Hello Everyone !!
Welcome to my Path-Finder-Visualizer where I have tried implementing various algorithms using Html canvas and vanilla javascript.
The Project is hosted at Path-finding-Visualizer
- HTML Canvas
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Vanilla Javascript
Green Color The Start Node
Red Color The Finish/End Node
Purple Color The Wall Node/obstacle
Golden Color The Nodes that are currently being visited
Dark Green Color The Final Path
Here resides various algorithms that can be visualized.
Algorithms implemented currently
- Dijkstra
- Breadth-First-Search
- Depth-First-Search
- A* (Euclid heuristic)
- A* (Manhatan heuristic)
- Bidirectional Dijkstra
Certain Techniques to create Mazes.
- Simple
- Recursive division
- Recursive division (Horizontal - Vertical)
Basically clears the canvas so that we can create new Nodes and walls.
The + is used to increase the cell width which makes the canvas more bigger.
The - is used to decrease the cell width so that more cells can be accomodated.
The position of startNode and finishNode can be changed by simply clicking on it.
For given generated nodes clicking on any algorithm resets the visited nodes and path without changing the configuration of walls and starts running the algorithm.
- Dijkstra Algorithm : Dijkstra Algorithm
- A star Algorithm : A* Algorithm
- Bidirectional Dijkstra : Bidirectional Dijkstra
- Recursive Division : Maze-generation
- For learning HTML Canvas : Tutorial