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2056 lines (1484 loc) · 37.8 KB

File metadata and controls

2056 lines (1484 loc) · 37.8 KB


The following keys are supported for use with the random helper:

Category - Base

Key - Address

{{ random 'Address.state' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Address.streetName' }}
{{ random 'Address.zipCode' }}
{{ random 'Address.postcode' }}
{{ random 'Address.stateAbbr' }}
{{ random 'Address.citySuffix' }}
{{ random 'Address.cityPrefix' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Address.cityName' }}
{{ random 'Address.latitude' }}
{{ random 'Address.longitude' }}
{{ random 'Address.latLon' }}
{{ random 'Address.lonLat' }}
{{ random 'Address.timeZone' }}
{{ random 'Address.mailBox' }}
{{ random 'Address.streetAddressNumber' }}
{{ random 'Address.streetAddress' }}
{{ random 'Address.secondaryAddress' }}
{{ random 'Address.zipCodePlus4' }}
{{ random 'Address.streetSuffix' }}
{{ random 'Address.streetPrefix' }}
{{ random 'Address.countryCode' }}
{{ random 'Address.buildingNumber' }}
{{ random 'Address.fullAddress' }}

Key - Ancient

{{ random 'Ancient.god' }}
{{ random 'Ancient.primordial' }}
{{ random 'Ancient.titan' }}
{{ random 'Ancient.hero' }}

Key - Animal

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Animal.species' }}
{{ random 'Animal.genus' }}
{{ random 'Animal.scientificName' }}

Key - App

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'App.version' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - Appliance

{{ random 'Appliance.brand' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - Artist

{{ random '' }}

Key - Australia

{{ random 'Australia.locations' }}
{{ random 'Australia.animals' }}
{{ random 'Australia.states' }}

Key - Aviation

{{ random 'Aviation.aircraft' }}
{{ random 'Aviation.airport' }}
{{ random 'Aviation.METAR' }}
{{ random 'Aviation.flight' }}
{{ random 'Aviation.airline' }}

Key - Aws

{{ random 'Aws.region' }}
{{ random 'Aws.accountId' }}
{{ random 'Aws.acmARN' }}
{{ random 'Aws.albARN' }}
{{ random 'Aws.subnetId' }}
{{ random 'Aws.vpcId' }}
{{ random 'Aws.albTargetGroupARN' }}
{{ random 'Aws.route53ZoneId' }}
{{ random 'Aws.securityGroupId' }}

Key - Azure

{{ random 'Azure.region' }}
{{ random 'Azure.tenantId' }}
{{ random 'Azure.firewall' }}
{{ random 'Azure.virtualWan' }}
{{ random 'Azure.serviceBus' }}
{{ random 'Azure.keyVault' }}
{{ random 'Azure.subscriptionId' }}
{{ random 'Azure.resourceGroup' }}
{{ random 'Azure.managementGroup' }}
{{ random 'Azure.applicationGateway' }}
{{ random 'Azure.bastionHost' }}
{{ random 'Azure.loadBalancer' }}
{{ random 'Azure.networkSecurityGroup' }}
{{ random 'Azure.virtualNetwork' }}
{{ random 'Azure.appServiceEnvironment' }}
{{ random 'Azure.appServicePlan' }}
{{ random 'Azure.loadTesting' }}
{{ random 'Azure.staticWebApp' }}
{{ random 'Azure.virtualMachine' }}
{{ random 'Azure.storageAccount' }}
{{ random 'Azure.containerRegistry' }}
{{ random 'Azure.containerApps' }}
{{ random 'Azure.containerAppsEnvironment' }}
{{ random 'Azure.containerInstance' }}
{{ random 'Azure.cosmosDBDatabase' }}
{{ random 'Azure.sqlDatabase' }}
{{ random 'Azure.mysqlDatabase' }}
{{ random 'Azure.postgreSQLDatabase' }}
{{ random 'Azure.serviceBusQueue' }}
{{ random 'Azure.serviceBusTopic' }}
{{ random 'Azure.logAnalytics' }}

Key - Barcode

{{ random 'Barcode.type' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.ean8' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.gtin8' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.gtin13' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.ean13' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.gtin14' }}
{{ random 'Barcode.gtin12' }}

Key - BloodType

{{ random 'BloodType.aboTypes' }}
{{ random 'BloodType.rhTypes' }}
{{ random 'BloodType.pTypes' }}
{{ random 'BloodType.bloodGroup' }}

Key - Book

{{ random 'Book.title' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Book.publisher' }}
{{ random 'Book.genre' }}

Key - Bool

{{ random 'Bool.bool' }}

Key - Business

{{ random 'Business.creditCardNumber' }}
{{ random 'Business.creditCardType' }}
{{ random 'Business.creditCardExpiry' }}
{{ random 'Business.securityCode' }}

