Service to subscribe to data published by Automatic Weather Stations and store the data into the wis2box-incoming bucket. It is currently designed to work in conjunction with the 'csv2bufr'-plugin and the default mapping-template 'synop_bufr.json' and is compatible with Campbell scientific data loggers version CR1000X.
The wis2box-data-subscriber subscribes to the topic 'data-incoming/#' to a broker-endpoint configured by the environment variables.
The wis2box-data-subscriber checks that the last level of the topic is 'SYNOP', before proceeding to process the data.
One .csv is created per timestamp for the content of the 'observations'-object in the message. The the attribute 'observationNames' is written as the headers into each .csv.
The .csv is stored as new object into the MINIO-endpoint defined by the environment variables for this services. The path used for the file in the minio-bucket is defined as:
Where CENTRE_ID is defined with an environment variables.
Processing non-synop data will required an updated version of the current code.
See /test for example.
wis2box-data-subscriber uses. the following environment-variables:
AWS_BROKER=mqtt://wis2box:xxx@localhost:1883 # set endpoint for broker where AWS data is published
CENTRE_ID=zm-zmb_met_centre # set centre_id for wis2-topic-hierarchy
LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO # set logging level
LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO # set logging-level
MINIO_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9000 # set this to the minio-endpoint for your wis2box
MINIO_ROOT_USER=wis2box # minio username for your minio-endpoint
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=xxx # minio password for your minio-endpoint