Simple server to fetch, parse and return reddit RSS feeds, making a user friendly experience
This python 3 script sets up a server that listens for rss requests and passes them along to reddit, and modifies the content before returning the feed.
If you are using a cloud based RSS reader like Feedly or Inoreader to get your Reddit homepage, or if you just want a nicer reddit feed. This is also a good start for people who want to make their own modifications.
- Proxy for reddit feeds (to bypass content refresh limits)
- Images and gifs are shown directly in the feed
- Self posts have a reddit icon (for thumbnails)
- Content links are visible and domain is highlighted
- Moved the links around for consistency, and easier time on touch interfaces
├─ urllib
├─ tldextract
├─ flask
└─ lxml
You'll want to set up an AWS server, raspberry pi, etc - as long as it has a static ip
Install the python3 packages with pip
Run the server:
By default it will listen on port 8080. Modify the source's start to change this or other defaults.
Use a url that looks like this:
This script currently only supports the "feed", "user" and "limit" parameters.
You can get the parameters for the request from your own reddit profile:
Original skeleton based on
Idea for inline photos is from