Key - CNPJ

{{ random 'CNPJ.valid' }}
{{ random 'CNPJ.invalid' }}

Key - CPF

{{ random 'CPF.valid' }}
{{ random 'CPF.invalid' }}

Key - Camera

{{ random 'Camera.brand' }}
{{ random 'Camera.model' }}
{{ random 'Camera.brandWithModel' }}

Key - Cannabis

{{ random 'Cannabis.types' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.strains' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.terpenes' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.categories' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.buzzwords' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.brands' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.cannabinoidAbbreviations' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.cannabinoids' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.medicalUses' }}
{{ random 'Cannabis.healthBenefits' }}

Key - Cat

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Cat.breed' }}
{{ random 'Cat.registry' }}

Key - Chiquito

{{ random 'Chiquito.terms' }}
{{ random 'Chiquito.sentences' }}
{{ random 'Chiquito.jokes' }}
{{ random 'Chiquito.expressions' }}

Key - Code

{{ random 'Code.asin' }}
{{ random 'Code.isbnGs1' }}
{{ random 'Code.isbnGroup' }}
{{ random 'Code.isbn10' }}
{{ random 'Code.isbn13' }}
{{ random 'Code.imei' }}
{{ random 'Code.ean8' }}
{{ random 'Code.gtin8' }}
{{ random 'Code.gtin13' }}
{{ random 'Code.ean13' }}
{{ random 'Code.isbnRegistrant' }}

Key - Coin

{{ random 'Coin.flip' }}

Key - Color

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Color.hex' }}

Key - Commerce

{{ random 'Commerce.brand' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.department' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.material' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.vendor' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.price' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.productName' }}
{{ random 'Commerce.promotionCode' }}

Key - Community

{{ random 'Community.quote' }}
{{ random 'Community.character' }}

Key - Company

{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Company.suffix' }}
{{ random 'Company.url' }}
{{ random 'Company.industry' }}
{{ random 'Company.profession' }}
{{ random 'Company.buzzword' }}
{{ random 'Company.logo' }}
{{ random 'Company.catchPhrase' }}

Key - Compass

{{ random 'Compass.word' }}
{{ random 'Compass.azimuth' }}
{{ random 'Compass.abbreviation' }}

Key - Computer

{{ random 'Computer.type' }}
{{ random 'Computer.platform' }}
{{ random 'Computer.linux' }}
{{ random 'Computer.macos' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Computer.operatingSystem' }}

Key - Construction

{{ random 'Construction.materials' }}
{{ random 'Construction.roles' }}
{{ random 'Construction.trades' }}
{{ random 'Construction.heavyEquipment' }}
{{ random 'Construction.subcontractCategories' }}
{{ random 'Construction.standardCostCodes' }}

Key - Cosmere

{{ random 'Cosmere.aons' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.shards' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.surges' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.metals' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.heralds' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.sprens' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.shardWorlds' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.knightsRadiant' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.allomancers' }}
{{ random 'Cosmere.feruchemists' }}

Key - Country

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Country.flag' }}
{{ random 'Country.currency' }}
{{ random 'Country.currencyCode' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Country.countryCode2' }}
{{ random 'Country.countryCode3' }}

Key - CryptoCoin

{{ random 'CryptoCoin.coin' }}

Key - CultureSeries

{{ random 'CultureSeries.books' }}
{{ random 'CultureSeries.civs' }}
{{ random 'CultureSeries.planets' }}
{{ random 'CultureSeries.cultureShips' }}
{{ random 'CultureSeries.cultureShipClasses' }}
{{ random 'CultureSeries.cultureShipClassAbvs' }}

Key - Currency

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Currency.code' }}

Key - DcComics

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'DcComics.hero' }}
{{ random 'DcComics.heroine' }}
{{ random 'DcComics.villain' }}
{{ random 'DcComics.title' }}

Key - Demographic

{{ random 'Demographic.race' }}
{{ random 'Demographic.demonym' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Demographic.educationalAttainment' }}
{{ random 'Demographic.maritalStatus' }}

Key - Device

{{ random 'Device.platform' }}
{{ random 'Device.modelName' }}
{{ random 'Device.serial' }}
{{ random 'Device.manufacturer' }}

Key - Disease

{{ random 'Disease.ophthalmologyAndOtorhinolaryngology' }}
{{ random 'Disease.neurology' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Disease.internalDisease' }}
{{ random 'Disease.paediatrics' }}
{{ random 'Disease.gynecologyAndObstetrics' }}
{{ random 'Disease.dermatolory' }}

Key - Dog

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Dog.size' }}
{{ random 'Dog.breed' }}
{{ random 'Dog.sound' }}
{{ random 'Dog.memePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Dog.age' }}
{{ random 'Dog.coatLength' }}
{{ random 'Dog.gender' }}

