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File metadata and controls

251 lines (186 loc) · 13.9 KB

Editors integration

There are several extensions available to integrate zk in your favorite editor:

Language Server Protocol

zk ships with a Language Server to provide basic support for any LSP-compatible editor. The currently supported features are:

You can configure some of these features in your notebook's configuration file.

Editor LSP configurations

To start the Language Server, use the zk lsp command. Refer to the following sections for editor-specific examples. Feel free to share the configuration for your editor.

Vim and Neovim

Vim and Neovim 0.4

With coc.nvim, run :CocConfig and add the following in the settings file:

  // Important, otherwise link completion containing spaces and other special characters won't work.
  "suggest.invalidInsertCharacters": [],

  "languageserver": {
    "zk": {
      "command": "zk",
      "args": ["lsp"],
      "trace.server": "messages",
      "filetypes": ["markdown"]

Here are some additional useful key bindings and custom commands:

" User command to index the current notebook.
" zk.index expects a notebook path as first argument, so we provide the current
" buffer path with expand("%:p").
command! -nargs=0 ZkIndex :call CocAction("runCommand", "zk.index", expand("%:p"))
nnoremap <leader>zi :ZkIndex<CR>

" User command to create and open a new note, to be called like this:
" :ZkNew {"title": "An interesting subject", "dir": "inbox", ...}
" Note the concatenation with the "edit" command to open the note right away.
command! -nargs=? ZkNew :exec "edit ".CocAction("runCommand", "", expand("%:p"), <args>).path

" Create a new note after prompting for its title.
nnoremap <leader>zn :ZkNew {"title": input("Title: ")}<CR>
" Create a new note in the directory journal/daily.
nnoremap <leader>zj :ZkNew {"dir": "journal/daily"}<CR>
Neovim 0.5 built-in LSP client

Using nvim-lspconfig:

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
local configs = require('lspconfig/configs')

configs.zk = {
  default_config = {
    cmd = {'zk', 'lsp'},
    filetypes = {'markdown'},
    root_dir = function()
      return vim.loop.cwd()
    settings = {}

lspconfig.zk.setup({ on_attach = function(client, buffer) 
  -- Add keybindings here, see
end })

Sublime Text

Install the Sublime LSP package, then run the Preferences: LSP Settings command. Add the following to the settings file:

  "clients": {
    "zk": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": ["zk", "lsp"],
      "languageId": "markdown",
      "scopes": [ "source.markdown" ],
      "syntaxes": [ "Packages/MarkdownEditing/Markdown.sublime-syntax" ]

Visual Studio Code

Install the zk-vscode extension from the Marketplace.

Custom commands

Using zk's LSP custom commands, you can call zk commands right from your editor. Please refer to your editor's documentation on how to bind keyboard shortcuts to custom LSP commands.


This LSP command calls zk index to refresh your notebook's index. It can be useful to make sure that the auto-completion is up-to-date. zk.index takes two arguments:

  1. A path to a file or directory in the notebook to index.

  2. (Optional) A dictionary of additional options (click to expand)
    Key Type Description
    force boolean Reindexes all the notes when true

zk.index returns a dictionary of indexing statistics.

This LSP command calls zk new to create a new note. It can be useful to quickly create a new note with a key binding. takes two arguments:

  1. A path to any file or directory in the notebook, to locate it.

  2. (Optional) A dictionary of additional options (click to expand)
    Key Type Description
    title string Title of the new note
    content string Initial content of the note
    dir string Parent directory, relative to the root of the notebook
    group string Note configuration group
    template string Custom template used to render the note
    extra dictionary A dictionary of extra variables to expand in the template
    date string A date of creation for the note in natural language, e.g. "tomorrow"
    edit boolean When true, the editor will open the newly created note (not supported by all editors)
    dryRun boolean When true, zk will not actually create the note on the file system, but will return its generated content and path
    insertLinkAtLocation location1 A location in another note where a link to the new note will be inserted
    insertContentAtLocation location1 A location in another note where the content of the new note will be inserted
    1. The location type is an LSP Location object, for example:
        "range": {
            "end":{"line": 5, "character":149},
            "start":{"line": 5, "character":137}
    } returns a dictionary with two properties:

  • path containing the absolute path to the created note.
  • content containing the raw content of the created note.

This LSP command allows editors to tap into the note linking mechanism. It takes three arguments:

  1. A path to any file in the notebook that will be linked to
  2. An LSP location object that points to where the link will be inserted
  3. An optional title of the link. If title is not provided, the title of the note will be inserted instead returns a JSON object with the path to the linked note, if the linking was successful.

Note: This command is not exposed in the command line. This command is targeted at editor / plugin authors to extend zk functionality.


This LSP command calls zk list to search a notebook. It takes two arguments:

  1. A path to any file or directory in the notebook, to locate it.
  2. A dictionary of additional options (click to expand)
Key Type Required? Description
select string array Yes List of note fields to return1
hrefs string array No Find notes matching the given path, including its descendants
limit integer No Limit the number of notes found
match string array No Terms to search for in the notes
exactMatch boolean No (deprecated: use matchStrategy) Search for exact occurrences of the match argument (case insensitive)
matchStrategy string No Specify match strategy, which may be "fts" (default), "exact" or "re"
excludeHrefs string array No Ignore notes matching the given path, including its descendants
tags string array No Find notes tagged with the given tags
mention string array No Find notes mentioning the title of the given ones
mentionedBy string array No Find notes whose title is mentioned in the given ones
linkTo string array No Find notes which are linking to the given ones
linkedBy string array No Find notes which are linked by the given ones
orphan boolean No Find notes which are not linked by any other note
related string array No Find notes which might be related to the given ones
maxDistance integer No Maximum distance between two linked notes
recursive boolean No Follow links recursively
created string No Find notes created on the given date
createdBefore string No Find notes created before the given date
createdAfter string No Find notes created after the given date
modified string No Find notes modified on the given date
modifiedBefore string No Find notes modified before the given date
modifiedAfter string No Find notes modified after the given date
sort string array No Order the notes by the given criterion
1. As the output of this command might be very verbose and put a heavy load on the LSP client, you need to explicitly set which note fields you want to receive with the `select` option. The following fields are available: `filename`, `filenameStem`, `path`, `absPath`, `title`, `lead`, `body`, `snippets`, `rawContent`, `wordCount`, `tags`, `metadata`, `created`, `modified` and `checksum`.


zk.list returns the found notes as a JSON array.


This LSP command calls zk tag list to return the list of tags in a notebook. It takes two arguments:

  1. A path to any file or directory in the notebook, to locate it.

  2. (Optional) A dictionary of additional options (click to expand)
    Key Type Required? Description
    sort string array No Order the tags by the given criteria1
    1. The available sort criteria are name and note-count. You can change the order by appending - or + to the criterion.

zk.tag.list returns the tags as a JSON array.