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reusing aciton for wikifactory all repo

⚠️ should not include any project core code or key, any secrets should be passed in by github action inputs

action instruction


  • check_ghcr_tag_existed: description: use for checking package tag if is existed, and expose ${{ env.TAG_EXISTED }} let you know tag is existed ${{ env.TAG_EXISTED }} value is string 'true' and 'false' inputs: user: the github user which one commit the code token: github token, needs include permission for checking ghcr tag org: organization package: github package name tag: github package's tag

  • pr_branch_name description: if we have branch name: CU-test-Whatever, and action will change to cu-test-whatever

  • pr_commit_sha description: to get latest commit's hash, will expose ${{ env.last_one_commit_sha }} for you

  • setup_docker description: will login ghcr and setup semulator that you can add platform like arm64 or amd64 and so on args: username: github user password: token for login ghcr registry: the github package which one you want to push or pull image

  • setup_oss description: setup alibaba oss environment args: id: OSS id key: OSS key enpoint: oss enpoint config_dir: the oss config folder you want to place in

  • slack_action description: setup slack and send the message args: pr_message_as_content: boolean, if given true, then action will pull the pr message as content, and arg message will be invalid token: github token for reading pr message message: custom message, if use message, then you should not use arg pr_message_as_content, they're conflict title: slack message title repo: using in footer to access repo when u click it webhook_url: slack webhook url


Github Action workflows for Wikifactory






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