sudo curl | tar xvz
FROM strimzi/kafka:0.20.1-kafka-2.5.0
USER root:root
RUN mkdir -p /opt/kafka/plugins/debezium
COPY ./debezium-connector-mysql/ /opt/kafka/plugins/debezium/
USER 1001
docker build . -t henriksin1/connect-debezium
docker push henriksin1/connect-debezium
kubectl apply -f 0-namespace.yaml
Install Strimzi operators using either OLM or Helm:
curl -L -o
chmod +x
./ v0.26.0
helm repo add strimzi
helm install my-strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator --version 0.38.0 -n kafka
kubectl create -f
- Cluster Operator: Manages Kafka clusters, automating setup of Kafka brokers.
- Topic Operator: Manages creation, configuration, and deletion of topics.
- User Operator: Manages Kafka users requiring access to Kafka brokers.
kubectl -n kafka create secret generic debezium-secret
Create the file
kubectl apply -f rbac-debezium-role.yaml
kubectl apply -f serviceaccount.yaml
kubectl apply -f rbac-cluster-binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f kafka-kluster.yaml
Confirm the cluster is running:
kubectl wait kafka/my-cluster --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n kafka
Exec into the Kafka cluster to run topics:
kubectl -n kafka exec my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic
Open another terminal to confirm the topics are consumed:
kubectl -n kafka exec my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning
kubectl apply -f 6-sql.yaml
Confirm the database is running:
kubectl describe service mysql -n kafka
Connect with your local MySQL Workbench.
Deploy Kafka Connect:
kubectl apply -f kafka-connect.yaml
Confirm all pods are running:
kubectl get all -n kafka
kubectl logs debezium-connect-cluster-connect-0 -n kafka
kubectl apply -f debezium-connector.yaml
kubectl describe kafkaconnector debezium-connector-mysql -n kafka
Now it's showtime:
kubectl -n kafka exec my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
kubectl -n kafka exec my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic mysql.inventory.customers
Exec into the database:
kubectl exec -it mysql-6597659cb8-j9rk4 -n kafka -- sh
mysql -h mysql -u root -p
use inventory;
show tables;
kubectl -n kafka exec my-cluster-kafka-0 -c kafka -i -t -- bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic mysql --from-beginning
Pictures and documentation on connecting to the SQL database serving as a microservice.
Feel free to adjust and enhance the configuration as needed.