This is a student project for the course, DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance, at ITU. The project is an implementation of the minitwit application, based on flask, created in Express.js with pug. The original flask application can be found on:
Some basics of the project: - Empty for now
To get the repo, run the following command: git clone
Docker is required to run the application. Help with the install can be found at:
If you wish to run the application locally, node.js and npm are required, which you can find here:
The application can be run locally using npm, or packaged by a docker in a development environment. Both approaches should allow for development, however the docker-setup is the one closest to the actual deployment environment. However, test can currently only run in the npm-setup.
To build the application in a dockerized enviroment, firstly create an .env in project root and set it to 'dev' for development, or 'prod' for production.
cd <repo_location>
echo "TARGET=dev" > .env
Then, run the following command to create your containers with the development dependencies.
docker compose up --build
Once you are done, use the following command to remove the established containers from your system:
docker compose down
To run the application outside of a container, run:
npm install
npm run devstart
Make a feature branch and make your changes, then stage your changes. Use commitizen cli tool to format your commit message to the standard
git status
$ modified: Dockerfile.api
git add Dockerfile.api
npm run cz
Then open a pull request.
Testing has been implemented through the jest-framework. To run tests, first run the command:
node server.js
This command puts the website on localhost:3000 and makes it visible to jest through a listen-function.
Then, to run the tests from jest.test.js, use the following command:
npm test