Single view depth image based pose estimation, given cropped out hand region.
Please check the paper webpage for more details about the pipeline and algorithms.
Tested on Ubuntu (18.04/16.04) or Windows 10, Python (3.6/2.7), NVIDIA GPU (9.0/8.0) or CPU.
Install requirements (presuming Miniconda):
export PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 conda create -n hand python=$PYTHON_VERSION numpy pip source activate hand
Tensorflow: follow official instructions.
Note: make sure python version is correct, also install correct version of NVIDIA CUDA/CUDNN if using GPU.
- Clone this repo:
git clone cd depth-hand/code pip install -r requirements.txt
- Test using pretrained model (this prepare required data automatically):
python -m train.evaluate \ --data_root=$HOME/data \ --out_root=$HOME/data/univue/output \ --model_name=base_clean
- Retrain the model (this happen automatically when pretrained model does not present):
Note: this implies that the soft link to pretrained model will be overwritten with your new training output. Please see the Pretrained models section below for the details, if you want to link it back.
python -m train.evaluate \ --data_root=$HOME/data \ --out_root=$HOME/data/univue/output \ --retrain \ --max_epoch=1 \ --model_name=base_clean
Print currently implemented model list:
python -m train.evaluate --print_models
Format: (model name) --> (file path): (annotation)
Current output should like this:
Currently implemented model list: super_edt3 --> model.super_edt3 : EDT3 super_ov3edt2m --> model.super_ov3edt2m : MV-CR w/ surface distance (weighted) super_ov3dist2 --> model.super_ov3dist2 : MV-CR w/ Euclidean distance super_ov3edt2 --> model.super_ov3edt2 : MV-CR w/ surface distance super_edt2m --> model.super_edt2m : 2D CR w/ surface distance (weighted) super_edt2 --> model.super_edt2 : 2D CR w/ surface distance super_dist3 --> model.super_dist3 : 3D CR w/ Euclidean distance voxel_regre --> model.voxel_regre : 3D CR w/ offset voxel_offset --> model.voxel_offset : 3D offset regression super_vxhit --> model.super_vxhit : 3D CR w/ detection voxel_detect --> model.voxel_detect : Moon et al. (CVPR'18) super_dist2 --> model.super_dist2 : 2D CR w/ Euclidean distance super_udir2 --> model.super_udir2 : 2D CR w/ offset super_hmap2 --> model.super_hmap2 : 2D CR w/ heatmap dense_regre --> model.dense_regre : 2D offset regression direc_tsdf --> model.direc_tsdf : Ge et al. (CVPR'17) trunc_dist --> model.trunc_dist : 3D truncated Euclidean distance base_conv3 --> model.base_conv3 : 3D CR base_conv3_inres --> model.base_inres : 3D CR w/ inception-resnet ortho3view --> model.ortho3view : Ge et al. (CVPR'16) base_clean --> model.base_clean : 2D CR base_regre --> model.base_regre : 2D CR-background base_clean_inres --> model.base_inres : 2D CR w/ inception-resnet base_regre_inres --> model.base_inres : 2D CR-background w/ inception-resnet base_clean_hg --> model.base_hourglass : 2D CR w/ hourglass base_regre_hg --> model.base_hourglass : 2D CR-background w/ hourglass localizer3 --> model.localizer3 : 3D localizer localizer2 --> model.localizer2 : 2D localizer
- arguments parser (check all the default values here)
- camera/: the tracking code
- data/hands17/: data operations (mainly tested on 'hands17' dataset)
- info about the data, preprocessing framework, storage dependencies, preprocessing function entry points
- visualization
- collect evaluation statistics
- IO related
- data processing code
- multiprocessing storage provider, save preprocessed data to save training time
- model/: all models
- base class, many template implementation
- default setting, baseline evaluation, base class for every other models except 'base_regre', good starting point for extensions
- base class for 3D convolution
- [Inception-ResNet]( module (STAR while I started this project)
- best standalone model, used in the tracker part
- best overall, as reported in the paper
- train/: all training code (some tweaked to specific models)
- utils/: utility code
Resources can be downloaded from: [Baidu Cloud Storage], [Google Drive].
Hands17 dataset: I am not authorized to redistribute. Please contact the organizers for downloading the data.
Data preprocessing output: if you do not have the raw data, using preprocessed data is just fine. This one-time preprocessing step is performed so that no additional data operations are necessary in the training stage, which help with reducing training time.
