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347 lines (307 loc) · 9.2 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (307 loc) · 9.2 KB

Details of each dataset

  • number of plants if there are many types of plant
  • number of classes
  • number of images for each class
  • three images for each class
find . -type f | cut -d/ -f2 | sort | uniq -c


  • 14 plants
  • 38 classes
  • 54,305 images
  • taken in lab with uniform backgrounds
630 Apple___Apple_scab
621 Apple___Black_rot
275 Apple___Cedar_apple_rust
1645 Apple___healthy
1502 Blueberry___healthy
854 Cherry_(including_sour)___healthy
1052 Cherry_(including_sour)___Powdery_mildew
513 Corn_(maize)___Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot
1192 Corn_(maize)___Common_rust_
1162 Corn_(maize)___healthy
985 Corn_(maize)___Northern_Leaf_Blight
1180 Grape___Black_rot
1383 Grape___Esca_(Black_Measles)
423 Grape___healthy
1076 Grape___Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)
5507 Orange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)
2297 Peach___Bacterial_spot
360 Peach___healthy
997 Pepper,_bell___Bacterial_spot
1478 Pepper,_bell___healthy
1000 Potato___Early_blight
152 Potato___healthy
1000 Potato___Late_blight
371 Raspberry___healthy
5090 Soybean___healthy
1835 Squash___Powdery_mildew
456 Strawberry___healthy
1109 Strawberry___Leaf_scorch
2127 Tomato___Bacterial_spot
1000 Tomato___Early_blight
1591 Tomato___healthy
1909 Tomato___Late_blight
952 Tomato___Leaf_Mold
1771 Tomato___Septoria_leaf_spot
1676 Tomato___Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite
1404 Tomato___Target_Spot
373 Tomato___Tomato_mosaic_virus
5357 Tomato___Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus



  • 14 plants
  • 27 classes
  • 2,579 images
  • collect from internet
  • numer of images in training dataset and testing dataset
82 Apple leaf
 79 Apple rust leaf
 83 Apple Scab Leaf
 53 Bell_pepper leaf
 62 Bell_pepper leaf spot
106 Blueberry leaf
 47 Cherry leaf
 64 Corn Gray leaf spot
180 Corn leaf blight
106 Corn rust leaf
 57 grape leaf
 56 grape leaf black rot
103 Peach leaf
109 Potato leaf early blight
 97 Potato leaf late blight
112 Raspberry leaf
 57 Soyabean leaf
124 Squash Powdery mildew leaf
 88 Strawberry leaf
 79 Tomato Early blight leaf
 55 Tomato leaf
101 Tomato leaf bacterial spot
101 Tomato leaf late blight
 44 Tomato leaf mosaic virus
 70 Tomato leaf yellow virus
 85 Tomato mold leaf
140 Tomato Septoria leaf spot
  2 Tomato two spotted spider mites leaf
  9 Apple leaf
 10 Apple rust leaf
 10 Apple Scab Leaf
  8 Bell_pepper leaf
  9 Bell_pepper leaf spot
 11 Blueberry leaf
 10 Cherry leaf
  4 Corn Gray leaf spot
 12 Corn leaf blight
 10 Corn rust leaf
 12 grape leaf
  8 grape leaf black rot
  9 Peach leaf
  8 Potato leaf early blight
  8 Potato leaf late blight
  7 Raspberry leaf
  8 Soyabean leaf
  6 Squash Powdery mildew leaf
  8 Strawberry leaf
  9 Tomato Early blight leaf
  8 Tomato leaf
  9 Tomato leaf bacterial spot
 10 Tomato leaf late blight
 10 Tomato leaf mosaic virus
  6 Tomato leaf yellow virus
  6 Tomato mold leaf
 11 Tomato Septoria leaf spot



  • Cassava
  • 5 classes
  • 21,397 images
  • numer of images for each class
   1087 0
   2189 1
   2386 2
  13158 3
   2577 4



  • Apple
  • 4 classes
  • 1,821 images
  • numer of images for each class
    516 healthy
     91 multiple_diseases
    622 rust
    592 scab



  • Apple
  • 6 classes
  • 18,632 images
  • numer of images for each class
   2957 complex
   3181 frog_eye_leaf_spot
   4624 healthy
   1184 powdery_mildew
   1860 rust
   4826 scab



  • Rice
  • 9 classes
  • 1,426 images
  • numer of images for each class
    138 BLB
     71 BPH
    111 Brown_Spot
     93 False_Smut
    234 Healthy_Plant
     73 Hispa
    286 Neck_Blast
    219 Sheath_Blight_Rot
    201 Stemborer



  • Rice
  • 4 classes
  • 5,932 images
  • numer of images for each class
   1584 Bacterialblight
   1440 Blast
   1600 BrownSpot
   1308 Tungro



  • Rice
  • 6 classes
  • 622 images
  • numer of images for each class in train and test
     88 Bacterial spot
     53 Black mold
     67 Gray spot
     84 health
     78 Late blight
    125 powdery mildew
     22 Bacterial spot
     14 Black mold
     17 Gray spot
     22 health
     20 Late blight
     32 powdery mildew



  • Tomato
  • 9 classes
  • 3,021 images
  • numer of images for each class
    229 Tomato_D01_ulcer
    522 Tomato_D04_leaf_fungus
    522 Tomato_D05_septoria_leaf_spot
     90 Tomato_D07_deer_virus
    426 Tomato_D08_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus
     49 Tomato_D09_powdery_mildew
    522 Tomato_Healthy
    522 Tomato_P03_leaf_miner
    139 Tomato_P05_blueworms



  • Rose
  • 6 classes
  • 3,132 images
  • numer of images for each class
    522 Rose_D04
    522 Rose_H
    522 Rose_P01
    522 Rose_P02
    522 Rose_R01
    522 Rose_R02



  • Citrus
  • 4 classes
  • 596 images
  • numer of images for each class
    171 Black spot
    163 canker
    204 greening
     58 healthy



  • Wheat
  • 3 classes
  • 876 images
  • numer of images for each class
    142 healthy_wheat
    358 leaf_rust
    376 stem_rust



  • plants
  • 271 classes
  • 10,165 images
  • numer of images for each class


  • Strawberry
  • 4 classes
  • 557 images
  • numer of images for each class
    146 0
    145 1
    146 2
    120 3
