Niels ten Oever (ARTICLE 19), dkg (ACLU), Joe Hall (CDT)
HTTP error code 451 (RFC7725) is an error code to report legal obstacles for serving a webpage. During the hackathon we will focus on implementing and measuring this status code to make censorship more transparent.
As part of ietf99, a browser plugin which would report to the user, and optionally to the webcrawler, cases of HTTP error code 451
Official Page:
- "Download Zip" from Github repository
- Extract contents
- Chrome --> 3 dots -> More Tools -> Extension -> ensure "Developer Mode" is checked -> Load Unpacked Extension
- Firefox --> Go to the addon page-> Click on the wheel -> Debug Addons -> Load Temporary Addon
- http 451 will check current tab's url for censorship with an indication
- Sample websites to test:
- -> Apple's original work
- -> Pirated BBC stream
- http 451 now updates on currently active Tab
- Removed popup
- Removed non-needed permissions
- Added different icons for status codes
- Black for no 451 and Red for 451
- Removed click button to check
- Extension now grabs current page and checks for 451
- Added specific check for 451
- Extension now gives output to user in cases of censorship
- Polishing some logo designs
- Basic check functionality for websites
- Logos drafted