Lua script for ElunaLua with Azerothcore
This script will allow any player to summon their whole party/raid, as long as the summoner is
- not in combat and
- on one of the maps listed below.
Compile your Azerothcore with Eluna Lua.
Add this script to your ../bin/release/lua_scripts/
Unless restricted otherwise, all players will be able to use .summonall
to summon their whole party/raid.
table.insert(maps, 0)
Each line of table.insert
adds one map to the list of allowed locations. By default Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland and Northrend are allowed. You can add more by providing the related map id in its own line. Find map ids e.g. in ./data/map.dbc.
Trying to use the command on other than the listed maps will result in "Summoning is not possible here." as a message in the chat. Trying to use the command while in combat will result in "Summoning is not possible in combat." as a message in the chat.