
  • Update(sticky-header): Fixed not work bug with fullscreen.
  • Update(treegrid): Fixed virtualScroll option bug.
  • Remove: Removed natural-sorting extension.


12 Oct 15:45
Choose a tag to compare
  • New: Added jqXHR for responseHandler option and onLoadSuccess event.
  • New: Added stickyHeaderOffsetLeft and stickyHeaderOffsetRight for sticky-header.
  • New: Added Serbian RS cyrillic and latin locales.
  • Update: Improved export button when there is only one type.
  • Update: Fixed column events click error with detailView.
  • Update: Fixed bug for searchOnEnterKey and showSearchButton are true.
  • Update: Fixed onScrollBody event and added parameter.
  • Update: Fixed search input size bug with iconSize option.
  • Update: Fixed filter control select cannot work more than one table.
  • Update: Fixed virtual scroll to top error when using append method.
  • Update: Fixed events cannot work on virtual scroll.
  • Update: Fixed bottom border bug with height option.
  • Update: Fixed min version throw cannot convert object to primitive value error.


13 Aug 00:01
Choose a tag to compare
  • New: Added query to queryParams option.
  • New: Added filter parameter of customSearch option.
  • Update: Fixed search bug in hidden columns.
  • Update: Fixed table zoom width calculating bug.
  • Update: Fixed events of column formatted by nested table.
  • Update: Fixed checkbox style display bug.
  • Update: Fixed stack overflow error of checkBy method.
  • Update: Fixed showSearchButton and showSearchClearButton style bug.
  • Update: Fixed filter-control select null value handle error.
  • Update: Fixed showSearchClearButton bug in filter-control extension.
  • Update: Fixed print button appears twice bug.


11 Jul 00:55
Choose a tag to compare
  • New: Added nl-BE, fr-CH and fr-LU locale.
  • Update: Updated nl-NL, pt-BR, fr-BE, fr-FR, nl-BE and nl-NL locale.
  • Update: Fixed treegrid duplicate rows bug.
  • Update: Fixed updateCellByUniqueId method bug on a filtered table.
  • Update: Fixed colspan group header display bug.
  • Update: Fixed table footer display bug in some case.
  • Update: Fixed getOptions bug.
  • Update: Fixed detailView bug when hiding columns.
  • Update: Fixed IE minify bug.
  • Update: Fixed full screen scrolling bug.