%out_root%/output/hands17/prepared/: prepared data root - annotation: annotation - training and validation split - annotation_test: annotation - test split - clean_128: cropped frames for the hand region - anything else: preprocessed data tailored to each model
Results used to plot figures in the ECCV2018 paper:
Note: Only pretrained models (i.e. 'log') is shared in the 'Google Drive' link, due to my limited online storage. These pretrained models are the only prerequisite of Hand tracking part, so you can still run the demo.
Please make sure that the downloaded files are organized in the following structure, otherwise the code will automatically redo data preprocessing and training (will take quite a while).
%out_root%/hands17: if you have Hands17 dataset, put it here
- log/: log, pretrained models
- univue.log: main log
- log-%model_name%-%timestamp%/: training output (include pretrained model)
- args.txt: arguments for this run
- univue.log: main log for this run
- train.log: training/validation/evaluation log
- model.ckpt*: pretrained model
- blinks/: soft links for each model, so referring to different timestamp is possible
- predict/: predictions (used in paper), plots for sanity check and statistics
- predict_%model_name%: predictions for test split
- draw_%model_name%_%frame_id%.png: sanity check
- detection_%model_name%_%frame_id%.png: detection example visualization
- %model_name%_error_rate.png: error rate (see paper)
- %model_name%_error_bar.png: error bar (see paper)
- error_rate.png, error_bar.png: final summary for chosen models
- prepared/: preprocessing output
- capture/: output for real-time tracking
- stream/: raw stream
- detection_%timestamp%/: detection with timestamp
This is the key to understand the data preprocessing work flow. In a nutshell, each model/algorithm requires different types preprocessed data, and sometimes one type may depends on several other types as input. So the data types are modularized and abstracted into a hierarchical structure - in correspondence to the inheritance structure of model classes.
Print data dependency for a specific model class:
python -m train.evaluate --print_model_prereq
For example, the output for the best performing standalone model 'super_edt2m' looks like this:
Prepared dependency for super_edt2m: {'annotation', 'edt2m_32', 'pose_c', 'clean_128', 'udir2_32', 'edt2_32'}
But it requires huge storage: 'udir2_32' is 66G! - An example of time-storage trade-off.
Print data dependency hierarchy for a data set:
python -m train.evaluate --print_data_deps
Format: (data type) --> (dependencies)
Currently, the output for the Hands17 dataset should look like this:
Data dependency hierarchy for hands17: index --> [] poses --> [] resce --> [] pose_c --> ['poses', 'resce'] pose_hit --> ['poses', 'resce'] pose_lab --> ['poses', 'resce'] crop2 --> ['index', 'resce'] clean --> ['index', 'resce'] ortho3 --> ['index', 'resce'] pcnt3 --> ['index', 'resce'] tsdf3 --> ['pcnt3'] vxhit --> ['index', 'resce'] vxudir --> ['pcnt3', 'poses', 'resce'] edt2 --> ['clean', 'poses', 'resce'] hmap2 --> ['poses', 'resce'] udir2 --> ['clean', 'poses', 'resce'] edt2m --> ['edt2', 'udir2'] ov3dist2 --> ['vxudir'] ov3edt2 --> ['ortho3', 'poses', 'resce'] ov3edt2m --> ['ov3edt2', 'ov3dist2']
Note: the output in the 'prepared' fold also have a number appended to these base names, which means the resolution of the data type (configurable for each model class). For example, 'clean_128' means the image should be 128x128 in dimensions.
Each data type is sequentially stored in compressed HDF5 format. E.g., pose are stored like this. Note that the data processing part is multi-threaded, so there are a few seemingly convolved code.
Image frames is preprocessed by each model class as required. E.g., the base model 'base_regre' just crop a sub-region, which looks like this.
A: The prepared data is huge, but my internet bandwidth is limited, my online storage limit is low. I would suggest you just run the data preprocessing locally - it's multi-threaded, so actually quite fast if you have a good CPU with many cores.
A: Agreed. But HDF5 format is already doing good job on compression. Given that the storage is much cheaper than our precious time waiting for training, I would bear with it right now.
A: Thanks for your interest. Take your time and read the text above first. If you are in a hurry, delete everything except those (abstract) base classes and utils - including data preprocessing work flow - then you will feel much relieved to see the essence. Or take a look at 'scripts/' to see how to clean the code.
tensorboard --logdir log
jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=8888
ssh ${1:-sipadan} -L localhost:${2:-1}6006:localhost:6006 -L localhost:${2:-1}8888:localhost:8888
cat /proc/meminfo
hwinfo --short
python -m train.evaluate --data_root=C:\Users\xkunw\data --out_root=C:\Users\xkunw\data\univue\output --model_name=super_edt2m
python -m camera.capture --data_root=C:\Users\xkunw\data --out_root=C:\Users\xkunw\data\univue\output --model_name=super_edt2m