View the app:
This project was a pre-interview screening test I completed for a major tech company in San Francisco. The requirements were to build a Sudoku app in a week with the following features:
- Looks appealing
- Mobile-friendly
- Cross-browser support (Chrome/FF/IE10)
- No frameworks like Backbone or Bootstrap (libraries like jQuery are ok)
You can run the app at http://localhost:8000 with grunt server
Also, you can run the test suite with grunt test
The app is broken up into several modules.
- The main App module takes care of loading up the puzzle, setting up Persistence, showing it to the screen, game actions, etc.
- The Puzzle module sets up all of the 9 grid Regions and instantiates up the Validator module.
- The Region module handles instantiating its 9 Squares and creating its element
- Squares take care of receiving/filtering input, raising value change events, and creating their element
- Validator makes sure each of your rows/columns/regions don't have any duplicate values, and adds error classes if so
- Persistence handles storing puzzle state to the browser's localStorage
- Sidebar handles showing/hiding the sliding menu
The CSS is written in Sass, broken up into several partials for each concern. It uses media queries for a mobile-first responsive design that scales up when the browser width gets past a certain breakpoint.
- RequireJS to break the JavaScript up into easily-digestable modules and easily manage dependencies.
- Jasmine to unit test each of the JS modules
- Bower to handle frontend package management
- Grunt to handle running tasks such as running a livereloading server, Sass-compilation, project building, executing the test suite.
I opted not to use any client-side templates since there was a minimum amount of markup necessary. The Puzzle/Region/Square modules all create their single elements with jQuery, which is simple enough. Had the requirements for the contents of these elements been more dynamic or complex, I definitely would have gone with a templating engine (either Underscore or Handlebars).
- Randomly generating new puzzles
- Puzzle-solver to give hints a square at a time
- Push-state routing, allowing players to bookmark their progress, and navigate backwards and forwards through moves
- A more exciting winning screen
- Improved animations on input, puzzle loading, etc.
- Improved mobile performance