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AsyncLocalStorage - Web-interoperable Runtimes portable subset

This document describes a portable subset of the Node.js AsyncLocalStorage API that can be implemented by non-Node.js runtimes without dependency on the lower-level async_hooks API.

The key purpose this exists is because multiple runtimes have the requirement of implementing async context tracking and want to do so in a portable, interoperable way. There is work currently underway in TC-39 to define a standard AsyncContext mechanism as part of the language but completion of that work is expected to take some time.

The portable subset of AsyncLocalStorage defined here is offered as a transitional step in advance of AsyncContext. This subset is intentionally limited to a model and API that aligns closely with AsyncContext. Runtimes implementing async context tracking are strongly encouraged to implement only this subset to best remain forwards compatible with AsyncContext.

Logical model

This subset uses a fundamentally different underlying logical model than what is currently implemented in Node.js' AsyncLocalStorage implementation based on async_hooks. I won't go into the details of Node.js' current model here, however. Instead, I'll focus on the logical model assumed by this subset.

At any given time, there is a current Async Context Frame (which, for ease of referencing I'll just call frame from here on out).

The frame is effectively an immutable map of storage keys to value. We refer to this as the frame's storage context. A storage key is associated with exactly one AsyncLocalStorage object instance.

There is always a root frame whose storage context is always empty.

Whenever a new value is associated with a given storage key, a new frame is created with the value associated with that storage key set in the new frame's storage context.

Whenever a new frame is created, it inherits a copy of the current frame's storage context before setting the new value associated with the storage key.

In pseudo-code, this looks something like:

Note: this is NOT the API, this is a pseudo-code illustration of the abstract model.

class AsyncLocalStorage {
  #storageKey = {}; // the storage key is opaque and unique to this
                    // ALS instance.
  run(store, fn, ...args) {
    return, store, fn, ...args);

  getStore() {
    return AsyncContextFrame.current().get(this.#storageKey);

class AsyncContextFrame {
  static #currentFrame;
  #storageContext = new Map();

  static run(key, store, fn) {
    const current = AsyncContextFrame.current();
    const frame = new AsyncContextFrame(current, key, store);

  static current() { return AsyncContextFrame.#currentFrame; }
  static exchange(frame) {
    const prior = AsyncContextFrame.#currentFrame;
    AsyncContextFrame.#currentFrame = frame;
    return prior;

  constructor(current, key, store) {
    this.#storageContext = new Map(current.#storageContext.entries());
    this.#storageContext.set(key, store);

  run(fn, ...args) {
    // enter this frame...
    const prior =;
    try {
      return fn(...args);
    } finally {;

  get(key) {
    return this.#storageContext.get(key);

Any async resource that is created needs only to grab the current frame and run code within its scope to access the correct storage context.

Note that the key to this model is that the storage context is immutable once created. Mutations to the context using use copy-on-write semantics, causing a new frame to be created and entered. This is a key performance optimization over the current model implemented by Node.js.

The common theme is that the async context should be captured at the moment an asynchronous task is scheduled.

  • promise.then(fn) schedules a continuation task
  • setTimeout(fn, n) schedules a timer task
  • queueMicrotask(fn) schedules a microtask
  • and so on

This is the general rule that runtimes and applications should follow for any API that schedules asynchronous tasks to run.


Class: AsyncLocalStorage

The following is the limited subset of the AsyncLocalStorage API:

class AsyncLocalStorage {

  // Creates a new frame, propagating the storage context of
  // the current frame to the new frame, then setting the store
  // as the value associated with this ALS instance. The function
  // is then run within the context of the newly created frame.
  // The return value of calling fn() is returned by run().
  run(store, fn, ...args) : any;

  // In this subset, exit() is equivalent to calling `run(undefined, fn)`
  exit(fn, ...args) : any;

  // Returns the value of the store associated with this ALS instance
  // in the current frame's storage context.
  getStore() : any;

Class: AsyncResource

The following is the limited subset of the AsyncResource API:

class AsyncResource {
  // The type and options here are defined by Node.js, with the type
  // *currently* being required by Node.js. In this subset, the
  // type is still required but is *ignored*. It is required so
  // that code written to this subset can be portable to Node.js.
  // The InitOptions current is used to specify async_hooks
  // specific metadata that is not used by this subset. It may
  // be passed but should be ignored by implementations of this
  // subset.
  // On construction, the AsyncResource captures a reference to
  // the current async context frame.
  constructor(type: string, options? : InitOptions);

  // Synchronously calls fn in the scope of the frame captured
  // when the AsyncResource instance was created.
  runInAsyncScope(fn, thisArg?: any, ...args) : any;

  // Returns a new function that wraps the given fn such that when
  // the returned function is called, fn is called in the scope of
  // the frame captured when the AsyncResource instance was created.
  bind(fn, thisArg?: any, ...args) : Function;

  // Creates a new AsyncResource and returns the `resource.bind(fn)`
  // The type argument here is from the Node.js implementation and
  // is passed as the `type` argument to the `AsyncResource`
  // constructor. Implementations of this subset must be capable
  // of accepting the argument but should ignore it.
  static bind(fn, type?: string, thisArg?: any) : Function;

Importing AsyncLocalStorage and AsyncResource

The classes should be importable/requirable using, at least, the node:async_hooks specifier and may be accessed using the bare async_hooks specifier. For example:

import { AsyncLocalStorage, AsyncResource } from 'node:async_hooks'

// or

const { AsyncLocalStorage, AsyncResource } = require('node:async_hooks');

Neither the AsyncLocalStorage and AsyncResource constructors should be accessible via the global scope (globalThis).

