Relayer has two primary functionalities:
- pays the gas fee and redeems tokens on Karura/Acala after a user sends tokens through wormhole
- calls asset router contracts to route tokens to wormhole or through XCM
- install deps:
- build:
yarn build
- start with dist code:
yarn start
- start with dev server:
yarn dev
docker-compose version: docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
- start dev server with docker:
docker-compose up
- start dev server with docker in background:
docker compose up -d --build
get the relayer version
GET /version
checks if the relayer can relay this request
GET /shouldRelay
params: {
targetChain: ChainId,
originAsset: string, // original address without padding 0s
amount: string,
# ---------- when should relay ---------- #
GET /shouldRelay?originAsset=0x337610d27c682e347c9cd60bd4b3b107c9d34ddd&amount=10000000000000000000&targetChain=11
=> {"data": { "shouldRelay":true,"msg":"" }}
# ---------- when should not relay ---------- #
GET /shouldRelay?targetChain=12&originAsset=J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn&amount=10000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"transfer amount too small, expect at least 1000000"}}
GET /shouldRelay?targetChain=12&originAsset=0x00000000000000000111111111111&amount=10000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"originAsset 0x00000000000000000111111111111 not supported"}}
GET shouldRelay?targetChain=3&originAsset=J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn&amount=10000000
=> {"data":{"shouldRelay":false,"msg":"target chain 3 is not supported"}}
ask the relayer to relay a request, given the signedVAA
POST /relay
data: {
targetChain: ChainId,
signedVAA: string, // hex encoded string
POST /relay
targetChain: 11,
signedVAA: 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,
=> TX receipt
data: {
to: '0xd11De1f930eA1F7Dd0290Fe3a2e35b9C91AEFb37',
from: '0xe3234f433914d4cfCF846491EC5a7831ab9f0bb3',
contractAddress: '0xd11De1f930eA1F7Dd0290Fe3a2e35b9C91AEFb37',
transactionIndex: 0,
gasUsed: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x00' },
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
blockHash: '0x4fed14e47607e6088d1cb324ddc1bb14ea4c1f67507935b09cf093d11a9d3067',
transactionHash: '0x1878aed11208b91aa83573f4b88333ca6a0fe96657860470e9bc6002b39e9e28',
logs: [ [Object] ],
blockNumber: 95578,
confirmations: 1,
cumulativeGasUsed: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x00' },
effectiveGasPrice: { type: 'BigNumber', hex: '0x01' },
status: 1,
type: 0,
byzantium: true,
events: [ [Object] ]
checks if the relayer can relay and route this request, returns router address and it's chainId.
- when request success: return data can be found in
- when request failed: error can be found in
GET /shouldRouteXcm
params: {
destParaId: string, // destination parachain id in number
dest: string, // xcm encoded dest in hex
originAddr: string, // original token address in hex
# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=2090&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0x8341Cd8b7bd360461fe3ce01422fE3E24628262F",
"routerChainId": 11,
# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=1111&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
"data": {
"msg":"unsupported dest parachain: 1111",
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&destParaId=2090&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaaaaa
"data": {
"msg":"unsupported token on dest parachin 2090. Token origin address: 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaaaaa"
# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteXcm?dest=0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d&originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
"error":["destParaId is a required field"],
"msg":"invalid request params!"
route this request, and returns the transaction hash
- when request success: transaction hash can be found in
- when request failed: error can be found in
POST /routeXcm
data: {
destParaId: string, // destination parachain id in number
dest: string, // xcm encoded dest in hex
originAddr: string, // original token address in hex
/* ---------- when success ---------- */
POST /routeXcm
destParaId: "2090",
dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
=> tx hash
data: 0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
POST /routeXcm
=> error details
"error": "VM Exception while processing transaction: execution revert: TRANSFER_FAILED 0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f5452414e534645525f4641494c45440000000000000000000000000000000000",
"msg": "internal server error: Error"
relay from wormhole, and route token to target chain, and returns transaction hashes
- when request success: return data can be found in
- when request failed: error can be found in
POST /relayAndRoute
data: {
destParaId: string, // destination parachain id in number
dest: string, // xcm encoded dest in hex
originAddr: string, // original token address in hex
signedVAA: string, // hex encoded string
POST /routeXcm
destParaId: "2090",
dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
signedVAA: 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
=> tx hashes
data: [
0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b, // relay
0xd3b5cbdbc0b8026e7de085b80f0923cf0c92c96f788d702635383c26b8c070c9 // xcm
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
similar to /relayAndRoute
, the only differences are:
- internally it sends a single substrate batch extrinsic, instead of sending relay and batch evm tx separately
- result is returned in a single tx hash
POST /routeXcm
destParaId: "2090",
dest: "0x03010200a9200100d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d",
originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
signedVAA: 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
=> tx hashes
data: 0xb292b872fb7ddd33de25b0a7ee66e65bac918ec1ab0a6d93446f3dde7435955b // single batch extrinsic tx hash
checks if the relayer can relay and route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldRouteWormhole
params: {
originAddr: string; // original token address in hex
targetChainId: string; // dest wormhole chainId wormhole in number
destAddr: string; // recepient address in hex
fromParaId: string; // from parachain id in number
# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2090
"data": {
# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2111
"data": {
"msg":"unsupported origin parachain: 2111"
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&fromParaId=2090
"data": {
"msg":"origin token 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000 not supported on router chain 11"
# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteWormhole?originAddr=0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1e00000&targetChainId=2&destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
"error": ["fromParaId is a required field"],
"msg": "invalid request params!"
