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Contract EVM

linj edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 1 revision

1 EVM Interface


1.1 Create EVM Contract Transaction CreateTransaction

The original transaction is created here, and in addition to that, you need to sign the transaction and send it. For details you can refer to HERE

Request message

    "id": 2, 
                "name": "string",
                "code": "string",
                "abi": "string",
                "alias": "string",
                "note": "string",
                "amount": uint64,
                "fee": int64,
                "gasLimit": uint64,
                "gasPrice": uint32

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name,fixed here as evm
actionName string Yes function name, fixed here as CreateCall
isCreate bool Yes Whether it is a create contract action, create the contract as true, call the contract as false.
name string No invoked contract name, valid and necessary when isCreate is false
code string No contract code that needs to be deployed or invoked
abi string No contract ABI code that needs to be deployed or invoked
alias string No Contract alias when deploying a new contract to facilitate identification of different contracts.
note string No notes for this transaction
amount uint64 No When the contract is invoked, if the amount needs to be passed, pass this parameter.
fee int64 No Your handling fee for this transaction, needs to be about the gas value *gasPrice of contract consumption
gasPrice uint32 No unit gas pricing, default is 1
gasLimit uint64 No The maximum amount of gas allowed to be consumed in this transaction, default value equal to fee.

Note: in the deployment contract, code is required and abi is optional; when calling the contract, choose one between code and abi.

Response message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
result string hexadecimal string of transaction contents

Example: Request1 Deploy contract transaction:

    "id": 2, 
                "code": "608060405234801561001057600080fd5b506298967f60008190555060df806100296000396000f3006080604052600436106049576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff16806360fe47b114604e5780636d4ce63c146078575b600080fd5b348015605957600080fd5b5060766004803603810190808035906020019092919050505060a0565b005b348015608357600080fd5b50608a60aa565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b8060008190555050565b600080549050905600a165627a7a72305820bdc06397a67a222e127b061778ed83240dcf42ad5f554ea1c0ee97305dcf71f30029", 

Request2 Invoke contract transaction(abi):

    "id": 2, 
                "name": "user.evm.0x49e5da1fe3952c638b02c5a3093a445192d2074dc78ad31834410c0770e9599d"
                "abi": "get()"

1.2 Estimate Consumption of Contract Call Gas

This operation only simulates the execution, estimates the gas consumption roughly, and does not actually execute the code;

Request message:

    "id": int32, 
            "to": "string",
            "code": "string",
            "abi": "string",
            "caller": "string",
            "amount": "string"

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name,fixed here as evm
funcName string Yes function name, fixed here as EstimateGas
to string No The target address, if pupose is to create the contract, leave it blank here, otherwise fill in the contract address here.
code string No Contract code that needs to be deployed or invoked. If it is a deployment contract, this field is required
abi string No contract ABI code that needs to be deployed or invoked
caller string No The initiator of this call, if not filled in, the EVM contract itself is considered to initiate the call.
amount uint64 No When the contract is invoked, if the amount needs to be passed, pass this parameter

Response message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
gas uint64 the gas value to be consumed in this transaction

1.3 Query EVM Contract Address

The EVM contract has two identifiers, one is contract address, the other is contract name, and they are the unique one-to-one correspondence. Due to the system design, the contract name must be used to operate the transfer operation, so this interface provides the mutual checking ability of the two.

Request message:

    "id": int32, 
            "addr": "string"

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name,fixed here as evm
funcName string Yes function name, fixed here as CheckAddrExists
addr string Yes contract address or contract name, fill in any one and return the other

Response message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
contract bool is there any EVM contract under this address
contractAddr string this contract address
contractName string contract name
aliasName string contract alias

Example: Request:

    "id": 2, 
            "addr": "1LuigHsSy55KEsZgBMJtYfo3wrhz7YbbDD"


    "id": 2,
        "contract": true,
        "contractAddr": "1LuigHsSy55KEsZgBMJtYfo3wrhz7YbbDD",
        "contractName": "user.evm.0x49e5da1fe3952c638b02c5a3093a445192d2074dc78ad31834410c0770e9599d",
        "aliasName": ""
    "error": null

1.4 Query Contract ABI

If the EVM contract is bound to an ABI at deployment, ABI information bindings can be obtained through this interface.

Request message:

    "id": int32, 
            "address": "string"

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name,fixed here as evm
funcName string Yes function name, fixed here as CheckAddrExists
address string Yes EVM contract address

Response message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
address string this contract address
abi string The ABI to which this contract is bound

1.5 Contract Read-Only Call (through ABI)

In EVM contract deployment, if ABI information is bound, the method called determines whether it is a read-only call or not. This call can be directly returned by querying the database, not in transaction, no fee; Request message:

    "id": int32, 
            "address": "string",
            "input": "string",
            "caller": "string"

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name,fixed here as evm
funcName string Yes function name, fixed here as Query
address string Yes contract address
input string Yes ABI methods and parameters
caller string No The initiator of this call, if not filled in, the EVM contract itself is considered to initiate the call.

Response message:

        "address": "string",
        "input": "string",
        "caller": "string",

Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
address string contract address
input string call input
caller string caller
rawData string call returned raw data
jsonData string Call return data in json format

Example: Request:

    "id": 2, 
            "address": "1LuigHsSy55KEsZgBMJtYfo3wrhz7YbbDD",
            "input": "get()",
            "caller": "1Kkq2neiAWSGkk3djkJ9SPoG2tdGzfwDpa"


    "id": 2,
        "address": "1LuigHsSy55KEsZgBMJtYfo3wrhz7YbbDD",
        "input": "get()",
        "caller": "1Kkq2neiAWSGkk3djkJ9SPoG2tdGzfwDpa",
        "rawData": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000098967f",
        "jsonData": "[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\",\"value\":9999999}]"
    "error": null

1.6 EVM Debugging Settings

EVM internal bytecode interpreter debugging switch, open the switch can see the detailed information of each EVM instruction execution in the log;

Request message:

    "id": int32, 
            "optype": int32

Parameter description:

Parameter Type If Necessary Description
execer string Yes actuator name, fixed here as evm
funcName string Yes function name, fixed here as EvmDebug
optype int32 Yes operation type, 0: query debugging status, 1: on, -1: off

Response message:


Parameter description:

Parameter Type Description
debugStatus bool current debug switch status
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