Lua script for Azerothcore with ElunaLua to send soulbound items to players, which are usually Bind on Equip.
Proudly hosted on ChromieCraft
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Compile your Azerothcore with Eluna Lua. The ElunaLua module itself doesn't require much setup/config. Just specify the subfolder where to put your lua_scripts in its .conf file.
If the directory was not changed, add the .lua script to your ../lua_scripts/
Adjust the top part of the .lua file with the config flags.
- Compile the core with ElunaLua module
- Adjust the top part of the .lua file with the config flags.
- Change the
.send mail
in your webshop to.senditemandbind $targetGUID $itemID [$amount] [message]
- Add this script to ../lua_scripts/
.senditemandbind $targetGUID $itemID [$amount] [message]
instead of .send item
to send soulbound items. $amount defaults to 1 if left out.
See the lua file for a description of the config flags.