Key - Drone

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Drone.iso' }}
{{ random 'Drone.weight' }}
{{ random 'Drone.flightTime' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxSpeed' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxAscentSpeed' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxDescentSpeed' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxAltitude' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxFlightDistance' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxWindResistance' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxAngularVelocity' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxTiltAngle' }}
{{ random 'Drone.operatingTemperature' }}
{{ random 'Drone.batteryCapacity' }}
{{ random 'Drone.batteryVoltage' }}
{{ random 'Drone.batteryType' }}
{{ random 'Drone.batteryWeight' }}
{{ random 'Drone.chargingTemperature' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxChargingPower' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxResolution' }}
{{ random 'Drone.photoFormat' }}
{{ random 'Drone.videoFormat' }}
{{ random 'Drone.maxShutterSpeed' }}
{{ random 'Drone.minShutterSpeed' }}
{{ random 'Drone.shutterSpeedUnits' }}

Key - DungeonsAndDragons

{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.alignments' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.cities' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.klasses' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.languages' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.monsters' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.races' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.backgrounds' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.meleeWeapons' }}
{{ random 'DungeonsAndDragons.rangedWeapons' }}

Key - Educator

{{ random 'Educator.course' }}
{{ random 'Educator.campus' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Educator.subjectWithNumber' }}
{{ random 'Educator.secondarySchool' }}

Key - EldenRing

{{ random 'EldenRing.location' }}
{{ random 'EldenRing.weapon' }}
{{ random 'EldenRing.skill' }}
{{ random 'EldenRing.spell' }}
{{ random 'EldenRing.npc' }}

Key - ElectricalComponents

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'ElectricalComponents.passive' }}
{{ random 'ElectricalComponents.electromechanical' }}

Key - Emoji

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Emoji.smiley' }}

Key - FamousLastWords

{{ random 'FamousLastWords.lastWords' }}

Key - File

{{ random 'File.fileName' }}
{{ random 'File.extension' }}
{{ random 'File.mimeType' }}

Key - Finance

{{ random 'Finance.nyseTicker' }}
{{ random 'Finance.creditCard' }}
{{ random 'Finance.bic' }}
{{ random 'Finance.iban' }}
{{ random 'Finance.nasdaqTicker' }}
{{ random 'Finance.stockMarket' }}

Key - FreshPrinceOfBelAir

{{ random 'FreshPrinceOfBelAir.characters' }}
{{ random 'FreshPrinceOfBelAir.quotes' }}
{{ random 'FreshPrinceOfBelAir.celebrities' }}

Key - FunnyName

{{ random '' }}

Key - GarmentSize

{{ random 'GarmentSize.size' }}

Key - Gender

{{ random 'Gender.types' }}
{{ random 'Gender.binaryTypes' }}
{{ random 'Gender.shortBinaryTypes' }}

Key - GratefulDead

{{ random 'GratefulDead.players' }}
{{ random 'GratefulDead.songs' }}

Key - GreekPhilosopher

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'GreekPhilosopher.quote' }}

Key - Hacker

{{ random 'Hacker.noun' }}
{{ random 'Hacker.ingverb' }}
{{ random 'Hacker.adjective' }}
{{ random 'Hacker.verb' }}
{{ random 'Hacker.abbreviation' }}

Key - Hashing

{{ random 'Hashing.md2' }}
{{ random 'Hashing.md5' }}
{{ random 'Hashing.sha1' }}
{{ random 'Hashing.sha384' }}
{{ random 'Hashing.sha256' }}
{{ random 'Hashing.sha512' }}

Key - Hipster

{{ random 'Hipster.word' }}

Key - Hobby

{{ random 'Hobby.activity' }}

Key - Hololive

{{ random 'Hololive.talent' }}

Key - Horse

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Horse.breed' }}

Key - House

{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - IdNumber

{{ random 'IdNumber.valid' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.invalid' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.ssnValid' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.validPtNif' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.validSvSeSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.validEnZaSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.inValidEnZaSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.invalidSvSeSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.singaporeanFin' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.singaporeanFinBefore2000' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.singaporeanUin' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.singaporeanUinBefore2000' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.validZhCNSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.invalidPtNif' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.validEsMXSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.invalidEsMXSsn' }}
{{ random 'IdNumber.peselNumber' }}

Key - IndustrySegments

{{ random 'IndustrySegments.industry' }}
{{ random 'IndustrySegments.sector' }}
{{ random 'IndustrySegments.subSector' }}
{{ random 'IndustrySegments.superSector' }}

