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SIP Number: 004

Title: Cryptographic Commitment to Materialized Views

Author: Jude Nelson [email protected]

Consideration: Technical

Type: Consensus

Status: Ratified

Created: 15 July 2019

License: BSD 2-Clause

Sign-off: Jude Nelson [email protected], Technical Steering Committee Chair



Blockchain peers are replicated state machines, and as such, must maintain a materialized view of all of the state the transaction log represents in order to validate a subsequent transaction. The Stacks blockchain in particular not only maintains a materialized view of the state of every fork, but also requires miners to cryptographically commit to that view whenever they mine a block. This document describes a Merklized Adaptive Radix Forest (MARF), an authenticated index data structure for efficiently encoding a cryptographic commitment to blockchain state.

The MARF's structure is part of the consensus logic in the Stacks blockchain -- every Stacks peer must process the MARF the same way. Stacks miners announce a cryptographic hash of their chain tip's MARF in the blocks they produce, and in doing so, demonstrate to each peer and each light client that they have applied the block's transactions to the peer's state correctly.

The MARF represents blockchain state as an authenticated directory. State is represented as key/value pairs. The MARF structure gives a peer the ability to prove to a light client that a particular key has a particular value, given the MARF's cryptographic hash. The proof has O(log B) space for B blocks, and takes O(log B) time complexity to produce and verify. In addition, it offers O(1) expected time and space complexity for inserts and queries. The MARF proof allows a light client to determine:

  • What the value of a particular key is,
  • How much cumulative energy has been spent to produce the key/value pair,
  • How many confirmations the key/value pair has.


In order to generate a valid transaction, a blockchain client needs to be able to query the current state of the blockchain. For example, in Bitcoin, a client needs to query its unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) in order to satisfy their spending conditions in a new transaction. As another example, in Ethereum, a client needs to query its accounts' current nonces in order to generate a valid transaction to spend their tokens.

Whether or not a blockchain's peers are required to commit to the current state in the blocks themselves (i.e. as part of the consensus logic) is a philosophical decision. We argue that it is a highly desirable in Blockstack's case, since it affords light clients more security when querying the blockchain state than not. This is because a client often queries state that was last updated several blocks in the past (i.e. and is "confirmed"). If a blockchain peer can prove to a client that a particular key in the state has a particular value, and was last updated a certain number of blocks in the past, then the client can determine whether or not to trust the peer's proof based on factors beyond simply trusting the remote peer to be honest. In particular, the client can determine how difficult it would be to generate a dishonest proof, in terms of the number of blocks that would need to be maliciously crafted and accepted by the network. This offers clients some protection against peers that would lie to them -- a lying peer would need to spend a large amount of energy (and money) in order to do so.

Specific to Blockstack, we envision that many applications will run their own Stacks-based blockchain peer networks that operate "on top" of the Stacks blockchain through proof-of-burn. This means that the Blockstack application ecosystem will have many parallel "app chains" that users may wish to interact with. While a cautious power user may run validator nodes for each app chain they are interested in, we expect that most users will not do so, especially if they are just trying out the application or are casual users. In order to afford these users better security than simply telling them to find a trusted validating peer, it is essential that each Stacks peer commits to its materialized view in each block.

On top of providing better security to light clients, committing to the materialized state view in each block has the additional benefit of helping the peer network detect malfunctioning miners early on. A malfunctioning miner will calculate a different materialized view using the same transactions, and with overwhelmingly high probability, will also calculate a different state view hash. This makes it easy for a blockchain's peers to reject a block produced in this manner outright, without having to replay its transactions.

Design Considerations

Committing to the materialized view in each block has a non-zero cost in terms of time and space complexity. This cost is paid for by the transaction fee, but it effectively sets an upper bound on how many key/value insertions can happen per block -- in particular, generating and validating the block must be faster than the underlying burnchain block times. This means that it is of paramount importance to keep the materialized view digest calculation as fast as possible.

The following considerations have a non-trivial impact on the design of the MARF:

A transaction can read or write any prior state in the same fork. This means that the index must support fast random-access reads and fast random writes.

The Stacks blockchain can fork, and a miner can produce a fork at any block height in the past. As argued in SIP 001, a Stacks blockchain peer must process all forks and keep their blocks around. This also means that a peer needs to calculate and validate the materialized view of each fork, no matter where it occurs. This is also necessary because a client may request a proof for some state in any fork -- in order to service such requests, the peer must calculate the materialized view for all forks.

