This repository contains a collection of examples showcasing polyglot programming with Lambdas in Go, Rust, and Node.js. Explore various implementations and best practices for serverless functions across these languages. Learn how to harness the power of Lambdas in a multi-language environment through practical examples and code snippets.
You need to acces to aws in your env variables, and a dynamo table with the name of test_lambdas Todo:: add the table name to env variable suport
Ensure you have SAM and Docker installed on your machine. If not, refer to the official SAM documentation for installation instructions.
Go to the go folder and run
go mod tidy
sam local start-api --host localhost --docker-network bridge
Install cargo [[labda]]
Go to rust folder and rust
cargo build #the first time will install dependencies could take a while
cargo lambda watch
The lambda function is designed to handle user creation in a DynamoDB table. When invoked, it receives input parameters such as name, ID, and the number of pokeballs. It uses this information to create a new user entry in the DynamoDB table. Furthermore, when you request information about a specific user, the lambda function leverages asynchronous programming to call the PokeAPI. By making an asynchronous call, the function can retrieve information about random pokemons based on the number of pokeballs associated with the user.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "test",
"pokeball_number": 3
}' <lambda_endpoint_url>
to know the user id go to the dynamo db
curl -X GET "http://localhost:9000?id=<user id>"