Changes for 4.3.100
Changes to branch 4.3
after version 4.3.99
handle undefined presence-id in authn - 4.3 - by lazedo
Add missing fields from resources schema - by James Aimonetti
Stepswitch makes use of a number of fields that aren't defined on the
resources schema. Add them and use the accessor module when possible.
lower case the conference language - 4.3 - by lazedo
- for prompts and profiles
use gproc for im worker selection - 4.3 - by lazedo
- previously, a worker with an inactive broker
would still be selected
allow sup to access inner keys for kapps_config (#6253) - by lazedo
- in sup commands for kapps_config, the key can be specified like A.B.C.D
to access just D
- adds is_sup_call to process dictionary
Add maintenance module for kapps_config interactions - by James Aimonetti
Optional _pp suffix if you want the returned term pretty-printed.
KZOO-61: ensure reseller_id on account response - by James Aimonetti
Verify required schema fields and other expected fields are on the
response (including leaked pvt fields)