Convert DICOM into NIfTI. It can also convert PAR/XML/REC, HEAD/BRIK, MGZ and BrainVoyager files into NIfTI.
Create, load, save NIfTI file. Support both version 1 and 2 NIfTI, and variety of data type.
Visualize NIfTI. Can also visualize any file convertible to NIfTI by dicm2nii.
Affine registration of images with the same modality.
Removes face and neck structure from T1w/T2w NIfTI.
Perform motion correction on a NIfTI.
Perform slice timing correction on a NIfTI.
Transform a NIfTI into different resolution, or into a template space.
Read/write DICOM header and image, independent of Matlab Image Processing Toolbox.
DICOM tools performing the tasks as indicated by the name.
Real time motion/image monitor and more for Siemens scanner.