Unofficial integration for Xolta Solar battery 🔋☀️
Uses the existing api of the web app as it seems no public api is available.
The integration requires a helper-add-on that takes care of getting an API access token from a username and password. Install this first. Make sure to enable Start at boot.
Then Install integration using HACS: HACS -> Integrations -> (kebab menu) -> Custom repositories -> Repsitory
Category: Integration.
Example of using the integration with the power-flow-card-plus.
It shows the current flow of power in a card similar to the one in Home Assistant showing todays energy flow.
type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
entity: sensor.<replace-with-id>_battery_power_flow
state_of_charge: sensor.<replace-with-id>_battery_charge_level
entity: sensor.<replace-with-id>_grid_power_flow
name: Grid
# optional - for use with
entity: sensor.elpris
unit_of_measurement: # currency
decimals: 2
display_zero: true
unit_white_space: false
color_value: false
entity: sensor.<replace-with-id>_pv_power
display_zero_state: true
name: Solar
use_metadata: false
color_value: true
entity: sensor.<replace-with-id>_power_consumption
clickable_entities: true
use_new_flow_rate_model: true
dashboard_link: /energy
title: Flow
Here are some power template sensors that may be useful.
They assume that power is consumed from the following sources in order: solar, battery, grid.
- sensor:
- name: "Xolta Grid Consumption"
# Amount of currently consumed power imported from grid.
unique_id: "xolta_grid_consumption"
state: "{{ (states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_power_consumption') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_solar_consumption') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_battery_consumption') | float(0)) | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW
- name: "Xolta Grid Feed In"
# Power currently exported to grid
unique_id: "xolta_grid_feed_in"
state: "{{ [[ -(states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_grid_power_flow') | float(0)), 0.0 ] | max, (states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_pv_power') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_solar_consumption') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_battery_charging_from_pv') | float(0))] | min | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW
- name: "Xolta Solar Consumption"
# Amount of currently consumed power coming from solar.
unique_id: "xolta_solar_consumption"
state: "{{ [states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_pv_power') | float(0), states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_power_consumption') | float(0)] | min | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW
- name: "Xolta Battery Consumption"
# Amount of currently consumed power coming from battery.
unique_id: "xolta_battery_consumption"
state: "{{ [ ([states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_battery_power_flow') | float(0), 0.0] | max), (states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_power_consumption') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_solar_consumption') | float(0)) ] | min | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW
- name: "Xolta Battery Charging from PV"
# Amount of solar power currently used to charge battery.
unique_id: "xolta_battery_charging_from_pv"
state: "{{ [ (states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_pv_power') | float(0)) - (states('sensor.xolta_solar_consumption') | float(0)), [0.0, -(states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_battery_power_flow') | float(0))] | max] | min | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW
- name: "Xolta Battery Charging from grid"
# Amount of grid power currently used to charge battery.
unique_id: "xolta_battery_charging_from_grid"
state: "{{ (([-(states('sensor.<replace-with-id>_battery_power_flow') | float(0)), 0] | max) - (states('sensor.xolta_battery_charging_from_pv') | float(0)) ) | round(1) }}"
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: kW