route the quest, and returns the wormhole deposit tx hash
POST /routeWormhole
data: {
originAddr: string; // original token address in hex
targetChainId: string; // dest wormhole chainId wormhole in number
destAddr: string; // recepient address in hex
fromParaId: string; // from parachain id in number
POST /routeWormhole
data: {
originAddr: "0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f",
targetChainId: "2",
destAddr: "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
fromParaId: "2090"
=> tx hash
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldRouteHoma
params: {
destAddr: string; // recepient evm or acala native address
chain: string; // 'acala' or 'karura'
# ---------- when should route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&chain=acala
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xfD6143c380706912a04230f22cF92c402561820e"
GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=23AdbsfRysaabyrWS2doCFsKisvt7dGbS3wQFXRS6pNbQY8G&chain=acala
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xfD6143c380706912a04230f22cF92c402561820e"
# ---------- when should not route ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?destAddr=0xabcde&chain=acala
"data": {
"shouldRoute": false,
"msg": "address 0xabcde is not a valid evm or substrate address"
# ---------- when error ---------- #
GET /shouldRouteHoma?chain=acala
"msg": "invalid request params!",
"error": [
"destAddr is a required field"
route the quest, and returns the route txhash
POST /routeHoma
data: {
destAddr: string; // recepient evm or acala native address
chain: string; // 'acala' or 'karura'
POST /routeHoma
data: {
destAddr: 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
chain: 'acala'
=> tx hash
data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
wait for the token to arrive at the router, then route the quest automatically. Returns the request id, which can be used to track route progress
POST /routeHomaAuto
data: {
destAddr: string; // recepient evm or acala native address
chain: string; // 'acala' or 'karura'
POST /routeHomaAuto
data: {
destAddr: 0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
chain: 'acala'
=> route id
data: 'homa-1711514333845'
GET /routeStatus?routeId=homa-1711514333845
=> route status
[{ data: { status: 0 } }] // waiting for token
[{ data: { status: 1 } }] // token arrived, routing
[{ data: { status: 2, txHash: '0x12345' } }] // routing tx submitted, waiting for confirmation
[{ data: { status: 3, txHash: '0x12345' } }] // routing completed
[{ data: { status: -1 } }] // routing timeout out (usually becuase no token arrive in 3 min)
[{ data: { status: -2, error: 'xxx' } }] // routing failed
GET /routeStatus?destAddr=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
=> all route status for this address
{ data: { status: 3, txHash: '0x11111' } },
{ data: { status: 2, txHash: '0x22222' } },
{ data: { status: 1 } },
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldRouteEuphrates
params: {
recipient: string; // recepient evm address
poolId: string; // euphrate pool id
GET /shouldRouteEuphrates?poolId=0&recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xCc968605e16C9dF27b03aE3E5273507216Fd4C9C"
route the quest, and returns the route txhash
POST /routeEuphrates
data: {
recipient: string; // recepient evm address
poolId: string; // euphrate pool id
token: string; // token address to route
POST /routeEuphrates
data: {
recipient: "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
token: "0x000000000000000000040000000000000000000d"
=> tx hash
data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldSwapAndRoute
params: {
poolId: string; // euphrates pool id
recipient: string; // dest evm address
GET /shouldSwapAndRoute?recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&poolId=7
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xCc968605e16C9dF27b03aE3E5273507216Fd4C9C"
swap small amount of token and airdrop ACA to recipient, and route the quest, then returns the txhash
POST /swapAndRoute
data: {
poolId: string; // euphrates pool id
recipient: string; // dest evm address
token?: string; // token to route, not required for `shouldRoute`
POST /swapAndRoute
data: {
"poolId": 7,
"recipient": "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
"token": "0xa7fb00459f5896c3bd4df97870b44e868ae663d7"
=> tx hash
data: '0x677cd79963bb4b45c50009f213194397be3081cfb206e958da02b6357c44674e'
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldRouteDropAndBootstrap
params: {
recipient: string; // dest evm address
gasDrop: boolean; // whether to perform gas drop, only available when feeToken is 'jitosol'
