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4drian3d edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 3 revisions

Main Configuration

# ChatRegulator | by 4drian3d
# Check the function of each configuration option at

# Caps Module
caps {
    # Commands to be executed in the caps module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Sets the control format
    # Available options: BLOCK, REPLACE
    # Enable the Caps limit Module
    # Sets the maximum limit of caps in a sentence
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE
# Command blacklist module
command-blacklist {
    # Commands to be executed in the command blacklist module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Enables command blocking
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE
# Flood Module
flood {
    # Commands to be executed in the flood module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Sets the control format
    # Available options: BLOCK, REPLACE
    # Enable flood check in the chat
    # (e.g.: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
    # Sets the maximum limit of repeated characters for a word not to be considered as Flood
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE
# Format Module
format {
    # Enable Format Module
    # Adds a final dot in each sentence
    # Set the first letter of a sentence in uppercase
# General Configurations
general {
    # Set the maximum time in which a user's violations will be saved after the user leaves your server
    # Limit the ammount of users showed on autocompletion
# Regular infraction module
infractions {
    # Commands to be executed in the regular infraction module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Specify in which commands you want the violations to be detected
    # I recommend you to put chat commands, for example: /tell
    # Sets the control format
    # Available options: BLOCK, REPLACE
    # Enable violation checking in chat and commands
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE
# Spam Module
spam {
    # Commands to be executed in the flood module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Cooldown subcheck configuration
    cooldown {
        # Enables the cooldown submodule
        # Set the time limit between each message (in milliseconds)
    # Enable the spam module
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE
# Unicode Module
unicode {
    # Commands to be executed in the unicode module
    commands {
        # Commands to execute
            "example command",
            "mute <player> 1m You have been muted"
        # Enable submodule
        # Violations required to execute the command
    # Enable the Unicode Module
    # Sets the form of warning
    # Available options: TITLE, ACTIONBAR, MESSAGE


# ChatRegulator | by 4drian3d
# To modify the plugin messages and to use the plugin in general,
# I recommend that you have a basic knowledge of MiniMessage○
# Guide:
# Spanish Guide:

