- (better without mutation) It should encapsulate the smallest element possible that can potentially be reused.
- Not need create the same component with small changes or component with hard structure. Better think about how create composable component.
If you use webpack, use setting resolve.alias
//for example resolve: { modules: [path.resolve('./node_modules')], alias: { Components: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../../ui-component/component') }, extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.scss'] }
Now we have problem with alias in webpack 2 see issue
Functional component have a few limitations:
//for example const MyComponent = props => ( <div className={props.className}/> );
- cannot have a ref
- cannot have state
- A pure component is a React component whose render function is pure (after changes in props or state). The default behavior in React is to always re-render the entire component tree, even if props/state do not change.
- If need help with them (with flat state), you may use: normalizr
- Need create data flows in one direction with some change.
Try to think about refactoring your component classes to not create unneeded state.
Always remember about the single source of truth principle - it can make your component classes simpler to write and maintain.
- Need create Pure, only side effect component. Better use stateless component
- Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. If you need more information you should check out Redux and Dan Abramov's course Getting Started with Redux
- Add a bit more type safety to our components. But in React 15.5 propTypes deleted. You may use a few variants:
Immutable.js - most popular implementations of immutable data structures.
Seamless Immutable - project is a much lighter-weight solution that uses normal JavaScript objects.
Hard way (use native JS with unit tests with deep-freeze-node)
//for example return { ...state, foo } return firstArray.concat(secondArray)
- React is not reactive lib, but can become
- Pete Hunt: React - Rethinking Best Practices (updated) - JSConf.Asia 2013 - 30 Oct. 2013
- Styling React Components in JavaScript - 4 Dec. 2015
- HelsinkiJS June 2016 - Christoffer Niska - React best practices - 18 Jun. 2016
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - React plus X: Best Practices for Reusable UI Components - 15 Sep. 2016
- ReactiveConf 2016 - Max Stoiber: Styled-components: Enforcing best practices - 25 Nov. 2016