TODO List :
Major feature:
(1) Remove most uses of Rival lock as we will setup deferred command for ECS sync points.
(1.1) Expose component arrray pointer as UE5 Mass ECS
(1.2) Allow iterating on a view of entities within a chunk
(2) Implement adding multiple components in the same time to avoid repeately moving components one at a time
(3) Implement linked chunk data structure with std::vector like interface to drop in replace std::vector
(4) Refacotr memory allocator with ABA lock-free free list or integrate with Intel Thread Building BLock (TBB) or mimalloc
a, Let Phmap container, std::string, etc use custom allocator
(5) Implement vulkan renderer, and integrate with VulkanSceneGraph(?it's quite big a 3rd party project, what excatly should we integrate?) a, consider render thread, draw thread design that support wide range of frame limit
Minor Feature:
(1) Fix SMAAT2X
(2) Implement best quality TAA available
(3) Integrate XeGTAO
(4) Refactor Animation update from preupdate to update