# Configuration of caps module messages
caps {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>was using many caps in the chat of <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The caps violation count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to use too many caps"
# Configuration of the messages of the /chatr clear command
clear-chat {
    # Confirmation of global chat cleanup
    global="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>The chat has been cleaned up"
    # Confirmation of chat clearing for a user
    player="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>The chat of the player <white><player></white> has been cleared"
    # Confirmation of chat cleanup on a server
    server="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>The chat of the server <white><server></white> has been cleared"
    # Message to send if a server was not found
    server-not-fount="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>The <white><server></white> server was not found"
# Configuration of command blacklist module messages
command-blacklist {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>has executed blocked commands in <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The commands infraction count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to use blocked commands"
# Configuration of flood module messages
flood {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>has make flood in <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The flood warning count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to make flood on this server"
# General Messages
general {
    # Message to send when resetting all infractions of a player
    all-reset="<red>The warning count for <player> was reset"
    # Help messages
    help-messages {
        # Help message for "/chatregulator clear" subcommands
            "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
            "<#3B4371>| <gold>+ <gradient:#CAC531:#F3F9A7>Clear Help</gradient>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr clear'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will clear the chat of the entire network</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <aqua>clear</aqua></hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr clear server <server>'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will clear the chat of an entire server</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <aqua>clear</aqua> <green>server <white><server></hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr clear player <player>'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will clear a player chat</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <aqua>clear</aqua> <green>player <white><player></hover>",
        # Plugin main help message
            "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
            "<#3B4371>| <gold>+ <hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ffd89b:#19547b>Click on a section to view its commands'><gradient:#CAC531:#F3F9A7>Command Help</gradient></hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command shows you the global statistics of infractions</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command> <aqua>stats</aqua></hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:run_command:'/chatr help player'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>Obtain the infractions of a specific player</gradient> <gray>[<yellow>Click here for more</yellow>]'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command> <aqua>player</aqua></hover></click>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:run_command:'/chatr help reset'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>Resets a player infractions</gradient> <gray>[<yellow>Click here for more</yellow>]'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command> <aqua>reset</aqua></hover></click>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:run_command:'/chatr help clear'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>Cleans the chat of a player, server or network</gradient> <gray>[<yellow>Click here for more</yellow>]'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command> <aqua>clear</aqua></hover></click>",
        # Help message for "/chatregulator player <player>" command
            "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
            "<#3B4371>| <gold>+ <gradient:#CAC531:#F3F9A7>Player Help</gradient>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr player <player>'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command shows you a player infractions</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command> <aqua>player</aqua> <player></hover>",
        # Help message for "/chatregulator reset" subcommands
            "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
            "<#3B4371>| <gold>+ <gradient:#CAC531:#F3F9A7>Reset Help</gradient>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset all infractions of a player</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua></hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset all'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset all infractions of a player</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> all</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset infractions'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will restart a player regular infractions.</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> infractions</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset flood'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset a player flood infractions</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> flood</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset spam'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset a player spam violations</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> spam</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset command'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset a player blocked commands executions</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>command</aqua> command</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset unicode'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset a player unicode violations</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> unicode</hover>",
            "<#3B4371>| <click:suggest_command:'/chatr <player> reset caps'><hover:show_text:'<gradient:#ff4b1f:#ff9068>This command will reset a player caps violations</gradient>'><gradient:#FF5F6D:#FFC371><command></gradient> <green><player> <aqua>reset</aqua> caps</hover>",
    # Message to appear if no arguments are specified in the main command
    info="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>by</aqua> <gradient:green:gold>4drian3d"
    # Player statistics message
    # This message will appear when using the command "/chatregulator player <someplayer>"
    # Available Placeholders: <player>, <flood>, <spam>, <regular>, <unicode>, <caps>
        "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
        "<#3B4371>| <gold><player></gold> <red>Stats</red>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Regular Infractions:</aqua> <white><regular></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Flood Infractions:</aqua> <white><flood></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Spam Infractions:</aqua> <white><spam></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Unicode Infractions:</aqua> <white><unicode></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Caps Infractions:</aqua> <white><caps></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Command Infractions:</aqua> <white><command></white>",
    # Message to send on not finding the specified user
    player-not-found="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <white>The player <aqua><player></aqua> has not joined the server yet</white>"
    # Message to send when reloading the plugin configuration
    reload-message="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>Reloading Configuration"
    # Violation statistics message
    # This message will appear when using the "/chatregulator stats" command
    # Available Placeholders: <flood>, <spam>, <regular>, <command>, <unicode>, <caps>
        "<#3B4371>|-- <gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> -------|",
        "<#3B4371>| <red>General Stats</red>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Regular Infractions:</aqua> <white><regular></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Flood Infractions:</aqua> <white><flood></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Spam Infractions:</aqua> <white><spam></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Caps Infractions:</aqua> <white><caps></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Unicode Infractions:</aqua> <white><command></white>",
        "<#3B4371>| <aqua>Command Infractions:</aqua> <white><unicode></white>",
    # Message to send if an invalid argument was entered
    unknown-command="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <aqua>Unknown Command <white><args>"
    # Message to be sent when no argument is entered in a subcommand requiring argument
    without-argument="<gradient:#67B26F:#4ca2cd>ChatRegulator</gradient> <white>No argument provided</white>"
# Configuration of regular violation module messages
infractions {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>has said forbidden words in <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The infraction warning count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to use dirty words on this server"
# Configuration of spam module messages
spam {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>was spamming the chat in <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The spam warning count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to make spam on this server"
# Configuration of unicode module messages
unicode {
    # Message to be sent to staff with chatregulator.notifications permission
    alert="<red>The player <aqua><player></aqua> <red>was using unicode symbols in the chat of <aqua><server></aqua> server"
    # Statistics Reset Confirmation Message
    reset="<red>The simbols sended count for <player> was reset"
    # Message to be sent to the offender
    # Depending on your warning-type section settings, it will be sent as Title, Actionbar or Message
    # In case you use the Title mode, put a ; to delimit the title and the subtitle
    warning="<red>Hello, it is not allowed to use this symbols"
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