feeToken: string; // token to pay for router fee, either 'jitosol' or 'ldot'
GET /shouldRouteDropAndBootstrap?recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&gasDrop=1&feeToken=jitosol
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xC3FaCa03c514C5e47cf267f971B50280E5ea780b"
- when calling for the first time: route and perform gas drop (if
is true) - when calling for the second time: route only
returns the txhash
POST /routeDropAndBootstrap
params: {
recipient: string; // dest evm address
gasDrop: boolean; // whether to perform gas drop, only available when feeToken is 'jitosol'
feeToken: string; // token to pay for router fee, either 'jitosol' or 'ldot'
POST /routeDropAndBootstrap
"gasDrop": true,
"feeToken": "jitosol"
=> tx hash
data: '0xede191f4de90057d320c0d06388e7357edb7bcd6b437a5035dd63dfc8809ce7e'
checks if the relayer can route this request, returns router address
GET /shouldRouteSwapAndLp
params: {
poolId: string; // euphrates pool id
recipient: string; // dest evm address
swapAmount: string; // how many token to swap before adding liquidity
minShareAmount?: string; // add liquidity min share amount (default: 0)
GET /shouldRouteSwapAndLp?recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6&swapAmount=100000000&poolId=7
"data": {
"shouldRoute": true,
"routerAddr": "0xC5a363695957469963c15Bf87B00B25eAbE8D234"
- swap small amount of token and airdrop ACA to recipient
- swap
token to LDOT, then add LP, refund the remaining token recipient - stake Lp to euphrates for the recipient
- returns the txhash and how many records are removed
POST /routeSwapAndLp
data: {
poolId: string; // euphrates pool id
recipient: string; // dest evm address
token: string; // token to route
swapAmount: string; // how many token to swap before adding liquidity
minShareAmount?: string; // add liquidity min share amount (default: 0)
POST /routeSwapAndLp
data: {
"poolId": 7,
"recipient": "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
"token": "0xa7fb00459f5896c3bd4df97870b44e868ae663d7",
"swapAmount": 100000000
=> tx hash
data: {
txHash: '0xe1c82c53796d82d87d2e31e289b3cc8ff18e304b8ac95f2bd7548a1706bb8655',
removed: 1
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
- perform gas drop
- rescue token to recipient
POST /rescueSwapAndLp
data: {
poolId: string; // euphrates pool id
recipient: string; // dest evm address
token: string; // token to route
swapAmount: string; // how many token to swap before adding liquidity
minShareAmount?: string; // add liquidity min share amount (default: 0)
POST /rescueSwapAndLp
data: {
"poolId": 7,
"recipient": "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
"token": "0xa7fb00459f5896c3bd4df97870b44e868ae663d7",
"swapAmount": 100000000
=> tx hash
data: '0xe1c82c53796d82d87d2e31e289b3cc8ff18e304b8ac95f2bd7548a1706bb8655'
/* ---------- when error ---------- */
// similar to /routeXcm
save router info to db, returns the record
POST /saveRouterInfo
data: {
routerAddr: string;
recipient: string;
params: string; // stringified JSON router params
POST /saveRouterInfo
data: {
routerAddr: "0xA1C5a8d7389a428C1A7dE77782B7Cc4A6F02bAbD",
recipient: "0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6",
params: "{\"recipient\":\"0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6\",\"poolId\":\"7\",\"swapAmount\":100000000,\"minShareAmount\":999999}"
get router info
GET /routerInfo
routerAddr?: string; // router address
recipient?: string; // recipient address
GET /routerInfo?routerAddr=0xA1C5a8d7389a428C1A7dE77782B7Cc4A6F02bAbD
GET /routerInfo?recipient=0x0085560b24769dAC4ed057F1B2ae40746AA9aAb6
=> (same result)
A complete working flow can be found in routing e2e tests.
- call /shouldRouteXcm and get the router address on karura
- bridge with wormhole from evm chain to karura router address
- fetch VAA
- call /relayAndRoute with the VAA, this does two things:
- relay (redeem) the token to karura router address
- then perform routing, which xcm token to the target parachain
- call /shouldRouteWormhole and get the router address on karura
- xcm from parachain to the router address to karura
- call /routewormhole, this will send the tokens to wormhole from router address
- fetch VAA and redeem on the target evm chain
use the test env file
mv .env.test .env
start a local test stack
yarn start:test-stack
- run tests and generate coverage data
yarn test:coverage
show coverage report in GUI
yarn vite preview --outDir ./coverage/
first start a local relayer with db
yarn start:db
yarn dev
run tests
yarn test
- setup env:
cp .env.example .env
and fill in the blanks - setup db:
docker run --env-file .env acala/relayer:latest yarn db:migrate:prod