Key - Internet

{{ random 'Internet.url' }}
{{ random 'Internet.port' }}
{{ random 'Internet.image' }}
{{ random 'Internet.domainWord' }}
{{ random 'Internet.httpMethod' }}
{{ random 'Internet.macAddress' }}
{{ random 'Internet.ipV4Cidr' }}
{{ random 'Internet.ipV6Cidr' }}
{{ random 'Internet.uuidv3' }}
{{ random 'Internet.userAgent' }}
{{ random 'Internet.slug' }}
{{ random 'Internet.uuid' }}
{{ random 'Internet.domainName' }}
{{ random 'Internet.password' }}
{{ random 'Internet.emailAddress' }}
{{ random 'Internet.safeEmailAddress' }}
{{ random 'Internet.ipV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.getIpV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.privateIpV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.getPrivateIpV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.publicIpV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.getPublicIpV4Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.ipV6Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.getIpV6Address' }}
{{ random 'Internet.botUserAgentAny' }}
{{ random 'Internet.domainSuffix' }}

Key - Job

{{ random 'Job.position' }}
{{ random 'Job.field' }}
{{ random 'Job.seniority' }}
{{ random 'Job.keySkills' }}
{{ random 'Job.title' }}

Key - Kpop

{{ random 'Kpop.iGroups' }}
{{ random 'Kpop.iiGroups' }}
{{ random 'Kpop.iiiGroups' }}
{{ random 'Kpop.girlGroups' }}
{{ random 'Kpop.boyBands' }}
{{ random 'Kpop.solo' }}

Key - Lorem

{{ random 'Lorem.words' }}
{{ random 'Lorem.word' }}
{{ random 'Lorem.character' }}
{{ random 'Lorem.sentence' }}
{{ random 'Lorem.paragraph' }}
{{ random 'Lorem.characters' }}

Key - Marketing

{{ random 'Marketing.buzzwords' }}

Key - Matz

{{ random 'Matz.quote' }}

Key - Mbti

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Mbti.type' }}
{{ random 'Mbti.personage' }}
{{ random 'Mbti.merit' }}
{{ random 'Mbti.weakness' }}
{{ random 'Mbti.characteristic' }}

Key - Measurement

{{ random 'Measurement.length' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.height' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.weight' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.volume' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.metricHeight' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.metricLength' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.metricVolume' }}
{{ random 'Measurement.metricWeight' }}

Key - Medical

{{ random 'Medical.symptoms' }}
{{ random 'Medical.medicineName' }}
{{ random 'Medical.diseaseName' }}
{{ random 'Medical.hospitalName' }}
{{ random 'Medical.diagnosisCode' }}
{{ random 'Medical.procedureCode' }}

Key - Military

{{ random 'Military.armyRank' }}
{{ random 'Military.navyRank' }}
{{ random 'Military.marinesRank' }}
{{ random 'Military.airForceRank' }}
{{ random 'Military.dodPaygrade' }}

Key - Money

{{ random 'Money.currency' }}
{{ random 'Money.currencyCode' }}

Key - Mood

{{ random 'Mood.feeling' }}
{{ random 'Mood.emotion' }}
{{ random 'Mood.tone' }}

Key - Mountain

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Mountain.range' }}

Key - Mountaineering

{{ random 'Mountaineering.mountaineer' }}

Key - Music

{{ random 'Music.key' }}
{{ random 'Music.instrument' }}
{{ random 'Music.chord' }}
{{ random 'Music.genre' }}

Key - Name

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Name.prefix' }}
{{ random 'Name.suffix' }}
{{ random 'Name.lastName' }}
{{ random 'Name.fullName' }}
{{ random 'Name.firstName' }}
{{ random 'Name.title' }}
{{ random 'Name.username' }}
{{ random 'Name.nameWithMiddle' }}

Key - Nation

{{ random 'Nation.flag' }}
{{ random 'Nation.language' }}
{{ random 'Nation.isoCountry' }}
{{ random 'Nation.nationality' }}
{{ random 'Nation.capitalCity' }}
{{ random 'Nation.isoLanguage' }}

Key - NatoPhoneticAlphabet

{{ random 'NatoPhoneticAlphabet.codeWord' }}

Key - Nigeria

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Nigeria.places' }}
{{ random 'Nigeria.schools' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Nigeria.celebrities' }}

Key - Number

{{ random 'Number.digit' }}
{{ random 'Number.negative' }}
{{ random 'Number.positive' }}
{{ random 'Number.randomDigit' }}
{{ random 'Number.randomDigitNotZero' }}
{{ random 'Number.randomNumber' }}

Key - Passport

{{ random 'Passport.valid' }}

Key - PhoneNumber

{{ random 'PhoneNumber.extension' }}
{{ random 'PhoneNumber.cellPhone' }}
{{ random 'PhoneNumber.phoneNumberInternational' }}
{{ random 'PhoneNumber.phoneNumberNational' }}
{{ random 'PhoneNumber.subscriberNumber' }}
{{ random 'PhoneNumber.phoneNumber' }}

