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Quadhelion Engineering Universal Software License




  • (Q)had(H)elion(E)ngineering (L)icense (P)ermission
  • (O)btain (M)odify (E)xecute
  • (N)on-(C)ommercial
  • (N)o (D)erivatives
  • (H)uman (I)ntelligence

All entities are Universally bound by the terms and conditions of this license as it is inseparable to the Software using this license. This license grants no other rights than detailed herein.

Executive Summary

Non-Commercial usage, retain and forward author and license data. Modify existing code as needed up to 25% while allowing unlimited new additions. The Software may use or be used by other software.

Section 1 – Definitions.

  • Universal is defined as all the states of existence. If exists, this License applies.
  • Software is defined as means used to produce a desired result on a calculating device accompanying and referencing this License.
  • Creator is defined as the natural human being that created the Software here designed in his mind and written down to Obtain and Execute.
  • License is defined as what all entities other than the Creator of the Software allows to be done with the software.
  • Licensee is defined as all entities other than the Creator of the Software.
  • Obtain is defined as having knowledge of the means used in the Software.
  • Modify is defined as making changes to the Execution of the Software in conformance with the existing Execution process in majority, utilizing the same data types of input and output originally used by the Software, retaining the intended use of the Execution of the Software in superset of subset of solutions, workflows, processing, intake, and production in general, but not in detail.
  • Execute is defined as having a calculating device calculate the Software.
  • Intelligence is defined as having the ability to solve complex problems with judgement.
  • Human is defined as Homo sapiens birthed from another living Female Homo sapiens.

Section 2 - Software Modification Allowance

The software may not be modified in the following ways:

  • The Software logic itself cannot be changed in majority.
  • The original application to which the Software was applied cannot be modified.
  • Changing or replacing of more than 25% of the existing programming code of the Software is not allowed. This does not include error handling, metadata or comments.
  • Programming language comments cannot be modified.
  • Metadata cannot be modified.
  • Author and License information cannot be modified.
  • You may not adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reuse the Software code, Software logic, or logic designs of the Software.
  • The Software may not be re-created or re-generated in whole or in part in another programming language or by any means except by permission of the Creator.

The Software may be modified in the following ways:

  1. Any modification must retain the majority of functionality in conformance with the original Software.
  2. The Software can only be modified with the original programming language it was written in.
  3. The Software may be used by other software. The Software may use other software.
  4. Allowance of additional new programming code and comments to the Software is unlimited.

Examples of how the Software may be modified:.

  1. The application of the Software is the computer systems and components to which the Software originally Executed; that being the data, systems, processes, inputs and outputs, and categories or types of computers, systems, data, I/O, and components the Software interacts with upon Execution.
    1. For example, if the Software Executes outputing Firewall rules and reloading those rules in a Firewall than it is not allowed to modify this Software to simply produce files that are distributed on FTP.
      1. Removing a Software function of only two functions is not majority conformance.
  2. Unlimited new functions and functionality can be added.
  3. Software logic can be changed without removing the majority of functions or functionality.

Section 3 – Scope.

License granted.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, the Creator hereby grants the following exclusive entities permission to Execute the Software which meet both the following conditions:

  1. Natural Human Beings
    1. Genus and Species commonly classified as Homo Sapiens, born on the same known world terra firma as the Creator was born on, being birthed by a Female Natural Human Being.
  2. Non-Commercial Entities
    1. Entities who are not profit motivated and are not substantially valued.
    2. All Corporations type Limited Liability Company (LLC), S-Corporation (S-Corp), and C-Corporation (C-Corp) are strictly forbidden from Software Obtainment and Execution and cannot be a Licensee.

License denied.

  1. Non-Human Intelligences such as Artificial Intelligence, Generative, Language Models, or Generated Intelligences have no permissions to Obtain, Modify or Execute.
    1. Any computational analysis or automata characterized as Intelligence has no allowance or License to Obtain, Modify, or Execute the Software.
    2. Any sentience that was not birthed from a living Female Human Being has no allowance or License to Obtain, Modify, or Execute the Software.
  2. Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and legal or financial instruments, or applications to the Software, it's Execution, or it's License thereof is strictly prohibited.
  3. Derivations, re-creations, re-generations, and adaptations of the Software are strictly prohibited.
  4. Effective technological measures, Effective protective technological measures, and any prevention or limitation placed on the exercise of the Licensee's Execution of the Software is strictly prohibited.


This words and expressions of allowance and denial contained are here the License which in totality and in summary the whole of this formatted document is itself the Licensor. Adhering to the provisions of this License constitutes a Licensee. The Creator himself is not the Licensor and is not in contract in any way with any entity.

Section 4 – License Conditions.

Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.

The Licensee must:

  1. Retain the License, usually the file, with the Software.

    1. All information contained in the Software referring to the License and Identity of the Creator.
    2. All Author information including URLs, dates, emails, must be retained.
    3. This License file must be maintained at all times alongside the Software.
  2. Indicate the Licensed Software is licensed under this License

    1. Include the text of, the file of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this License, pertinent to any entity that is not aware of this Copyright, Trademark, Patent, or, License, of this Software.
    2. This includes requests, audits, inspection, or reviews in singular or in totality of all Software used on the Calculating Device where the Software resides, referenced, or Executed;
    3. The Licensee must make aware this License to all interested entities in the Software, it's means, functions, or results.
  3. Obtain, Customize, and Execute the Software in conformance with this License.

Section 5 – Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.

Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Creator, to the extent possible, the Creator offers the Licensed Material as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Licensed Software, whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. Where disclaimers of warranties are not allowed in full or in part, this disclaimer may not apply to the Licensee.

To the extent possible, in no event will the Creator be liable to the Licensee on any legal basis or theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this License or use of the Licensed Software, even if the Creator has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this limitation may not apply to the Licensee.

The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability.

Section 6 – Associated files.

Images and Digital Art obtained along with the Software are original works and automatically under International Copyright Law and may not be altered or distributed. Document files are original works under full Copyright of the Creator.

Section 7 – Term and Termination.

If the Licensee or any entity fails to comply with this License, then the Licensee's and entities rights under this License terminate automatically and immediately.

Section 8 – Other Terms and Conditions.

The Creator is not himself bound by these terms and conditions, allowances and denials, or any additional or different terms or conditions.