A Step by Step Tutorial to help you get started with Ember.js. I’ve organized the commits so that you can follow along and clearly understand each step.
The sample application is a simple blog engine with posts and comments.
Provides a simple HTML5 page with basic ember.js and dependencies (handlebars, jquery)
Added a basic Ember Javascript Application Object configure to load artifact generation and transitions
The BlogPost Model represents a simple blog entry with just a title and a body
Ember will look for a Handlebars {{ }} template to render Changing the heading to dashboard (this will be a landing page for the blog)
Configure store to use Fixture Adapter and create some fixtures for BlogPosts
Application Router sets the URL hierarchy for the application BlogPost Route provides a model property which is made available to the controller A template with data-template-name="BlogPosts" is added to iterate over the model (Array) an render each blog post
The link-to helper creates an anchor to an Ember route by name
Routes can be nested to provide a Resource-oriented set of URLs {{outlet}}s allow templates to follow the hierarchy of the application URLs/Routes
Used built-in views for the form elements and bound them to a newly created (empty) BlogPost
The application template is the main layout of your application. The template without a data-template-name attributes becomes the application template
Use a controller property to store the count of BlogPost records and display them on the dashboard page
The BlogPost show route renders an individual post using the post id as the slug in the URL (dynamic segment)
Shows controller dependencies And non-model bound controller parameters