Forks can occur in any order, and blocks can arrive in any order. As such, the runtime cost of calculating the materialized view must be independent of the order in which forks are produced, as well as the order in which their blocks arrive. This is required in order to avoid denial-of-service vulnerabilities, whereby a network attacker can control the schedules of both forks and block arrivals in a bid to force each peer to expend resources validating the fork. It must be impossible for an attacker to significantly slow down the peer network by maliciously varying either schedule. This has non-trivial consequences for the design of the data structures for encoding materialized views.


The Stacks peer's materialized view is realized as a flat key/value store. Transactions encode zero or more creates, inserts, updates, and deletes on this key/value store. As a consequence of needing to support forks from any prior block, no data is ever removed; instead, a "delete" on a particular key is encoded by replacing the value with a tombstone record. The materialized view is the subset of key/value pairs that belong to a particular fork in the blockchain.

The Stacks blockchain separates the concern of maintaining authenticated index over data from storing a copy of the data itself. The blockchain peers commit to the digest of the authenticated index, but can store the data however they want. The authenticated index is realized as a Merklized Adaptive Radix Forest (MARF). The MARF gives Stacks peers the ability to prove that a particular key in the materialized view maps to a particular value in a particular fork.

A MARF has two principal data structures: a merklized adaptive radix trie for each block and a merklized skip-list that cryptographically links merklized adaptive radix tries in prior blocks to the current block.

Merklized Adaptive Radix Tries (ARTs)

An adaptive radix trie (ART) is a prefix tree where each node's branching factor varies with the number of children. In particular, a node's branching factor increases according to a schedule (0, 4, 16, 48, 256) as more and more children are added. This behavior, combined with the usual sparse trie optimizations of lazy expansion and path compression, produce a tree-like index over a set key/value pairs that is shallower than a perfectly-balanced binary search tree over the same values. Details on the analysis of ARTs can be found in [1].

To produce an index over new state introduced in this block, the Stacks peer will produce an adaptive radix trie that describes each key/value pair modified. In particular, for each key affected by the block, the Stacks peer will:

  • Calculate the hash of the key to get a fixed-length trie path,
  • Store the new value and this hash into its data store,
  • Insert or update the associated value hash in the block's ART at the trie path,
  • Calculate the new Merkle root of the ART by hashing all modified intermediate nodes along the path.

In doing so, the Stacks peer produces an authenticated index for all key/value pairs affected by a block. The leaves of the ART are the hashes of the values, and the hashes produced in each intermediate node and root give the peer a way to cryptographically prove that a particular value is present in the ART (given the root hash and the key).

The Stacks blockchain employs path compression and lazy expansion to efficiently represent all key/value pairs while minimizing the number of trie nodes. That is, if two children share a common prefix, the prefix bytes are stored in a single intermediate node instead of being spread across multiple intermediate nodes (path compression). In the special case where a path suffix uniquely identifies the leaf, the path suffix will be stored alongside the leaf instead as a sequence of intermediate nodes (lazy expansion). As more and more key/value pairs are inserted, intermediate nodes and leaves with multi-byte paths will be split into more nodes.

Trie Structure

A trie is made up of nodes with radix 4, 16, 48, or 256, as well as leaves. In the documentation below, these are called node4, node16, node48, node256, and leaf nodes. An empty trie has a single node256 as its root. Child pointers occupy one byte.


The notation (ab)node256 means "a node256 who descends from its parent via byte 0xab".

The notation node256[path=abcd] means "a node256 that has a shared prefix with is children abcd".

Lazy Expansion

If a leaf has a non-zero-byte path suffix, and another leaf is inserted that shares part of the suffix, the common bytes will be split off of the existing leaf to form a node4, whose two immediate children are the two leaves. Each of the two leaves will store the path bytes that are unique to them. For example, consider this trie with a root node256 and a single leaf, located at path aabbccddeeff00112233 and having value hash 123456:


If the peer inserts the value hash 98765 at path aabbccddeeff998877, the single leaf's path will be split into a shared prefix and two distinct suffixes, as follows:

insert (aabbccddeeff998877, 98765)

node256                            (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                          /

Now, the trie encodes both aabbccddeeff00112233=123456 and aabbccddeeff99887766=98765.