Key - Photography

{{ random 'Photography.iso' }}
{{ random 'Photography.brand' }}
{{ random 'Photography.genre' }}
{{ random 'Photography.lens' }}
{{ random 'Photography.imageTag' }}
{{ random 'Photography.aperture' }}
{{ random 'Photography.shutter' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Photography.term' }}

Key - ProgrammingLanguage

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'ProgrammingLanguage.creator' }}

Key - Relationship

{{ random 'Relationship.parent' }}
{{ random 'Relationship.inLaw' }}
{{ random 'Relationship.spouse' }}
{{ random 'Relationship.sibling' }}

Key - Restaurant

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Restaurant.type' }}
{{ random 'Restaurant.description' }}
{{ random 'Restaurant.namePrefix' }}
{{ random 'Restaurant.nameSuffix' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - Robin

{{ random 'Robin.quote' }}

Key - RockBand

{{ random '' }}

Key - Science

{{ random 'Science.element' }}
{{ random 'Science.unit' }}
{{ random 'Science.scientist' }}
{{ random 'Science.tool' }}
{{ random 'Science.quark' }}
{{ random 'Science.leptons' }}
{{ random 'Science.bosons' }}
{{ random 'Science.elementSymbol' }}

Key - Shakespeare

{{ random 'Shakespeare.hamletQuote' }}
{{ random 'Shakespeare.asYouLikeItQuote' }}
{{ random 'Shakespeare.kingRichardIIIQuote' }}
{{ random 'Shakespeare.romeoAndJulietQuote' }}

Key - Sip

{{ random 'Sip.method' }}
{{ random 'Sip.rtpPort' }}
{{ random 'Sip.bodyString' }}
{{ random 'Sip.bodyBytes' }}
{{ random 'Sip.contentType' }}
{{ random 'Sip.messagingPort' }}
{{ random 'Sip.provisionalResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.successResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.redirectResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.clientErrorResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.serverErrorResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.globalErrorResponseCode' }}
{{ random 'Sip.provisionalResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.successResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.redirectResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.clientErrorResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.serverErrorResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.globalErrorResponsePhrase' }}
{{ random 'Sip.nameAddress' }}

Key - Size

{{ random 'Size.adjective' }}

Key - SlackEmoji

{{ random 'SlackEmoji.people' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.nature' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.custom' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.activity' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.emoji' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.foodAndDrink' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.celebration' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.travelAndPlaces' }}
{{ random 'SlackEmoji.objectsAndSymbols' }}

Key - Space

{{ random 'Space.planet' }}
{{ random 'Space.moon' }}
{{ random 'Space.galaxy' }}
{{ random 'Space.nebula' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Space.meteorite' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Space.starCluster' }}
{{ random 'Space.constellation' }}
{{ random 'Space.agencyAbbreviation' }}
{{ random 'Space.nasaSpaceCraft' }}
{{ random 'Space.distanceMeasurement' }}

Key - Stock

{{ random 'Stock.nsdqSymbol' }}
{{ random 'Stock.nyseSymbol' }}

Key - Subscription

{{ random 'Subscription.plans' }}
{{ random 'Subscription.statuses' }}
{{ random 'Subscription.paymentMethods' }}
{{ random 'Subscription.subscriptionTerms' }}
{{ random 'Subscription.paymentTerms' }}

Key - Superhero

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Superhero.prefix' }}
{{ random 'Superhero.suffix' }}
{{ random 'Superhero.descriptor' }}
{{ random 'Superhero.power' }}

Key - Team

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Team.state' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Team.creature' }}

Key - Text

{{ random 'Text.text' }}
{{ random 'Text.character' }}
{{ random 'Text.uppercaseCharacter' }}
{{ random 'Text.lowercaseCharacter' }}

Key - Tron

{{ random 'Tron.location' }}
{{ random 'Tron.quote' }}
{{ random 'Tron.character' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Tron.tagline' }}
{{ random 'Tron.vehicle' }}
{{ random 'Tron.alternateCharacterSpelling' }}

Key - Twitter

{{ random 'Twitter.userName' }}
{{ random 'Twitter.userId' }}

Key - University

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'University.prefix' }}
{{ random 'University.suffix' }}

Key - Vehicle

{{ random 'Vehicle.make' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.color' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.upholstery' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.driveType' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.fuelType' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.carType' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.engine' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.carOptions' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.doors' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.model' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.manufacturer' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.makeAndModel' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.upholsteryColor' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.upholsteryFabric' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.transmission' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.standardSpecs' }}
{{ random 'Vehicle.licensePlate' }}

