participant whitehat
participant project
participant 0xHacked Vault
participant 0xHacked zkVerifier
whitehat->>0xHacked zkVerifier: Proof of exploit
0xHacked zkVerifier->>0xHacked Vault: create a new case with whitehat's receiver address
project->>0xHacked Vault: Send the bounty to the 0xHacked Vault
whitehat->>project: original PoC
loop FixTheExp
whitehat->>project: co-fix the exploit
project->>0xHacked Vault: Confirm the bounty payment
0xHacked Vault->>whitehat: Send the bounty to the whitehat, 0xHacked Vault will take a commission
If the whitehat doesn’t provide the PoC or the PoC doesn’t work after the project sends the bounty to the Vault, the reward will be locked in the 0xHacked Vault. Also, if the project doesn’t confirm the payment after fixing the exploit, they can’t get the deposit back guaranteed by our smart contract.