Node Promotion

As a node with a small radix gains children, it will eventually need to be promoted to a node with a higher radix. A node4 will become a node16 when it receives its 5th child; a node16 will become a node48 when it receives its 17th child, and a node48 will become a node256 when it receives its 49th child. A node256 will never need to be promoted, because it has slots for child pointers with all possible byte values.

For example, consider this trie with a node4 and 4 children:

node256                                (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                              /
        \                            /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
         \                          /  /
                                    \  \
                                     \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef

This trie encodes the following:

  • aabbccddeeff00112233=123456
  • aabbccddeeff01445566=67890
  • aabbccddeeff02778899=abcdef
  • aabbccddeeff99887766=9876

Inserting one more node with a prefix aabbccddeeff will promote the intermediate node4 to a node16:

insert (aabbccddeeff03aabbcc, 314159)

node256                                 (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                               /
        \                             /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
         \                           /  /
                                     \  \
                                      \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef

The trie now encodes the following:

  • aabbccddeeff00112233=123456
  • aabbccddeeff01445566=67890
  • aabbccddeeff03aabbcc=314159
  • aabbccddeeff02778899=abcdef
  • aabbccddeeff99887766=9876

Path Compression

Intermediate nodes, such as the node16 in the previous example, store path prefixes shared by all of their children. If a node is inserted that shares some of this prefix, but not all of it, the path is "decompressed" -- a new leaf is "spliced" into the compressed path, and attached to a node4 whose two children are the leaf and the existing node (i.e. the node16 in this case) whose shared path now contains the suffix unique to its children, but distinct from the newly-spliced leaf.

For example, consider this trie with the intermediate node16 sharing a path prefix bbccddeeff with its 5 children:

node256                                 (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                               /
        \                             /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
         \                           /  /
                                     \  \
                                      \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef

This trie encodes the following:

  • aabbccddeeff00112233=123456
  • aabbccddeeff01445566=67890
  • aabbccddeeff03aabbcc=314159
  • aabbccddeeff02778899=abcdef
  • aabbccddeeff99887766=9876

If we inserted (aabbcc001122334455, 21878), the node16's path would be decompressed to eeff, a leaf with the distinct suffix 1122334455 would be spliced in via a node4, and the node4 would have the shared path prefix bbcc with its now-child node16 and leaf.

insert (aabbcc00112233445566, 21878)

node256                      /                       (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                    /                       /
        (aa)node4[path=bbcc]                       /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
                            \                     /  /
                                                  \  \
                                                   \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef

The resulting trie now encodes the following:

  • aabbcc00112233445566=21878
  • aabbccddeeff00112233=123456
  • aabbccddeeff01445566=67890
  • aabbccddeeff03aabbcc=314159
  • aabbccddeeff02778899=abcdef
  • aabbccddeeff99887766=9876


The materialized view of a fork will hold key/value pairs for data produced by applying all transactions in that fork, not just the ones in the last block. As such, the index over all key/value pairs in a fork is encoded in the sequence of its block's merklized ARTs.

To ensure that random reads and writes on the a fork's materialized view remain fast no matter which block added them, a child pointer in an ART can point to either a node in the same ART, or a node with the same path in a prior ART. For example, if the ART at block N has a node16 whose path is aabbccddeeff, and 10 blocks ago a leaf was inserted at path aabbccddeeff99887766, it will contain a child pointer to the intermediate node from 10 blocks ago whose path is aabbccddeeff and who has a child node in slot 0x99. This information is encoded as a back-pointer. To see it visually:

At block N

node256                                 (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                               /
        \                             /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
         \                           /  /
                                     \  \
                                      \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef
At block N-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
node256                                 | /* back-pointer to block N-10 */
       \                                |
        \                               |
         \                              |
          (aa)node4[path=bbccddeeff]    |
                                    \   |
                                     \  |
                                      \ |

By maintaining trie child pointers this way, the act of looking up a path to a value in a previous block is a matter of following back-pointers to previous tries. This back-pointer uses the block-hash of the previous block to uniquely identify the block. In order to keep the in-memory and on-disk representations of trie nodes succint, the MARF structure uses a locally defined unsigned 32-bit integer to identify the previous block, along with a local mapping of such integers to the respective block header hash.