Key - Verb

{{ random 'Verb.base' }}
{{ random 'Verb.ingForm' }}
{{ random 'Verb.past' }}
{{ random 'Verb.pastParticiple' }}
{{ random 'Verb.simplePresent' }}

Key - Weather

{{ random 'Weather.description' }}
{{ random 'Weather.temperatureCelsius' }}
{{ random 'Weather.temperatureFahrenheit' }}

Key - Yoda

{{ random 'Yoda.quote' }}

Category - Food

Key - Beer

{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Beer.hop' }}
{{ random 'Beer.yeast' }}
{{ random 'Beer.malt' }}

Key - Coffee

{{ random 'Coffee.descriptor' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.name1' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.name2' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.body' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.region' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.variety' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.notes' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.blendName' }}
{{ random 'Coffee.intensifier' }}

Key - Dessert

{{ random 'Dessert.variety' }}
{{ random 'Dessert.topping' }}
{{ random 'Dessert.flavor' }}

Key - Food

{{ random 'Food.ingredient' }}
{{ random 'Food.spice' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Food.fruit' }}
{{ random 'Food.vegetable' }}
{{ random 'Food.sushi' }}
{{ random 'Food.measurement' }}

Key - Tea

{{ random 'Tea.type' }}
{{ random 'Tea.variety' }}

Category - Movie

Key - AquaTeenHungerForce

{{ random 'AquaTeenHungerForce.character' }}

Key - Avatar

{{ random 'Avatar.image' }}

Key - Babylon5

{{ random 'Babylon5.quote' }}
{{ random 'Babylon5.character' }}

Key - BackToTheFuture

{{ random 'BackToTheFuture.quote' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'BackToTheFuture.character' }}

Key - BigBangTheory

{{ random 'BigBangTheory.quote' }}
{{ random 'BigBangTheory.character' }}

Key - BojackHorseman

{{ random 'BojackHorseman.characters' }}
{{ random 'BojackHorseman.quotes' }}
{{ random 'BojackHorseman.tongueTwisters' }}

Key - BossaNova

{{ random 'BossaNova.artist' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - BreakingBad

{{ random 'BreakingBad.character' }}
{{ random 'BreakingBad.episode' }}

Key - BrooklynNineNine

{{ random 'BrooklynNineNine.characters' }}
{{ random 'BrooklynNineNine.quotes' }}

Key - Buffy

{{ random 'Buffy.characters' }}
{{ random 'Buffy.quotes' }}
{{ random 'Buffy.bigBads' }}
{{ random 'Buffy.episodes' }}
{{ random 'Buffy.celebrities' }}

Key - ChuckNorris

{{ random 'ChuckNorris.fact' }}

Key - DarkSoul

{{ random 'DarkSoul.classes' }}
{{ random 'DarkSoul.stats' }}
{{ random 'DarkSoul.covenants' }}
{{ random 'DarkSoul.shield' }}

Key - Departed

{{ random 'Departed.quote' }}
{{ random 'Departed.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - DetectiveConan

{{ random 'DetectiveConan.characters' }}
{{ random 'DetectiveConan.gadgets' }}
{{ random 'DetectiveConan.vehicles' }}

Key - DoctorWho

{{ random 'DoctorWho.quote' }}
{{ random 'DoctorWho.character' }}
{{ random 'DoctorWho.species' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'DoctorWho.villain' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'DoctorWho.catchPhrase' }}

Key - Doraemon

{{ random 'Doraemon.location' }}
{{ random 'Doraemon.character' }}
{{ random 'Doraemon.gadget' }}

Key - DragonBall

{{ random 'DragonBall.character' }}

Key - DumbAndDumber

{{ random 'DumbAndDumber.quote' }}
{{ random 'DumbAndDumber.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - Dune

{{ random 'Dune.quote' }}
{{ random 'Dune.character' }}
{{ random 'Dune.title' }}
{{ random 'Dune.planet' }}
{{ random 'Dune.saying' }}

Key - FamilyGuy

{{ random 'FamilyGuy.location' }}
{{ random 'FamilyGuy.quote' }}
{{ random 'FamilyGuy.character' }}

Key - FinalSpace

{{ random 'FinalSpace.quote' }}
{{ random 'FinalSpace.character' }}
{{ random 'FinalSpace.vehicle' }}

Key - Friends

{{ random 'Friends.location' }}
{{ random 'Friends.quote' }}
{{ random 'Friends.character' }}

Key - FullmetalAlchemist

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'FullmetalAlchemist.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - GameOfThrones

{{ random 'GameOfThrones.quote' }}
{{ random 'GameOfThrones.character' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'GameOfThrones.dragon' }}

Key - Ghostbusters

{{ random 'Ghostbusters.quote' }}
{{ random 'Ghostbusters.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - HarryPotter

