Build Fast-RTPS and Fast-CDR for Snapdragon Flight
Make sure you have adb, cmake and gradle installed and that you have the Snapdragon Flight SDK set up using
To build the files to install on the Snapdragn Flight board, run
Connect the Snapdragon Flightboard to the PC via USB. The following command will use ADB to upload the files:
make debian-packages
make push-fastrtps
If the install of openjdk-7-jre-headless fails, you will have to get a root shell on the device and install java support. Make sure that you have an internet connection on the Snapdragon Flight board either via WiFi or a USB ethernet dongle.
apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless
Now you can build the Helloworld example:
cd /usr/local/examples/C++/HelloWorldExample
fastrtpsgen -example i86Linux2.6gcc -replace HelloWorld.idl
Now you can run it:
./bin/HelloWorldExample publisher &
./bin/HelloWorldExample subscriber