First of all, build a docker image under directory docker. Then run a corresponding container.
docker build -t natsForNatsub .
docker run -it -d -p 4222:4222 -e TOPIC=topic.example.prefix.1 -e MESSAGE=hello natsForNatsub
This container will publish a topic topic.example.prefix.1 every four seconds.
Configure Nats address in class
@ServerEndpoint(value = "/ws/wsservice")
public class CIWebSocket {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CIWebSocket.class);
// parameter should be a string consist of nats server ips which is joined by ';'
protected static MessageProcessor processor = new MessageProcessor(";");
Run this project in a web server.
Access it on web page. After subscribing the topic and registering a handler, the topic presently can be received and shown in the text area.