{{ random 'HarryPotter.location' }}
{{ random 'HarryPotter.quote' }}
{{ random 'HarryPotter.character' }}
{{ random 'HarryPotter.spell' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - HeyArnold

{{ random 'HeyArnold.locations' }}
{{ random 'HeyArnold.characters' }}
{{ random 'HeyArnold.quotes' }}

Key - HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy

{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.location' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.quote' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.character' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.species' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.planet' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.starship' }}
{{ random 'HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy.marvinQuote' }}

Key - Hobbit

{{ random 'Hobbit.location' }}
{{ random 'Hobbit.quote' }}
{{ random 'Hobbit.character' }}
{{ random 'Hobbit.thorinsCompany' }}

Key - HowIMetYourMother

{{ random 'HowIMetYourMother.quote' }}
{{ random 'HowIMetYourMother.character' }}
{{ random 'HowIMetYourMother.highFive' }}
{{ random 'HowIMetYourMother.catchPhrase' }}

Key - Kaamelott

{{ random 'Kaamelott.quote' }}
{{ random 'Kaamelott.character' }}

Key - Lebowski

{{ random 'Lebowski.quote' }}
{{ random 'Lebowski.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - LordOfTheRings

{{ random 'LordOfTheRings.location' }}
{{ random 'LordOfTheRings.character' }}

Key - MoneyHeist

{{ random 'MoneyHeist.quote' }}
{{ random 'MoneyHeist.character' }}
{{ random 'MoneyHeist.heist' }}

Key - Movie

{{ random 'Movie.quote' }}

Key - OnePiece

{{ random 'OnePiece.location' }}
{{ random 'OnePiece.quote' }}
{{ random 'OnePiece.character' }}
{{ random 'OnePiece.sea' }}
{{ random 'OnePiece.island' }}
{{ random 'OnePiece.akumasNoMi' }}

Key - OscarMovie

{{ random 'OscarMovie.quote' }}
{{ random 'OscarMovie.getYear' }}
{{ random 'OscarMovie.character' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'OscarMovie.getChoice' }}
{{ random 'OscarMovie.movieName' }}
{{ random 'OscarMovie.releaseDate' }}

Key - Pokemon

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Pokemon.type' }}
{{ random 'Pokemon.location' }}
{{ random 'Pokemon.move' }}

Key - PrincessBride

{{ random 'PrincessBride.quote' }}
{{ random 'PrincessBride.character' }}

Key - ResidentEvil

{{ random 'ResidentEvil.location' }}
{{ random 'ResidentEvil.character' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'ResidentEvil.creature' }}
{{ random 'ResidentEvil.biologicalAgent' }}

Key - RickAndMorty

{{ random 'RickAndMorty.location' }}
{{ random 'RickAndMorty.quote' }}
{{ random 'RickAndMorty.character' }}

Key - RuPaulDragRace

{{ random 'RuPaulDragRace.quote' }}
{{ random 'RuPaulDragRace.queen' }}

Key - Seinfeld

{{ random 'Seinfeld.quote' }}
{{ random 'Seinfeld.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - Simpsons

{{ random 'Simpsons.location' }}
{{ random 'Simpsons.quote' }}
{{ random 'Simpsons.character' }}

Key - StarTrek

{{ random 'StarTrek.location' }}
{{ random 'StarTrek.character' }}
{{ random 'StarTrek.species' }}
{{ random 'StarTrek.villain' }}
{{ random 'StarTrek.klingon' }}

Key - StarWars

{{ random 'StarWars.character' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.species' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.planets' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.quotes' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.callSign' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.vehicles' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.droids' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.alternateCharacterSpelling' }}
{{ random 'StarWars.wookieWords' }}

Key - StudioGhibli

{{ random 'StudioGhibli.quote' }}
{{ random 'StudioGhibli.character' }}
{{ random '' }}

Key - TheItCrowd

{{ random 'TheItCrowd.characters' }}
{{ random 'TheItCrowd.quotes' }}
{{ random 'TheItCrowd.actors' }}
{{ random 'TheItCrowd.emails' }}

Key - TwinPeaks

{{ random 'TwinPeaks.location' }}
{{ random 'TwinPeaks.quote' }}
{{ random 'TwinPeaks.character' }}

Key - Witcher

{{ random 'Witcher.location' }}
{{ random 'Witcher.sign' }}
{{ random 'Witcher.quote' }}
{{ random 'Witcher.character' }}
{{ random 'Witcher.witcher' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Witcher.potion' }}
{{ random '' }}

Category - Sport

Key - Baseball

{{ random 'Baseball.positions' }}
{{ random 'Baseball.players' }}
{{ random 'Baseball.teams' }}
{{ random 'Baseball.coaches' }}