Back-pointers are calculated in a copy-on-write fashion when calculating the ART for the next block. When the root node for the ART at block N+1 is created, all of its children are set to back-pointers that point to the immediate children of the root of block N's ART. Then, when inserting a key/value pair, the peer walks the current ART to the insertion point, but whenever a back-pointer is encountered, it copies the node it points to into the current ART, and sets all of its non-empty child pointers to back-pointers. The peer then continues traversing the ART until the insertion point is found (i.e. a node has an unallocated child pointer where the leaf should go), copying over intermediate nodes lazily.

For example, consider the act of inserting aabbccddeeff00112233=123456 into an ART where a previous ART contains the key/value pair aabbccddeeff99887766=98765:

At block N

node256                                (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
^      \                              /
|       \                            /
|        \                          /
|         (aa)node4[path=bbccddeeff]
|                 ^                 \
|                 |                  \
| /* 1. @root. */ | /* 2. @node4.  */ \  /* 3. 00 is empty, so insert */
| /* copy up, &*/ | /* copy up, &  */  |
| /* make back-*/ | /* make back-  */  |
| /* ptr to aa */ | /* ptr to 99   */  |
|                 |                    |
|- At block N-10 -|- - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|                 |                    |
node256           |                    |
       \          |                    |
        \         |                    |
         \        |                    |
          (aa)node4[path=bbccddeeff]   |
                                    \  |
                                     \ |

In step 1, the node256 in block N would have a back-pointer to the node4 in block N - 10 in child slot 0xaa. While walking path aabbccddeeff00112233, the peer would follow slot 0xaa to the node4 in block N - 10 and copy it into block N, and would set its child pointer at 0x99 to be a back-pointer to the leaf in block N - 10. It would then step to the node4 it copied, and walk path bytes bbccddeeff. When it reaches child slot 0x00, the peer sees that it is unallocated, and attaches the leaf with the unexpanded path suffix 112233. The back-pointer to aabbccddeeff99887766=98765 is thus preserved in block N's ART.

Calculating the Root Hash with Back-pointers

For reasons that will be explained in a moment, the hash of a child node that is a back-pointer is not calculated the usual way when calculating the root hash of the Merklized ART. Instead of taking the hash of the child node (as would be done for a child in the same ART), the hash of the block header is used instead. In the above example, the hash of the leaf node whose path is aabbccddeeff99887766 would be the hash of block N - 10's header, whereas the hash of the leaf node whose path is aabbccddeeff00112233 would be the hash of the value hash 123456.

The main reason for doing this is to keep block validation time down by a significant constant factor. The block header hash is always kept in RAM, but at least one disk seek is required to read the hash of a child in a separate ART (and it often takes more than one seek). This does not sacrifice the security of a Merkle proof of aabbccddeeff99887766=98765, but it does alter the mechanics of calculating and verifying it.

Merklized Skip-list

The second principal data structure in a MARF is a Merklized skip-list encoded from the block header hashes and ART root hashes in each block. The hash of the root node in the ART for block N is derived not only from the hash of the root's children, but also from the hashes of the block headers from blocks N - 1, N - 2, N - 4, N - 8, N - 16, and so on. This constitutes a Merklized skip-list over the sequence of ARTs.

The reason for encoding the root node's hash this way is to make it possible for peers to create a cryptographic proof that a particular key maps to a particular value when the value lives in a prior block, and can only be accessed by following one or more back-pointers. In addition, the Merkle skip-list affords a client two ways to verify key-value pairs: the client only needs either (1) a known-good root hash, or (2) the sequence of block headers for the Stacks chain and its underlying burn chain. Having (2) allows the client to determine (1), but calculating (2) is expensive for a client doing a small number of queries. For this reason, both options are supported.

Resolving Block Height Queries

For a variety of reasons, the MARF structure must be able to resolve queries mapping from block heights (or relative block heights) to block header hashes and vice-versa --- for example, the Clarity VM allows contracts to inspect this information. Most applicable to the MARF, though, is that in order to find the ancestor hashes to include in the Merklized Skip-list, the data structure must be able to find the block headers which are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... blocks prior in the same fork. This could be discovered by walking backwards from the current block, using the previous block header to step back through the fork's history. However, such a process would require O(N) steps (where N is the current block height). But, if a mapping exists for discovering the block at a given block height, this process would instead be O(1) (because a node will have at most 32 such ancestors).