Differences from Node.js API

The Node.js AsyncLocalStorage includes additional APIs that assume the async context frame is mutable in place. For instance, the Node.js asyncLocalStorage.enterWith(...) API modifies the value associated with storage key in-place, without creating and entering a new frame. Such a change is not scoped to just the current sync execution and can carry several side effects.

The AsyncLocalStorage subset defined in this document treats the async context frame as immutable once created and therefore does not implement the enterWith() or disable() APIs.

The Node.js AsyncResource includes options and methods that are specific to Node.js' async_hooks resource tracking mechanisms. These aren't relevant to async context tracking and therefore are not included in this subset.

Capturing the async context

In general terms, an "async resource" is any task that is expected to capture the current async context frame and run within its scope at some point in the future. There are some async resources built into JavaScript (e.g. promises, thenables, and microtasks), some defined by Web Platform APIs (e.g. timers, background tasks, unhandled rejections), some defined by the runtime, and others defined by the application. A common characteristic of all async resources is that they are expected to capture the current async context frame and propagate it at various specific times.


A promise itself is not an async resource. A promise continuation task, however, is. In other words, when we use then() to schedule a continuation task for a promise, the current async context is captured and associated with that continuation task.

Note that this is a variance from Node.js' current implementation which treats the promise itself as the async resource, capturing the context at the moment the promise is created rather than when the continuation task is created.

This is an area that will likely continue to evolve and is currently being actively discussed. We could end up with a model similar to Node.js' in the end but there's still a lot of uncertainty here


Thenables (promise-like objects that expose a then() method) should be handled in exactly the same way as a promise.

Thenables do, however, have the option of being defined as extending AsyncResource, overriding the default behavior.

*** As with Promises in general, this is an area that is still up for discussion and consideration.***


queueMicrotask() must capture the async context frame that is current when queueMicrotask() is called and run the callback within the context of that frame.


Timers (using setTimeout(), setInterval()) must capture the async context frame that is current when the timer is created and must run the callback function within the context of that frame.

General guidelines for runtimes and applications

As described previously, async context should be captured at the moment an asynchronous task is scheduled. This is the general rule that runtimes and applications should follow for any API that schedules asynchronous tasks to run.

For example, imagine an API that processes a stream of data by calling a set of configured callbacks. The context that is propagated to each of the callbacks should be the context that is current when the processing started.

const als = new AsyncLocalStorage();

const processor = new Processor({
  onStart() {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // 123
  onEnd() {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // 123
});, () => processor.start(data));

Here, the call to processor.start(data) actually schedules the async activity, so that is the context that is propagated by default. If, alternatively, the intent is for the callbacks to run within the context that is current when the Processor instance is created, AsyncResource.bind() should be used, if the Processor can extend AsyncResource and use this.runInAsyncScope().

const als = new AsyncLocalStorage();

const processor = new Processor({
  onStart: AsyncResource.bind(() {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // undefined
  onEnd: AsyncResource.bind(() {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // undefined
});, () => processor.start(data));

EventTarget and EventEmitter are slightly different cases. Events are technically not asynchronous tasks. Both EventTarget and EventEmitter dispatch events fully synchronously so they will always run in the same context frame as the dispatchEvent/emit call.

const als = new AsyncLocalStorage();
const et = new EventTarget();, () => {
  et.addEventListener('foo', () => {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // 321
});, () => {
  et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

To force an event listener to use the current context frame when the listener is added, use AsyncResource.bind():

const als = new AsyncLocalStorage();
const et = new EventTarget();, () => {
  et.addEventListener('foo', AsyncResource.bind(() => {
    console.log(als.getStore()); // 123
});, () => {
  et.dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

Alternatively, a runtime can provide custom implementations of EventEmitter or EventTarget that capture and propagate async context in other ways (for instance, Node.js' EventEmitterAsyncResource API).

Unhandled rejections and the deferred promise pattern

The unhandledrejection and rejectionhandled events should, by default, propagate the context that was current when those events are scheduled and not when the promise was created.

The deferred promise pattern is an approach to using promises that separates the resolve() and reject() functions used to settle the promise from the actual promise itself.

Consider the following example carefully:

function deferredPromise() {
  let resolve, reject;
  const promise = new Promise((a,b) => {
    resolve = a;
    reject = b;
  return { promise, resolve, reject }

const als = new AsyncLocalStorage();

addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (event) => {
  console.log(als.getStore());  // 123'abc', () => {
    event.promise.catch(() => {});

addEventListener('rejectionhandled', () => {
  console.log(als.getStore()); // 'abc'

const { reject, promise } =, () => deferredPromise());, reject);

Here, the promise is created synchronously within the scope where the value of als.getStore() is 123. However, no asynchronous task is scheduled at that time so the async context should not be captured.

The promise is rejected within the scope where the value of als.getStore() is 321. Within the implementation of reject(), the internal machinery will determine if the rejection is handled. If it is not, that machinery will schedule the asynchronous dispatch of an unhandledrejection event. The current async context must be captured at that point and restored when the unhandledrejection event is dispatched.

When the promise rejection handler is attached inside the unhandledrejection event listener, prompting a subsequent dispatch of the rejectionhandled event, the value of als.getStore() is 'abc', which is propagated to the rejectionhandled event when it is dispatched.

If someone wants the unhandledrejection event to receive the context at the time the promise was created, then the reject() should be wrapped using AsyncResource.bind(), for instance:

function deferredPromiseCurrentContext() {
  let resolve, reject;
  const promise = new Promise((a,b) => {
    resolve = a;
    reject = AsyncResource.bind(b);
  return { promise, resolve, reject }

This would ensure that whenever reject() is called, it enters the context that was current when the promise was created.