Key - Basketball

{{ random 'Basketball.positions' }}
{{ random 'Basketball.players' }}
{{ random 'Basketball.teams' }}
{{ random 'Basketball.coaches' }}

Key - Cricket

{{ random 'Cricket.formats' }}
{{ random 'Cricket.players' }}
{{ random 'Cricket.teams' }}
{{ random 'Cricket.tournaments' }}

Key - EnglandFootBall

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'EnglandFootBall.league' }}

Key - Football

{{ random 'Football.positions' }}
{{ random 'Football.players' }}
{{ random 'Football.teams' }}
{{ random 'Football.coaches' }}
{{ random 'Football.competitions' }}

Key - Formula1

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Formula1.driver' }}
{{ random 'Formula1.circuit' }}
{{ random 'Formula1.grandPrix' }}

Key - Volleyball

{{ random 'Volleyball.position' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Volleyball.player' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Volleyball.formation' }}

Category - Video Games

Key - Battlefield1

{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Battlefield1.classes' }}
{{ random 'Battlefield1.weapon' }}
{{ random 'Battlefield1.vehicle' }}
{{ random 'Battlefield1.faction' }}

Key - ClashOfClans

{{ random 'ClashOfClans.troop' }}
{{ random 'ClashOfClans.rank' }}
{{ random 'ClashOfClans.defensiveBuilding' }}

Key - Control

{{ random 'Control.location' }}
{{ random 'Control.quote' }}
{{ random 'Control.character' }}
{{ random 'Control.hiss' }}
{{ random 'Control.theBoard' }}
{{ random 'Control.objectOfPower' }}
{{ random 'Control.alteredItem' }}
{{ random 'Control.alteredWorldEvent' }}

Key - ElderScrolls

{{ random 'ElderScrolls.quote' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.lastName' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.region' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.race' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.creature' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.firstName' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'ElderScrolls.dragon' }}

Key - Esports

{{ random 'Esports.event' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'Esports.player' }}
{{ random 'Esports.league' }}

Key - Fallout

{{ random 'Fallout.location' }}
{{ random 'Fallout.quote' }}
{{ random 'Fallout.character' }}
{{ random 'Fallout.faction' }}

Key - Hearthstone

{{ random 'Hearthstone.wildRank' }}
{{ random 'Hearthstone.mainProfession' }}
{{ random 'Hearthstone.mainCharacter' }}
{{ random 'Hearthstone.mainPattern' }}
{{ random 'Hearthstone.battlegroundsScore' }}
{{ random 'Hearthstone.standardRank' }}

Key - HeroesOfTheStorm

{{ random 'HeroesOfTheStorm.quote' }}
{{ random 'HeroesOfTheStorm.hero' }}
{{ random 'HeroesOfTheStorm.heroClass' }}
{{ random 'HeroesOfTheStorm.battleground' }}

Key - LeagueOfLegends

{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.location' }}
{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.quote' }}
{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.rank' }}
{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.champion' }}
{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.masteries' }}
{{ random 'LeagueOfLegends.summonerSpell' }}

Key - MassEffect

{{ random 'MassEffect.quote' }}
{{ random 'MassEffect.character' }}
{{ random 'MassEffect.planet' }}
{{ random 'MassEffect.specie' }}
{{ random 'MassEffect.cluster' }}

Key - Minecraft

{{ random 'Minecraft.itemName' }}
{{ random 'Minecraft.tileName' }}
{{ random 'Minecraft.entityName' }}
{{ random 'Minecraft.animalName' }}
{{ random 'Minecraft.monsterName' }}
{{ random 'Minecraft.tileItemName' }}

Key - Overwatch

{{ random 'Overwatch.location' }}
{{ random 'Overwatch.quote' }}
{{ random 'Overwatch.hero' }}

Key - SoulKnight

{{ random 'SoulKnight.characters' }}
{{ random 'SoulKnight.buffs' }}
{{ random 'SoulKnight.statues' }}
{{ random 'SoulKnight.weapons' }}
{{ random 'SoulKnight.bosses' }}
{{ random 'SoulKnight.enemies' }}

Key - StarCraft

{{ random 'StarCraft.unit' }}
{{ random 'StarCraft.character' }}
{{ random 'StarCraft.planet' }}
{{ random 'StarCraft.building' }}

Key - SuperMario

{{ random 'SuperMario.locations' }}
{{ random '' }}
{{ random 'SuperMario.characters' }}

Key - Touhou

{{ random 'Touhou.trackName' }}
{{ random 'Touhou.gameName' }}
{{ random 'Touhou.characterName' }}
{{ random 'Touhou.characterFirstName' }}
{{ random 'Touhou.characterLastName' }}

Key - Zelda

{{ random 'Zelda.character' }}
{{ random '' }}