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Deprecated or legacy ANTs programs

Philip Cook edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 1 revision

ANTs has been developed over many years and several programs and scripts are no longer actively maintained. Generally, ANTs policy is to leave these programs available for backwards compatibility and reproducibility. Some of these programs continue to be useful, but it is unlikely that new features will be added.

In the list below, the currently maintained version of the program or script is listed in parentheses, where available.


ANTS (antsRegistration)

ANTS was the registration command in the original release of ANTs. It is no longer maintained, but is still used in the scripts

With ITK version 4, a variety of new registration filters were added. The interface to these "v4" algorithms is antsRegistration. This program allows the user much more flexibility to alter parameters, and is used in the current ANTs scripts. However, it is more computationally expensive to run, so users with large images or time constraints might still find ANTS useful.

See also:

  • WarpImageMultiTransform, used with ANTS to deform images. antsApplyTransforms is forward compatible.
  • ANTS and antsRegistration for information on parameters for the two programs.

ANTSJacobian (CreateJacobianDeterminantImage)

CreateJacobianDeterminantImage is the older program it is still used in the ANTs scripts. ANTSJacobian was intended to replace it but is no longer under active development, and is not recommended.

KellySlater (KellyKapowski)

Old cortical thickness implementation, named after a surfer. Replaced by a version named after a TV character. Both are implementations of DiReCT.

N3BiasFieldCorrection (N4BiasFieldCorrection)

Bias correction based on the famous N3 algorithm by Sled et al. See the N4 paper for details and a comparison to N3 performance. N3 is still used for fast correction of relatively smooth bias fields.

WarpImageMultiTransform, WarpTensorImageMultiTransform, WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform, ComposeMultiTransform (antsApplyTransforms)

These have been replaced by antsApplyTransforms, which can perform multiple functions. Note that tensor images still need to be reoriented after warping, using ReorientTensorImage.

Scripts (

The new implementation is fairly similar but supports multi-parametric templates, eg T1 and T2 images from the same set of subjects can be used to build a T1 and T2 template simultaneously.

The newer uses antsRegistration in place of ANTs. It also has additional options for averaging the image population to create the template.

Old registration wrapper script that calls N4 and ANTS. Mostly now replaced by and

Programs / scripts no longer included in ANTs

These have been removed from the default build but may exist in old code or be referenced in papers (

Script for multi-atlas segmentation.

jointfusion (antsJointFusion)

Executable called in deprecated

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