Add category filters to devrant notifications
- Adds notification categories
- Automatically marks notifications as read, if opened in new tab
- Shows unread categories in a different color
- Unread notifications tab
- If a notification gets read on the unread tab, it gets removed
Download tampermonkey:
- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Opera:
- Other: (follow instructions there)
Then install the user-script here:
- add custom clear buttons for each category
- add "Me" tab, where only all notifications targetting the user are shown
- add filters ("++'s","mentions",..) to the "unread" tab
- add detection option for "pinned/subscribed comments" in the "comments" tab, which detects if you posted a "📌" or "." to subscribe to the comments (maybe change the notification text to say "New comments on a rant you subscribed to!")