Sorry guys, this is my spin on svg4zig. Lower case regs, updated zig version + fixed some bugs. Have absolutely no time to prettify it or write any sensible description. I use it in my project so should be kept up to date for some time.
Plans: I plan to merge dma0/dma1/dmaX into array of the same type since it is derived from the same reg group type. WHy: zig embeded group is unmaintained and has poor approach to svd file conversion.
Generate Zig header files from CMSIS-SVD files for accessing MMIO registers.
This is a fork of this svd2zig
that uses the output
format based of this other svd2zig
It's named svd4zig
since it's svd2zig * 2
Features taken from justinbalexander's svd2zig
- This was the one used as a starting point
- 100% in Zig
- Naming conventions are taken from the datasheet (i.e. all caps), so it's easy to follow along
- Strong Assumptions™ in the svd are targeted towards STM32 devices (the original used a STM32F767ZG, this fork was developed with an STM32F407)
- The tool doesn't just output registers but also other information about the device (e.g. interrupts)
Features taken from lynaghk's svd2zig
- Registers are modeled with packed structs (see this post from the original authors)
New features:
- Unused bits are manually aligned to 8 bit boundaries to avoid incurring in this bug
The entire specification is not completely supported yet, feel free to send pull requests to flesh out the parts of the specification that are missing for your project.
zig build -Drelease-safe
./zig-cache/bin/svd4zig path/to/svd/file > path/to/output.zig
zig fmt path/to/output.zig
Have a look at this blogpost for all the details, a short example to set and read some registers:
// registers.zig is the generated file
const regs = @import("registers.zig");
// Enable HSI
regs.RCC.CR.modify(.{ .HSION = 1 });
// Wait for HSI ready
while ( != 1) {}
// Select HSI as clock source
regs.RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .SW0 = 0, .SW1 = 0 });
// Enable external high-speed oscillator (HSE)
regs.RCC.CR.modify(.{ .HSEON = 1 });
// Wait for HSE ready
while ( != 1) {}