But correctly implementing such a mapping is not trivial: a given height could resolve to different blocks in different forks. However, the MARF itself is designed to handle exactly these kinds of queries. As such, at the beginning of each new block, the MARF inserts into the block's trie two entries:

  1. This block's block header hash -> this block's height.
  2. This block's height -> this block's block header hash.

This mapping allows the ancestor hash calculation to proceed.

MARF Merkle Proofs

A Merkle proof for a MARF is constructed using a combination of two types of sub-proofs: segment proofs, and shunt proofs. A segment proof is a proof that a node belongs to a particular Merklized ART. It is simply a Merkle tree proof. A shunt proof is a proof that the ART for block N is exactly K blocks away from the ART at block N - K. It is generated as a Merkle proof from the Merkle skip-list.

Calculating a MARF Merkle proof is done by first calculating a segment proof for a sequence of path prefixes, such that all the nodes in a single prefix are in the same ART. To do so, the node walks from the current block's ART's root node down to the leaf in question, and each time it encounters a back-pointer, it generates a segment proof from the currently-visited ART to the intermediate node whose child is the back-pointer to follow. If a path contains i back-pointers, then there will be i+1 segment proofs.

Once the peer has calculated each segment proof, it calculates a shunt proof that shows that the _i+1_th segment was reached by walking back a given number of blocks from the _i_th segment by following the _i_th segment's back-pointer. The final shunt proof for the ART that contains the leaf node includes all of the prior block header hashes that went into producing its root node's hash. Each shunt proof is a sequence of sequences of block header hashes and ART root hashes, such that the hash of the next ART root node can be calculated from the previous sequence.

For example, consider the following ARTs:

At block N

node256                                 (00)leaf[path=112233]=123456
       \                               /
        \                             /  (01)leaf[path=445566]=67890
         \                           /  /
                                     \  \
                                      \  (02)leaf[path=778899]=abcdef
At block N-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
node256                                 | /* back-pointer to N - 10 */
       \                                |
        \                               |
         \                              |
          (aa)node4[path=bbccddeeff]    |
                                    \   |
                                     \  |
                                      \ |

To generate a MARF Merkle proof, the client queries a Stacks peer for a particular value hash, and then requests the peer generate a proof that the key and value must have been included in the calculation of the current block's ART root hash (i.e. the digest of the materialized view of this fork).

For example, given the key/value pair aabbccddeeff99887766=98765 and the hash of the ART at block N, the peer would generate two segment proofs for the following paths: aabbccddeeff in block N, and aabbccddeeff99887766 in block N - 10.

At block N

       \   /* this segment proof would contain the hashes of all other */
        \  /* children of the root, except for the one at 0xaa.        */

At block N-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

node256    /* this segment proof would contain two sequences of hashes: */
       \   /* the hashes for all children of the root besides 0xaa, and */
        \  /* the hashes of all children of the node4, except 0x99.     */

Then, it would calculate two shunt proofs. The first proof, called the "head shunt proof," supplies the sequence of block hashes for blocks N - 11, N - 12, N - 14, N - 18, N - 26, ... and the hash of the children of the root node of the ART for block N - 10. This lets the client calculate the hash of the root of the ART at block N - 10. The second shunt proof (and all subsequent shunt proofs, if there are more back-pointers to follow) is comprised of the hashes that "went into" calculating the hashes on the skip-list from the next segment proof's root hash.

In detail, the second shunt proof would have two parts:

  • the block header hashes for block N - 9 N - 12, N - 16, N - 24, ...
  • the block header hashes for N - 1, N - 2, N - 4, N - 16, N - 32, ...

The reason there are two sequences in this shunt proof is because "walking back" from block N to block N - 10 requires walking first to block N - 8 (i.e. following the skip-list column for 2 ** 3), and then walking to block N - 10 from N - 8 (i.e. following its skip-list column for 2 ** 1). The first segment proof (i.e. with the leaf) lets the client calculate the hash of the children of the ART root node in block N - 10, which when combined with the first part of this shunt proof yields the ART root hash for N - 8. Then, the client uses the hash of the children of the root node in the ART of block N (calculated from the second segment proof), combined with the root hash from node N - 8 and with the hashes in the second piece of this shunt proof, to calculate the ART root hash for block N. The proof is valid if this calculated root hash matches the root hash for which it requested the proof.

In order to fully verify the MARF Merkle proof, the client would verify that:

  • The first segment proof's path's bytes are equal to the hash of the key for which the proof was requested.
  • The first segment proof ends in a leaf node, and the leaf node contains the hash of the value for which the proof was requested.
  • Each segment proof is valid -- the root hash could only be calculated from the deepest intermediate node in the segment,
  • Each subsequent segment proof was generated from a prefix of the path represented by the current segment proof,
  • Each back-pointer at the tail of each segment (except the one that terminates in the leaf -- i.e. the first one) was a number of blocks back that is equal to the number of blocks skipped over in the shunt proof linking it to the next segment.
  • Each block header was included in the fork the client is querying,
  • Each block header was generated from its associated ART root hash,
  • (Optional, but encouraged): The burn chain block headers demonstrate that the correct difficulty rules were followed. This step can be skipped if the client somehow already knows that the hash of block N is valid.

Note that to verify the proof, the client would need to substitute the block header hash for each intermediate node at the tail of each segment proof. The block header hash can either be obtained by fetching the block headers for both the Stacks chain and burn chain a priori and verifying that they are valid, or by fetching them on-the-fly. The second strategy should only be used if the client's root hash it submits to the peer is known out-of-band to be the correct hash.

The security of the proof is similar to SPV proofs in Bitcoin -- the proof is valid assuming the client is able to either verify that the final header hash represents the true state of the network, or the client is able to fetch the true burn chain block header sequence. The client has some assurance that a given header sequence is the true header sequence, because the header sequence encodes the proof-of-work that went into producing it. A header sequence with a large amount of proof-of-work is assumed to be infeasible for an attacker to produce -- i.e. only the majority of the burn chain's network hash power could have produced the header chain. Regardless of which data the client has, the usual security assumptions about confirmation depth apply -- a proof that a key maps to a given value is valid only if the transaction that set it is unlikely to be reversed by a chain reorg.


The time and space complexity of a MARF is as follows:

  • Reads are O(1) While reads may traverse multiple tries, they are always descending the radix trie, and resolving back pointers is constant time.
  • Inserts and updates are O(1). Inserts have the same complexity as reads, though they require more work by constant factors (in particular, hash recalculations).
  • Creating a new block is O(log B). Inserting a block requires including the Merkle skip-list hash in the root node of the new ART. This is log B work, where B is chain length.
  • Creating a new fork is O(log B). Forks do not incur any overhead relative to appending a block to a prior chain-tip.
  • Generating a proof is O(log B) for B blocks. This is the cost of reading a fixed number of nodes, combined with walking the Merkle skip-list.
  • Verifying a proof is O(log B). This is the cost of verifying a fixed number of fixed-length segments, and verifying a fixed number of O(log B) shunt proof hashes.
  • Proof size is O(log B). A proof has a fixed number of segment proofs, where each node has a constant size. It has O(log B) hashes across all of its shunt proofs.

Consensus Details

The hash function used to generate a path from a key, as well as the hash function used to generate a node hash, is SHA2-512/256. This was chosen because it is extremely fast on 64-bit architectures, and is immune to length extension attacks.

The hash of an intermediate node is the hash over the following data:

  • a 1-byte node ID,
  • the sequence of child pointer data (dependent on the type of node),
  • the 1-byte length of the path prefix this node contains,
  • the 0-to-32-byte path prefix

A single child pointer contains:

  • a 1-byte node ID,
  • a 1-byte path character,
  • the 32-byte block header hash of the pointed-to block

A node4, node16, node48, and node256 each have an array of 4, 16, 48, and 256 child pointers each.

Children are listed in a node4, node16, and node48's child pointer arrays in the order in which they are inserted. While searching for a child in a node4 or node16 requires a linear scan of the child pointer array, searching a node48 is done by looking up the child's index in its child pointer array using the path character byte as an index into the node48's 256-byte child pointer index, and then using that index to look up the child pointer. Children are inserted into the child pointer array of a node256 by using the 1-byte path character as the index.

The disk pointer stored in a child pointer, as well as the storage mechanism for mapping hashes of values (leaves in the MARF) to the values themselves, are both unspecified by the consensus rules. Any mechanism or representation is permitted.

Related Work

This section will be expanded upon after this SIP is ratified.


Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable


At least 20 miners must register a name in the .miner namespace in Stacks 1.0. Once the 20th miner has registered, the state of Stacks 1.0 will be snapshotted. 300 Bitcoin blocks later, the Stacks 2.0 blockchain will launch. Stacks 2.0 implements the MARF internally.

Reference Implementations

Implemented in Rust. See